Erlang Resources 小站 2013年1月~6月资讯合集,方便检索.
1 月
A few thoughts about Open Source Software Antirez http://dou.bz/1pyUXj
Erlang's biggest missing feature: globals http://dou.bz/22GYw7
DTrace, FreeBSD 9.0, and Erlang http://dou.bz/2gmvVm
Gracefully terminating erlang VM http://dou.bz/2MfDjT
Joe Armstrong 做客艺术人生谈编程之路 http://dou.bz/1V0ckH
Talking again about Erlang with Francesco Cesarini http://dou.bz/4BDw6X 老发墙外的东西,村长表示很无奈
Erlang does have shared memory http://dou.bz/2AntXo FQ可见
How Erlang does scheduling http://dou.bz/3R0XCW FQ去吧,少年
OTP Technical Board - Decisions affecting R16. http://dou.bz/0H7980
[Hacker News]Erlang/OTP R16A has been released http://dou.bz/2KPVMV 信息量略大
R16A Support for parameterized modules (but an alternative solution provides) http://dou.bz/0vzmde
ErlyDTL – Django's template language compiled to Erlang bytecode http://dou.bz/4b2xPI
BossDB – A sharded, caching, evented ORM for Erlang http://dou.bz/4g4SEZ
Chicago Boss – An Erlang web framework http://dou.bz/06QKTU
Erb - A Robust IRC Bot Framework in Erlang/OTP http://dou.bz/3Qhjjs
Eper - a set of tools for performance tuning and debugging Erlang code http://dou.bz/1zgVCN
Refactoring Erlang Programs http://dou.bz/3bdquD
Translib is an Erlang application that contains some parse transformers to extend or modify the semantic of Erlang. http://dou.bz/1rGD4p
Socket.IO for Erlang http://dou.bz/1PD45X
Ulf Wiger Blog http://dou.bz/4dcgcb 不知道他是谁?看来你不怎么读开源项目
Match Specifications And Records (Dynamically!) http://dou.bz/36aIdH
Rustyrazorblade Category: Erlang http://dou.bz/1WBAwT
Erlang/OTP R16A has been released. This is a beta release before the R16B product release on February 27:th. http://dou.bz/0fuKvw
Software Transactional Memory http://dou.bz/2ZwbI6
ErlangQA 大讨论 你是如何控制知识学习的深度和广度的? http://dou.bz/1Wn4cw
Characterizing the Scalability of Erlang. VM on Many-core Processors http://dou.bz/3F3wqN
淘宝霸爷的博客 http://dou.bz/3x6LvF
2 月
REPL? A bit more (and less) than that http://dou.bz/19RVGs
Introducing.Erlang(2013.1) Simon.St.Laurent 已经发售哦
2012年软件开发者薪资调查报告 谁知道真的假的 乐呵乐呵得了 http://dou.bz/4qTtKN
Three approaches to ambiguous grammars http://dou.bz/0oKPKv
Release: RabbitMQ 3.0.2 http://dou.bz/2yf0Rd
TCP incast: What is it? How can it affect Erlang applications? http://dou.bz/2pIqhj
Erlang Code to UnShort Tiny Url’s http://dou.bz/39xNCK
Erlang On Nitro – Erlang Web Development Tutorial
Learning Erlang vs learning node.js [closed] http://dou.bz/033TCE 村长知道你们喜欢看这种
Rules of Hot Code Swapping http://dou.bz/0JXWG9
Why Erlang? http://dou.bz/07qRjk
Erlang Message Passing http://dou.bz/4htRLm
Erlang Tic Tac Toe http://dou.bz/4ahjLA
Build an FTP Server with Ranch in 30 Minutes http://dou.bz/4vMp4B
Erlang Scalability http://dou.bz/3zDmch
Erlang学习需要什么基础? http://dou.bz/0TeiQb #知乎#
Our new game is powered by erlang. http://dou.bz/07g3Mi #案例#
LispCast Introduction to Clojure Videos http://dou.bz/3JiM3d #FP#
The Adventurous Developer’s Guide to JVM Languages – Clojure http://dou.bz/12tgHk #FP#
Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!这本书英文版的PDF已经可以下载了知道吧
Clojure STM - What? Why? How? http://dou.bz/3UTeY5
Concurrency model: Erlang vs Clojure http://dou.bz/11v10T
Erlang on Xen Demo - Zerg — spawns a Xen instance on each request http://dou.bz/2ry3BF
How to set up a basic HTTP API with Erlang in 10 Minutes http://dou.bz/3Z0EI3
Did Erlang's grammar change in R16A? http://dou.bz/00pK9X 你中招了吗?
