#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: virtual void fun() { cout << "Base::fun" << endl; } void show() { fun(); } }; class Drive : public Base { public: virtual void fun() { cout << "Drive::fun" << endl; } }; int main() { Drive d; d.show(); return 0; }程序的输出为:
Drive::fun这个程序清楚地示范了基类的函数是如何调用派生类的虚函数的。这一技术被用于不同的框架中,例如MFC和设计模式(比如Template Design Pattern)。现在你可以修改一下这个程序来看看它的行为,我将要在基类的构造函数中调用虚函数,而不是普通的成员函数。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base() { fun(); } virtual void fun() { cout << "Base::fun" << endl; } }; class Drive : public Base { public: virtual void fun() { cout << "Drive::fun" << endl; } }; int main() { Drive d; return 0; }程序的输出为:
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base() { cout << "In Base" << endl; cout << "This Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f() { cout << "Base::f" << endl; } }; class Drive : public Base { public: Drive() { cout << "In Drive" << endl; cout << "This Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f() { cout << "Drive::f" << endl; } }; int main() { Drive d; cout << "In Main" << endl; cout << (int*)&d << endl; return 0; }程序的输出为:
In Base This Pointer = 0012FF7C In Drive This Pointer = 0012FF7C In Main 0012FF7C这就表示,整个内存位置中,只有一个对象的存在。那么就让我们把这个指针指向的值打印出来,也就是虚函数表的指针vptr指向的值,VTable的地址。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base() { cout << "In Base" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() { cout << "Base::f1" << endl; } }; class Drive : public Base { public: Drive() { cout << "In Drive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() { cout << "Drive::f2" << endl; } }; int main() { Drive d; return 0; }程序的输出为:
In Base Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C08C Value at Vtable = 004010F0 In Drive Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C07C Value at Vtable = 00401217这个程序示范了基类和派生类中不同的虚函数表地址。为了更好地弄懂这一问题,那就让我们把继承层次加深, 并添加一个继承于Drive类的MostDrive类,然后构建一个它的对象。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base() { cout << "In Base" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() { cout << "Base::f1" << endl; } }; class Drive : public Base { public: Drive() { cout << "In Drive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() { cout << "Drive::f2" << endl; } }; class MostDrive : public Drive { public: MostDrive() { cout << "In MostDrive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() { cout << "MostDrive::f2" << endl; } }; int main() { MostDrive d; return 0; }程序的输出为:
In Base Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C0A0 Value at Vtable = 004010F5 In Drive Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C090 Value at Vtable = 00401221 In MostDrive Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C080 Value at Vtable = 00401186这个程序示范了虚函数表指针在每个类的构造函数中的初始化过程。这样看来,每个类构造函数中虚函数表的地址是不同的,main函数则使用了继承链中的最底部的派生类来创建对象。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; typedef void(*Fun)(); class Base { public: Base() { cout << "In Base" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)*(int*)this << endl; Fun pFun = (Fun)*(int*)*(int*)this; pFun(); cout << endl; } virtual void f1() { cout << "Base::f1" << endl; } }; class Drive : public Base { public: Drive() { cout << "In Drive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)*(int*)this << endl; Fun pFun = (Fun)*(int*)*(int*)this; pFun(); cout << endl; } virtual void f1() { cout << "Drive::f1" << endl; } }; class MostDrive : public Drive { public: MostDrive() { cout << "In MostDrive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)*(int*)this << endl; Fun pFun = (Fun)*(int*)*(int*)this; pFun(); cout << endl; } virtual void f1() { cout << "MostDrive::f1" << endl; } }; int main() { MostDrive d; return 0; }程序的输出为:
In Base Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C098 Value at Vtable = 004010F5 Base::f1 In Drive Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C088 Value at Vtable = 00401221 Drive::f1 In MostDrive Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C078 Value at Vtable = 00401186 MostDrive::f1这个程序示范了每个类中的构造函数是如何用自己的虚函数来填充虚函数表中的各入口的。所以,Base类使用Base类的虚函数地址来填充自己的虚函数表,当Drive类的构造函数执行它的时候会创建另外一个虚函数表,并存储自己的虚函数地址。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base() { cout << "In Base" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 3rd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+2) << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() { cout << "Base::f1" << endl; } virtual void f2() { cout << "Base::f2" << endl; } }; class Drive : public Base { public: Drive() { cout << "In Drive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 3rd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+2) << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() { cout << "Drive::f1" << endl; } }; int main() { Drive d; return 0; }程序的输出为:
