Keep busy living or get busy die.

                                   ---The Shaw shank Redemption1994

放假了,这回咱们说说时间,开始吧… …

1.         who can say where the road goes,

Where the day flows?

Only time...

And who can say if your love grows,

As your heart chose?

Only time...


2.         有很多类似于《疾走罗拉》《Death Race》的电影,也许只有看这种电影的时候我们才会意识到:原来这么短的时间可以做这么多的事。T.A.T.U讲述《30 Minutes

In the moment, It takes
To make plans, Or Mistakes
Thirty minutes, a blink of an eye
Thirty minutes, to alter our lives
Thirty minutes, to make up my mind
Thirty minutes, to finally decide
Thirty minutes, to whisper your name
Thirty minutes, to shoulder the blame
Thirty minutes, of bliss, thirty lies
Thirty minutes, to finally decide


3.         下面这首歌深得我心:

What a beautiful morning

The best in life is free


What a beautiful morning

Believe me


What a mystery

Though the world's on fire

Yesterday’s hard words is still in my head

I feel no despair

No regrets or sorrows

Cause this new day

Makes me dance on air

What a golden day

What a beautiful morning in my life

The best in life is free

I give it all away

And I wonder what more is to come

And this beautiful morning changed my mind

Believe me when I say

The shadows fading out


明天是更美好,但是也不能放过今天。更不要把昨天的烦恼装入今天的行囊,正所谓:往者不可谏,来者犹可追。来自基地能手Ace of Base的《Beautiful morning

4.         人生不如意事那么多,几乎每一天都可以定义为糟糕的一天。这样的天气里,你在听什么歌?我在听:
Where is the moment we needed the most    

You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost   无奈踢打着落叶 魔力已消失

They tell me your blue skies fade to grey     他们告诉我你的蓝天褪色变灰

They tell me your passion's gone away       他们告诉我你的激情一去不会

And I don't need no carryin' on             我不想看到你因此半途而废


You stand in the line just to hit a new low   踟蹰在危险的边缘

You're faking a smile with the coffee to go  端着咖啡带着虚假的笑颜

You tell me your life's been way off line     你告诉我:生活如同断了线

You're falling to pieces everytime         每一次你都跌得粉碎

And I don't need no carryin' on            我不想你继续这样

Sometimes the system goes on the blink 生活有时候变得都不再对

And the whole thing turns out wrong   整个世界都颠倒了是非

You might not make it back and you know  一切无法挽回

That you could be well oh that strong     但你会走出颓废变得坚强

And I'm not wrong                     我说的对吧

美国偶像的主题曲《Bad DayDaniel Powter的手笔,我还是忍不住翻译了一下歌词的华彩之处。一句励志丛书里面的老话:改变不了天气究改变心情。这里还推荐你看看这首歌的MV,一个《向左走 向右走》的故事。


5.         “生命只有一次,可悲的是它不能重来,可喜的是它也不需要重来。”



I'm finally back to being me

I don't have to say I'm sorry

I'm the last one at the party

I don't ever think I've felt so free

I guess I should be thanking you for this brand new attitude

能够穿梭时空就不再遗憾,不必愧疚,因为一切真的可以重来。如果可以重来,你愿意么?来自电影《穿越时空少女》的插曲《Life After YouBrie Larson

6.         其实穿梭时空是不愿意面对,是一种逃避。平时我们口中常说的并不是这个词而是“假如、要是早知道”,一个极端的例子是那位可怜的祥林嫂。再说一个典型:

Time after time





生活中需要假设因为这表示你对生活还充满期待,但是也不能全是假设,祥林嫂就是这样给自己设了一个死局。上面的歌来自电影版柯南《迷宫的十字路口》主题曲:仓木麻衣《Time After Time

7.         老六说,他像一个漫无目的的旅人,走走停停,“转过头去看看时,却走到了一个心灵深处最温暖的角落:向光荣的八十年代献上一曲朴素而喑哑的赞歌,兼为自己轻狂仓促的青春期做一个留恋又抱歉的手势。”
Together in all these memories 在我所有的记忆中
I see your smile

All the memories I hold dear

Darling you know I love you till the end of time

----MemoriesWithin Temptation

8.         还有一首《Memory》就有来头了,歌剧《Cat》的插曲,大名鼎鼎的Barbra Streisand演唱:

leave night , Not a sound from the pavement
Has the moon lost her memory
She is smiling alone
In the lamplight
The withered leaves collect at my feet
And the wind begins to moan
Memory, all alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
Life was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again
Every street lamp seems to beat
A fatalistic warning
Someone mutters and the street lamp sputters
and Soon it will be morning
I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life and I mustn't give in
When the dawn comes Tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin

9.        人的一生要么是用时间换钱,要么用钱换时间。太史公曰“天下熙熙皆为利来,天下攘攘皆为利往”简单讲就是:《It's all 'bout the money

Sometimes I find another world
inside my mind
when I realize
the crazy things we do
It makes me feel ashamed to be alive
It makes me wanna run away and hide

It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum.......
And I don't think It's funny
to see us fade away
It's all 'bout the money
It's all 'bout the dum dum...
and I think we got it all wrong anyway


10.     最后用什么结尾呢?用金三顺说的那句吧:

To love, like never been hurt
To dance,like no one appreciate
To sing, like no one listen to
To work, like no need of money
To life, like today is the end.
                            ------Alfred D’Souza