LFE, Lisp Flavoured Erlang, is a lisp syntax front-end to the Erlang compiler. http://dou.bz/439sX6 这玩意精简到优美之后就是现在Erlang的样子吧
Aleph is a Clojure framework for asynchronous communication, built on top of Netty and Lamina.
Code Janitor: nobody's dream, everyone's job (and how Erlang can help) http://dou.bz/2mVuv3
http://dou.bz/4gHMxW Tackling Concurrency With STM
http://dou.bz/2lKUeE Clojure concurrency introduction
知道你们喜欢折腾IDE Erlang plugin for IntelliJ IDEA v0.4 http://dou.bz/3XESrs
Practical use of improper lists in Erlang (perhaps all functional languages) http://dou.bz/2dB5Wf 这个你是怎么看?
"Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict the future is to invent it."- Alan Kay http://dou.bz/3NkfcU 晚安
http://dou.bz/3h9ZLL List of freely available programming books 翻页全局搜索Erlang
Erlang is a hoarder http://dou.bz/38zCHn
You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle.— Joe Armstrong http://dou.bz/3FZyw6
Diving into Erlang is a one-way ticket (@pavlobaron) http://dou.bz/4x26q9 <---- Erlang Factory 上拿到的PDF
Diving into Erlang is a one-way ticket (@pavlobaron) http://dou.bz/4xg4bY 作者不允许下载 大家只好FQ了
jesse (JSon Schema Erlang) is an implementation of a json schema validator for Erlang. http://dou.bz/4qZ4kN
Erlang 新手大礼包 Erlang-Quick-Reference-Card http://dou.bz/400dkq
The Trouble with Erlang (or Erlang is a ghetto) http://dou.bz/2BEmPD 高端黑才是真的黑
Yet Another Article on Zippers, in Erlang http://dou.bz/2s1jO4
Erlang Programming WIKI Book http://dou.bz/4Axift
Erlang Latency Guide http://dou.bz/1cTg8n
The Chef 11 Server provides significant improvements in terms of compute efficiency, scalability, and operability. http://dou.bz/4CAUMK
A review of Fred Hebert's ``Learn you an Erlang for greater Good'' http://dou.bz/3ZhLls
Erlang/OTP R16B performs better http://dou.bz/1RQw0N 28 February 2013
Erlang @ markmail http://dou.bz/0rM2ou
A Few Improvements to Erlang http://dou.bz/1BUEuU
Erlang/OTP R16B has been released! http://dou.bz/4uivtE
总有人开始接触Erlang 爱上Erlang 写给新手的文章一直都有读者 比如上周的这篇 What is Erlang? http://dou.bz/1gU7is 各位早安
2013年2月Web编程语言就业趋势 http://dou.bz/3NKCuM
The process dictionary vs. Sexual education http://dou.bz/0slpi1 #喜欢但是不愿意谈太多#
FLOSS Weekly 243 | TWiT.TV http://twit.tv/show/floss-weekly/243
This week two of the Zotonic (the Erlang web framework and CMS) core team members were interviewed on TWiT.TV's FLOSS weekly.
3 月
http://dou.bz/0yZkhv Clojure 1.5 早上好 各位!
Technically why is processes in Erlang more efficient than OS threads? http://dou.bz/157s02
Technically why is processes in Erlang more efficient than OS threads? http://dou.bz/157s02
想了解gen_server调用流程? 一定要看这个 http://dou.bz/3adZz0 各种源码分析
Scalaris is a scalable, transactional, distributed key-value store which implemented in Erlang.
Programming languages teach you not to want what they cannot provide.