In Base Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C0E0 Value at Vtable 1st entry = 004010F0 Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 00401145 Value at Vtable 3rd entry = 00000000 In Drive Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C0C8 Value at Vtable 1st entry = 0040121C Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 00401145 Value at Vtable 3rd entry = 00000000这个程序的输出表明基类的虚函数在派生类中并未被重写,然后,派生类的构造函数没有对虚函数的入口做任何的事情。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base() { cout << "In Base" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() = 0; virtual void f2() = 0; }; class Drive : public Base { public: Drive() { cout << "In Drive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() { cout << "Drive::f1" << endl; } virtual void f2() { cout << "Drive::f2" << endl; } }; int main() { Drive d; return 0; }在debug和release模式下,程序的输出有所不同。下面是debug模式的输出:
In Base Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C0BC Value at Vtable 1st entry = 00420CB0 Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 00420CB0 In Drive Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C0A4 Value at Vtable 1st entry = 00401212 Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 0040128F以下则是release模式的输出:
In Base Virtual Pointer = 0012FF80 Address of Vtable = 0042115C Value at Vtable 1st entry = 0041245D Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 0041245D In Drive Virtual Pointer = 0012FF80 Address of Vtable = 00421154 Value at Vtable 1st entry = 00401310 Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 00401380为了更好地弄懂这一原理,我们需要对程序作少许的改动,并尝试使用函数指针来调用虚函数。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; typedef void(*Fun)(); class Base { public: Base() { cout << "In Base" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; // 尝试执行第一个虚函数 Fun pFun = (Fun)*((int*)*(int*)this+0); pFun(); cout << endl; } virtual void f1() = 0; virtual void f2() = 0; }; class Drive : public Base { public: Drive() { cout << "In Drive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() { cout << "Drive::f1" << endl; } virtual void f2() { cout << "Drive::f2" << endl; } }; int main() { Drive d; return 0; }现在程序的行为在debug和release模式下仍然不同。在debug模式下,它会显示一个运行时错误的对话框:


In Base Virtual Pointer = 0012FF80 Address of Vtable = 0042115C Value at Vtable 1st entry = 0041245D Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 0041245D runtime error R6025 - pure virtual function call那么这里的R6025是什么?它定义于CMSGS.H头文件中,这个头文件定义了所有C Run Time Library的所有错误信息。
#define _RT_PUREVIRT_TXT "R6025" EOL "- pure virtual function call" EOL事实上,当我们定义了纯虚函数后,编译器就会放置一个名为_purecall的C Run Time Library的函数地址。这个函数定义在PUREVIRT.C之中,它的原型如下:
void __cdecl _purecall(void); // 译注:原文此处无分号我们可以在程序中直接调用这个函数来达到相同的效果,请看下面这个小程序:
int main() { _purecall(); return 0; }这个程序在debug模式和release模式下的输出和前一个是一样的。为了更好的理解这个问题,让我们把继承链弄得更深一些,并且从Drive类中再继承一个类来看看效果吧。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base() { cout << "In Base" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() = 0; virtual void f2() = 0; }; class Drive : public Base { public: Drive() { cout << "In Drive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << endl; } }; class MostDrive : public Drive { public: MostDrive() { cout << "In MostDrive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() { cout << "MostDrive::f1" << endl; } virtual void f2() { cout << "MostDrive::f2" << endl; } }; int main() { MostDrive d; return 0; }程序的输出为:
In Base Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C0D8 Value at Vtable 1st entry = 00420F40 Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 00420F40 In Drive Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C0C0 Value at Vtable 1st entry = 00420F40 Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 00420F40 In MostDrive Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C0A8 Value at Vtable 1st entry = 00401186 Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 004010F5
