Differences between Node.js and ErlangDifferences between Node.js and Erlang原文在墙外:http://jlouisramblings.blogspot.com/2010/12/differences-between-nodejs-and-erlang_14.htmlSuppose we have a canonical ping/pong server written in Node,var sys = require("sys"); var http = require("http&qu 阅读全文
原文在墙外:http://jlouisramblings.blogspot.com/2011/05/nodejs-vs-erlang-is-wrong-battle.htmlEvery once in a while, we see the same discussion popping up again: "Should I concentrate on Node.js or Erlang for my needs?" Let me be clear: I think it is the wrong discussion. Fact is, if you have cho 阅读全文
Node.js vs Erlang: SyncPad’s Experience原文在墙外:http://blog.mysyncpad.com/post/2073441622/node-js-vs-erlang-syncpads-experienceDisclaimerFirst and foremost I want to be clear - this post is not comparing Erlang and Node.js. This is about my experience with one versus the other. The truth is, you can’t 阅读全文
Node.js v. Erlang原文在墙外:http://ksdlck.com/post/16493417514/node-js-v-erlangNodeandErlangboth set out to solve an issue that developers of a particular class of systems routinely face: dealing with massive concurrency.Erlang uses the actor model; one spawns concurrent tasks (“actors”) quickly and easi 阅读全文