4 Things Java Programmers Can Learn from Clojure (without learning Clojure) http://dou.bz/2NlufH
Clojure的一个博客Tech behind Tech! http://dou.bz/3cVR6W
http://dou.bz/3jteb4 Erlang @ Speakerdeck
Clojure, Functional Programming and Data at uSwitch.com http://dou.bz/1J8xnL
Erjang is a virtual machine for Erlang, which runs on Java(tm). http://dou.bz/3PH6zt
Eunit 这玩意最初是为了检查学生作业搞出来的 <------ 这样的老师伤不起啊
为什么绝大多数的Erlang开源项目都会在代码前加上项目名前缀?比如mochiweb_这是因为Erlang代码组织是扁平的没有namespace之类的层级关系,避免冲突就加上前缀. code:clash/0就是检查这种冲突的
http://dou.bz/0okw1Z REPL GUI for Clojure-CLR
我为什么选择了Erlang?许式伟 2007-10-10 http://dou.bz/4cAgvQ 这个PDF比较早了,现在许式伟在搞Golang
Erlang and the Cloud http://dou.bz/3T8h9A #Video#
How do Erlang actors differ from OOP objects? http://dou.bz/4ibtrH
“美国可能会有 100 万份最好的工作空缺……因为 10 所学校中只有 1 所会教给学生如何编程。” http://dou.bz/1TDiXY 盖茨扎克伯格现身说法:讲述编程之酷
Why do business analysts and project managers get higher salaries than programmers? http://dou.bz/3Q3oaJ 提钱伤感情
@皓庭霄度天 写的 erlang程序优化点的总结(持续更新) http://dou.bz/1N42Qm
A Path to Clojure (3 Mini Reviews) => Productively Distracted http://dou.bz/2FwrYs Posted Friday March 1, 2013 around 6:45 PM
The Architecture of Open Source Applications 第一卷有对Riak和Erlang/OTP的介绍 作者是Francesco Cesarini ,Andy Gross & Justin 很容易下载到哦
How to access clojure functions in Java? http://dou.bz/2Slobv
Why is Clojure so slow? http://dou.bz/1op3P6
Clojure的一个博客Tech behind Tech! http://dou.bz/3cVR6W
http://dou.bz/3jteb4 Erlang @ Speakerdeck
Clojure, Functional Programming and Data at uSwitch.com http://dou.bz/1J8xnL
Erjang is a virtual machine for Erlang, which runs on Java(tm). http://dou.bz/3PH6zt
Eunit 这玩意最初是为了检查学生作业搞出来的 <------ 这样的老师伤不起啊
为什么绝大多数的Erlang开源项目都会在代码前加上项目名前缀?比如mochiweb_这是因为Erlang代码组织是扁平的没有namespace之类的层级关系,避免冲突就加上前缀. code:clash/0就是检查这种冲突的
http://dou.bz/0okw1Z REPL GUI for Clojure-CLR
我为什么选择了Erlang?许式伟 2007-10-10 http://dou.bz/4cAgvQ 这个PDF比较早了,现在许式伟在搞Golang
Erlang and the Cloud http://dou.bz/3T8h9A #Video#
How do Erlang actors differ from OOP objects? http://dou.bz/4ibtrH
“美国可能会有 100 万份最好的工作空缺……因为 10 所学校中只有 1 所会教给学生如何编程。” http://dou.bz/1TDiXY 盖茨扎克伯格现身说法:讲述编程之酷
Why do business analysts and project managers get higher salaries than programmers? http://dou.bz/3Q3oaJ 提钱伤感情
@皓庭霄度天 写的 erlang程序优化点的总结(持续更新) http://dou.bz/1N42Qm
A Path to Clojure (3 Mini Reviews) => Productively Distracted http://dou.bz/2FwrYs Posted Friday March 1, 2013 around 6:45 PM
The Architecture of Open Source Applications 第一卷有对Riak和Erlang/OTP的介绍 作者是Francesco Cesarini ,Andy Gross & Justin 很容易下载到哦
How to access clojure functions in Java? http://dou.bz/2Slobv
Why is Clojure so slow? http://dou.bz/1op3P6
Manning The Joy of Clojure Second Edition http://dou.bz/4c7gth
3 Things Java Programmers Can Steal from Clojure http://dou.bz/0bOQYq
export data from mnesia to excel http://dou.bz/2vQIER
http://dou.bz/1ABMD1 @ IBM developerWorks Erlang文章合集
Learning Erlang, a UNIX developer's perspective http://dou.bz/0LKE8n
Introduction to programming in Erlang http://dou.bz/2F3fCs http://dou.bz/3mQvho @ IBM developerWorks
“Software is like sex: it's better when it's free.”
