


(1)电脑上插入Ubuntu系统启动引导U盘(如果没有引导U盘,就到官网下载一个iso镜像,制作一个),开机,按ESC键(我的是按ESC键,不同的电脑按键可能不同),选择从U盘启动,然后选择“try ubuntu”,




ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair

(4)输入命令: boot-repair,

  打开 "boot repair" 软件,点击"Recommended repair"按钮:

但是有报错: GPT detected. Please create a BIOS-Boot partition (>1MB, unformatted filesystem, bios_grub flag). This can be performed via tools such as Gparted. Then try again. Alternatively, you can retry after activating the [Separate /boot/efi partition:] option.

(5)然后,我选择 advanced options -- GRUB location, 勾选 【Separate /boot/efi partition:】的选项 (我的efi系统,是一个单独的分区/dev/sdb1,挂载在/boot/efi/目录上 ,所以我觉得可能要勾选那个选项 )





Boot successfully repaired.

Please write on a paper the following URL:

In case you still experience boot problem, indicate this URL to:
boot.repair@gmail.com or to your favorite support forum.

You can now reboot your computer.
Please do not forget to make your BIOS boot on sdb1/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi file!


参考文章: https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/4ae03de3dbdac83eff9e6be0.html


posted @ 2019-11-11 13:26  mediocrep  阅读(2825)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报