#define ATL_NO_VTABLE __declspec(novtable)
__declspec(novtable)为Microsoft C++扩展的类属性。它会使编译器不产生初始化虚函数表指针和虚函数表的代码,这样一来就减少了生成代码的尺寸。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base() { cout << "In Base" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() = 0; virtual void f2() = 0; }; class Drive : public Base { public: Drive() { cout << "In Drive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << endl; } }; class __declspec(novtable) MostDrive : public Drive { public: MostDrive() { cout << "In MostDrive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() { cout << "MostDrive::f1" << endl; } virtual void f2() { cout << "MostDrive::f2" << endl; } }; int main() { MostDrive d; return 0; }程序的输出为:
In Base Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C0CC Value at Vtable 1st entry = 00420E60 Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 00420E60 In Drive Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C0B4 Value at Vtable 1st entry = 00420E60 Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 00420E60 In MostDrive Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C0B4 Value at Vtable 1st entry = 00420E60 Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 00420E60这个程序有另外一个结果,也就是Drive和MostDrive类拥有相同的虚函数表地址,但是Base类却不同。事实上,这就是由于我们没有对Base类使用__declspec(novtable)属性的缘故。现在,我们来对继承的Drive类也使用相同的属性,也就是__declspec(novtable)。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base() { cout << "In Base" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() = 0; virtual void f2() = 0; }; class __declspec(novtable) Drive : public Base { public: Drive() { cout << "In Drive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << endl; } }; class __declspec(novtable) MostDrive : public Drive { public: MostDrive() { cout << "In MostDrive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() { cout << "MostDrive::f1" << endl; } virtual void f2() { cout << "MostDrive::f2" << endl; } }; int main() { MostDrive d; return 0; }现在,程序的输出为:
In Base Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C0C0 Value at Vtable 1st entry = 00420E50 Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 00420E50 In Drive Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C0C0 Value at Vtable 1st entry = 00420E50 Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 00420E50 In MostDrive Virtual Pointer = 0012FF7C Address of Vtable = 0046C0C0 Value at Vtable 1st entry = 00420E50 Value at Vtable 2nd entry = 00420E50在MSDN中,对__declspec(novtable)的解释是:它应该使用在纯虚类中。那么,让我们再做一个实验来更好地弄懂这一含义吧。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base() { cout << "In Base" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << endl; } virtual void f1() = 0; virtual void f2() = 0; }; class __declspec(novtable) Drive : public Base { public: Drive() { cout << "In Drive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << endl; } }; class __declspec(novtable) MostDrive : public Drive { public: MostDrive() { cout << "In MostDrive" << endl; cout << "Virtual Pointer = " << (int*)this << endl; cout << "Address of Vtable = " << (int*)*(int*)this << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 1st entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+0) << endl; cout << "Value at Vtable 2nd entry = " << (int*)*((int*)*(int*)this+1) << endl; cout << endl; // 尝试调用第一个虚函数 typedef void (*Fun)(); Fun pFun = (Fun)*((int*)*(int*)this+0); pFun(); } virtual void f1() { cout << "MostDrive::f1" << endl; } virtual void f2() { cout << "MostDrive::f2" << endl; } }; int main() { MostDrive d; return 0; }我们在程序中添加的新东西是:
// 尝试调用第一个虚函数 typedef void (*Fun)(); Fun pFun = (Fun)*((int*)*(int*)this+0); pFun();并且,当我们运行这个应用程序的时候,我们会面对与前一个程序相同的问题——也就是尝试调用虚函数发生的错误。这就意味着虚函数表并未初始化。MostDrive类并不是一个抽象类,所以我们应该从类中移除__declspec(novtable)。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: virtual void f1() = 0; virtual void f2() = 0; }; class __declspec(novtable) Drive : public Base { }; class MostDrive : public Drive { public: MostDrive() { // 尝试调用第一个虚函数 typedef void (*Fun)(); Fun pFun = (Fun)*((int*)*(int*)this+0); pFun(); } virtual void f1() { cout << "MostDrive::f1" << endl; } virtual void f2() { cout << "MostDrive::f2" << endl; } }; int main() { MostDrive d; return 0; }现在,程序就可以正常工作了。它的输出为:
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