erlang_tech_nigh 补充 http://dou.bz/1N8zzA
erlang_tech_night http://dou.bz/3OcsZg
New Facebook Chat Feature Scales To 70 Million Users Using Erlang http://dou.bz/45JSnD 2008年的文章
Clojure quick reference http://dou.bz/23OiY3 这个版本是Clojure1.2的
坚持下来不容易 这位博主止步在2010年了 http://dou.bz/1tAIMJ
http://dou.bz/0p3rn6 Erlang/OTP R16B Brings Improved Parallelism Posted by Jeff Martin on Mar 07, 2013
这小伙写了不少Erlang的文章啊 http://dou.bz/3vJ6ds
3 Things Java Programmers Can Steal from Clojure http://dou.bz/0bOQYq
export data from mnesia to excel http://dou.bz/2vQIER
http://dou.bz/1ABMD1 @ IBM developerWorks Erlang文章合集
Learning Erlang, a UNIX developer's perspective http://dou.bz/0LKE8n
Introduction to programming in Erlang http://dou.bz/2F3fCs http://dou.bz/3mQvho @ IBM developerWorks
“Software is like sex: it's better when it's free.”
erlang_tech_nigh 补充 http://dou.bz/1N8zzA
erlang_tech_night http://dou.bz/3OcsZg
New Facebook Chat Feature Scales To 70 Million Users Using Erlang http://dou.bz/45JSnD 2008年的文章
Clojure quick reference http://dou.bz/23OiY3 这个版本是Clojure1.2的
坚持下来不容易 这位博主止步在2010年了 http://dou.bz/1tAIMJ
http://dou.bz/0p3rn6 Erlang/OTP R16B Brings Improved Parallelism Posted by Jeff Martin on Mar 07, 2013
这小伙写了不少Erlang的文章啊 http://dou.bz/3vJ6ds
Functional and concurrent programming with Erlang - Introduction http://dou.bz/1h3fqL 2013-03-15
@连城404 :翻Joe老爷子的论文时发现了他老人家也吐槽过OO http://dou.bz/2bzXqh Why OO Sucks by Joe Armstrong
开玩笑的 这是英文版 http://dou.bz/1RFbpx
Erlang Profiling Tips http://dou.bz/3u8i2v
@连城404 :翻Joe老爷子的论文时发现了他老人家也吐槽过OO http://dou.bz/2bzXqh Why OO Sucks by Joe Armstrong
开玩笑的 这是英文版 http://dou.bz/1RFbpx
Erlang Profiling Tips http://dou.bz/3u8i2v
Everything on this site revolves around Erlang; either in form of tips and tricks from a couple of passionate Erlang hackers http://www.redhoterlang.org/
Don’t write a macro if a function will do. Reserve macros to provide syntactic abstractions or create binding forms. #Clojure#
Erlang Shell中[97,98]被打印成了"ab"看不到数字了怎么破? [0|L]
互联网时代的时间管理 http://dou.bz/0D8Jjf
新鲜出炉 Java.next: Common ground in Groovy, Scala, and Clojure, Part 1http://dou.bz/0YCvbj
Electric Duncan: Lisp Flavored Erlang http://dou.bz/03bBSV Excuse me, could I have some Erlang, please?
有意思 http://dou.bz/4zn8v6
http://dou.bz/28aaqO Ernie is a BERT-RPC server implementation that uses an Erlang server to accept incoming connections........
BERT (Binary ERlang Term) is a format created by the Erlang development team for serializing Erlang terms..... http://dou.bz/2tnEdX
Don’t write a macro if a function will do. Reserve macros to provide syntactic abstractions or create binding forms. #Clojure#
Erlang Shell中[97,98]被打印成了"ab"看不到数字了怎么破? [0|L]
互联网时代的时间管理 http://dou.bz/0D8Jjf
新鲜出炉 Java.next: Common ground in Groovy, Scala, and Clojure, Part 1http://dou.bz/0YCvbj
Electric Duncan: Lisp Flavored Erlang http://dou.bz/03bBSV Excuse me, could I have some Erlang, please?
有意思 http://dou.bz/4zn8v6
http://dou.bz/28aaqO Ernie is a BERT-RPC server implementation that uses an Erlang server to accept incoming connections........
BERT (Binary ERlang Term) is a format created by the Erlang development team for serializing Erlang terms..... http://dou.bz/2tnEdX
擦,这个问题原来是这样 关于erlang socket被动模式和delay_send合用的问题 http://dou.bz/05uvI1
Promoting Erlang http://joearms.github.com/2013/03/27/promoting-erlang.html
I've just got back from the 2013 Bay Area Erlang Factory. This was my third time in SF and I had a great time. #JoeArmstrong#
jimenezrick/vimerl · GitHub https://github.com/jimenezrick/vimerl
Distributed Coding Prefunc: Chicago Boss, Rails Based Erlang Power : CloudAve
Promoting Erlang http://joearms.github.com/2013/03/27/promoting-erlang.html
I've just got back from the 2013 Bay Area Erlang Factory. This was my third time in SF and I had a great time. #JoeArmstrong#
jimenezrick/vimerl · GitHub https://github.com/jimenezrick/vimerl
Distributed Coding Prefunc: Chicago Boss, Rails Based Erlang Power : CloudAve
Rackspace Takes a Look at the ERLANG Language - The Official Rackspace Blog
Rackspace Takes a Look at the ERLANG Language - The Official Rackspace Blog
In this interview with Joe Armstrong and Robert Virding, two of the co-creators of the Erlang programming language, Duncan McGreggor....
Promises and futures in Clojure | Java Code Geeks
In this interview with Joe Armstrong and Robert Virding, two of the co-creators of the Erlang programming language, Duncan McGreggor....
Promises and futures in Clojure | Java Code Geeks
Yet another Lisp in Javascript : lisp
Yet another Lisp in Javascript : lisp
[erlang-questions] Etudes for Erlang http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2013-March/072964.html
erlang 新书 那些吵着要练习题的,这回你们满足了吧
Erlang: bags | Web Builder Zone http://css.dzone.com/articles/erlang-bags
First hundred days of Clojure | Hacker News https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3852324
Electric Duncan: Lisp Flavored Erlang http://technicae.cogitat.io/2013/03/lisp-flavored-erlang.html
Thomas Lindgren, “Atom Garbage Collection”, ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, Tallinn, Estonia, 2005
[erlang-questions] Etudes for Erlang http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2013-March/072964.html
erlang 新书 那些吵着要练习题的,这回你们满足了吧
Erlang: bags | Web Builder Zone http://css.dzone.com/articles/erlang-bags
First hundred days of Clojure | Hacker News https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3852324
Electric Duncan: Lisp Flavored Erlang http://technicae.cogitat.io/2013/03/lisp-flavored-erlang.html
Thomas Lindgren, “Atom Garbage Collection”, ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, Tallinn, Estonia, 2005
Ulf Wiger, “Four-fold Increase in Productivity and Quality”, FemSYS, Munich, Germany, 2001
Ulf Wiger, “Four-fold Increase in Productivity and Quality”, FemSYS, Munich, Germany, 2001
Ulf Wiger, “Structured Network Programming”, Erlang User Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 2005
why vector clocks are easy: http://dou.bz/2yKpIL why vector clocks are hard
Erlang开发MMO的一些思考 http://www.iteye.com/topic/1129542
How Clojure Babies Are Made: Compiling and Running a Java Program
4 月
Erlang Getting Too-Big-To-Fail Process Flag - Slashdot
Clochure - A Better Clojure
Erlang Developers | LinkedIn 关注了正确的人就能得到正确的消息
Erlang Factory - Patrik Nyblom, Erlang VM developer and OTP team member
Erlang Factory - Patrik Nyblom, Erlang VM developer and OTP team member
At this page you can follow what opensource contributions that are active right now and see patches came along with a certain release.
At this page you can follow what opensource contributions that are active right now and see patches came along with a certain release.
Erlang4AndroidR16B.apk http://dou.bz/4tpXoI First install SL4A, then this app, 我试了几次都没有成功 SL4A停止运行
Erlang Central | Getting Started with Erlang
Erlang4AndroidR16B.apk http://dou.bz/4tpXoI First install SL4A, then this app, 我试了几次都没有成功 SL4A停止运行
Erlang Central | Getting Started with Erlang
Clojure Toolchain Reloaded - Paradigm X
Clojure Toolchain Reloaded - Paradigm X
877,000 TPS with Erlang and VoltDB | Javalobby
877,000 TPS with Erlang and VoltDB | Javalobby
James learned Erlang because he wanted to make some minor customizations to ejabberd.
extremeforge/active-ring · GitHub
James learned Erlang because he wanted to make some minor customizations to ejabberd.
extremeforge/active-ring · GitHub
5 月
Explorations in Erlang with the Parallela: A Prelude http://dou.bz/22jMpa
Erlang gen_tcp相关问题汇编索引 by yufeng http://dou.bz/4kjeeK
Erlang gen_tcp相关问题汇编索引 by yufeng http://dou.bz/4kjeeK
erlang使用感受 - loop in codes http://codemacro.com/2013/05/08/thought-about-erlang/
A Few Improvements to Erlang by Joe Armstrong at Erlang User Conference 2012 at Stockholm, Sweden...
A Few Improvements to Erlang by Joe Armstrong at Erlang User Conference 2012 at Stockholm, Sweden...
gen_tcp接收缓冲区易混淆概念纠正 http://dou.bz/1L7O8t
Solving the wrong problem http://joearms.github.io/2013/03/28/solving-the-wrong-problem.html
Meet jerg, a JSON Schema to Erlang Records Generator http://java.dzone.com/articles/meet-jerg-json-schema-erlang
whatsapp深度使用Erlang有感 http://blog.yufeng.info/archives/2615
Solving the wrong problem http://joearms.github.io/2013/03/28/solving-the-wrong-problem.html
Meet jerg, a JSON Schema to Erlang Records Generator http://java.dzone.com/articles/meet-jerg-json-schema-erlang
whatsapp深度使用Erlang有感 http://blog.yufeng.info/archives/2615
Nine Nines Article: Build Erlang releases with erlang.mk and relx http://ninenines.eu/articles/erlang.mk-and-relx
mcandre/erlang-json · GitHub https://github.com/mcandre/erlang-json
This module strives to prepare an EEP0018 implemenation (for Erlang <-> json interaction)
MongooseIM 1.2. has been released | Erlang Solutions
This module strives to prepare an EEP0018 implemenation (for Erlang <-> json interaction)
MongooseIM 1.2. has been released | Erlang Solutions
Klimiec/Erlang · GitHub https://github.com/Klimiec/Erlang
Set of exercises with answers prepared as a learning material for students eager to learn Erlang computer language #新手福利#
Numbers Every Programmer Should Know By Year
Klimiec/Erlang · GitHub https://github.com/Klimiec/Erlang
Set of exercises with answers prepared as a learning material for students eager to learn Erlang computer language #新手福利#
Numbers Every Programmer Should Know By Year
6 月
A Ruby guy goes to Erlang Factory — Rendered Text
5HT/n2o · GitHub https://github.com/5HT/n2o
N2O: Erlang Web Framework on WebSockets
dict:fold/3 - Erlample(Erlang Example)
5HT/n2o · GitHub https://github.com/5HT/n2o
N2O: Erlang Web Framework on WebSockets
dict:fold/3 - Erlample(Erlang Example)
D.H.Q的烂笔头 - Erlang Example
RabbitMQ ? Blog Archive ? Using Elixir to write RabbitMQ Plugins - Messaging that just works
D.H.Q的烂笔头 - Erlang Example
RabbitMQ ? Blog Archive ? Using Elixir to write RabbitMQ Plugins - Messaging that just works
How to : 使用basho的erlang-protobuffs和PHP通讯 - Evoup`s Blog
Erlang is slow: and other rubbish https://kivikakk.ee/2013/05/20/erlang_is_slow.html
Introspecting Erlang and Haskell // Speaker Deck
LISP Books living again in Clojure : Clojure
LISP Books living again in Clojure : Clojure
SICP 的确应该在列啊
google/lisp-koans · GitHub https://github.com/google/lisp-koans
Common Lisp Koans is a language learning exercise in the same vein as the ruby koans.
hcs42/vimtags-erlang · GitHub https://github.com/hcs42/vimtags-erlang
vimtags-erlang creates a tags file (from Erlang source files), which can be used by Vim.
What kind of virtual machine is BEAM (the Erlang VM)? - Stack Overflow
SICP 的确应该在列啊
google/lisp-koans · GitHub https://github.com/google/lisp-koans
Common Lisp Koans is a language learning exercise in the same vein as the ruby koans.
hcs42/vimtags-erlang · GitHub https://github.com/hcs42/vimtags-erlang
vimtags-erlang creates a tags file (from Erlang source files), which can be used by Vim.
What kind of virtual machine is BEAM (the Erlang VM)? - Stack Overflow
A Week with Elixir http://joearms.github.io/2013/05/31/a-week-with-elixir.html
A beginners guide to Erlang | ReTag.in
A Week with Elixir http://joearms.github.io/2013/05/31/a-week-with-elixir.html
A beginners guide to Erlang | ReTag.in
erlang ranch流程 | KiloBug's Blog http://www.kilobug.com/archives/1426
文章虽短 图文并茂
erlang ranch流程 | KiloBug's Blog http://www.kilobug.com/archives/1426
文章虽短 图文并茂
Sublime Text 2 Tips and Shortcuts - Rob Dodson talks internets
otp_src_R16B01.readme http://www.erlang.org/download/otp_src_R16B01.readme
This is R16B01, the first maintenance release for the R16B major release.
Erlang The Movie http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTcyNDUzNjQ4.html
Erlang The Movie http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTcyNDUzNjQ4.html
Small Erlang: An answer looking for a problem - uses language programming | Ask MetaFilter
Hacker School http://dou.bz/3bNLmc
Learning Lisp http://dou.bz/34CpzL
esl/erlang-ale · GitHub https://github.com/esl/erlang-ale
Learning Lisp http://dou.bz/34CpzL
esl/erlang-ale · GitHub https://github.com/esl/erlang-ale
My thoughts about: “Erlang by Example with Cesarini and Thompson”
Packaging Erlang Applications // Speaker Deck
Packaging Erlang Applications by Jared Morrow Published June 13, 2013
Evaluate the benefits of SMP support for IO-intensive Erlang applications
Packaging Erlang Applications by Jared Morrow Published June 13, 2013
Evaluate the benefits of SMP support for IO-intensive Erlang applications
CS11 Erlang Track http://courses.cms.caltech.edu/cs11/material/erlang/
Taste of Riak: Erlang http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/taste-of-riak/erlang/
Erlang | Mostly Erlang http://mostlyerlang.com/tag/erlang/
SF-JIT-Pres.pdf http://www.erlang-factory.com/upload/presentations/516/SF-JIT-Pres.pdf
Erlang JIT Compiler
Improving your Erlang programming skills doing katas ? Another Word For It http://tm.durusau.net/?p=42749
Erlang JIT Compiler
Improving your Erlang programming skills doing katas ? Another Word For It http://tm.durusau.net/?p=42749
erlang高效率的原因是什么? - SegmentFault
利用 Luerl 在 Heroku 上搭建基于 Erlang 的 Lua Web Shell — D.H.Q的烂笔头
利用 Luerl 在 Heroku 上搭建基于 Erlang 的 Lua Web Shell — D.H.Q的烂笔头
WHEN to USE Erlang
Erlang specialists are hard to find. A really good one is even harder.
Erlang specialists are hard to find. A really good one is even harder.
Erlang节点重启导致的incarnation问题 http://blog.yufeng.info/archives/2756
erlang coredump问题 | 系统技术非业余研究 http://blog.yufeng.info/archives/2746
Introducing Riak PG: Distributed process groups for Erlang
Erlang节点重启导致的incarnation问题 http://blog.yufeng.info/archives/2756
erlang coredump问题 | 系统技术非业余研究 http://blog.yufeng.info/archives/2746
Introducing Riak PG: Distributed process groups for Erlang
Making it Fast - How Zotonic Maximizes Erlang's Power http://dou.bz/4aPDTq
Implement Heap Sort in Erlang http://dou.bz/4ASTG7
CloudI - A Cloud at the Lowest Level, Built in Erlang http://www.toptal.com/erlang/a-cloud-at-the-lowest-level-built-in-erlang
使用erlang实现P2P磁力搜索(开源) - loop_in_codes
Making it Fast - How Zotonic Maximizes Erlang's Power http://dou.bz/4aPDTq
Implement Heap Sort in Erlang http://dou.bz/4ASTG7
CloudI - A Cloud at the Lowest Level, Built in Erlang http://www.toptal.com/erlang/a-cloud-at-the-lowest-level-built-in-erlang
使用erlang实现P2P磁力搜索(开源) - loop_in_codes

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