mapserver-4.8.3 的readme.win32的中文翻译文件

README.WIN32 - Microsoft Visual C++ Build instructions for MapServer


  The Win32 build process is not very friendly for unexperienced users.
  So it is strongly recommended that you use one of the precompiled
  binaries available on the MapServer site:

  There are precompiled Win32 binaries available for the last stable
  release and the latest nightly build and they include the most common
  options... so you shouldn't have to compile your own executables.
  If for some reason you still decide to compile Win32 binaries yourself, 
  then don't do it unless you really know what you're doing... and
  hopefully the rest of this file contains some hints that may help
  you.  Good Luck!

For the developers using MSVC++, a NMAKE makefile ( + nmake.opt)
to build the MapServer library and executable programs is included with
the distribution.
对于使用MSVC++的开发人员来说,一个用来生成MapServer 链接库和可执行文件的NMAKE自制
文件( + nmake.opt)应该包括在发布程序中。

To build the package using the and NMAKE:
用 and NMAKE来生成程序打包文件。

 - Edit nmake.opt to select (or deselect) optional components of
   the MapServer.  Please read the notes below about each component
   before you move ahead with the compilation.
   编辑 nmake.opt文件来选择(或不选择)MapServer 的可选组件
 - Open a DOS prompt window
 - Run the VCVARS32.BAT script to initialize the VC++ environment
   variables.  VCVARS32.BAT is automatically generated by the MSVC++
   install procedure and should be located in the BIN sub-directory of
   your MSVC++ installation.
   运行VCVARS32.BAT script 安装VC++环境变量。 VCVARS32.BAT 是由MSVC++安装程序自动生成的,
 - Then start the build with:
     nmake /f
   然后这样开始生成nmake /f

This will create "mapserv.exe" (the main MapServer CGI program), the
other command-line utilities, "mapserver.lib" and "libmap.dll" that is
used by theMapScript modules.
"mapserver.lib" 和 "libmap.dll" 被Map描述性模块来调用。


To compile the various versions of MapScript (Perl, PHP, etc) first compile
the main mapserver directory and then see the README files in the
mapscript/perl, mapscript/php3 or mapscript/python directory for specific
要编译各种不同版本的MapScript(Perl, PHP, 等)首先要编译mapserver的主目录然后看
在mapscript/perl, mapscript/php3 或 mapscript/python目录下的README文件中的特定的

      GD library

- MapServer uses the GD library from and the Win32
  makefiles are set by default to work with the pre-built GD version 2.0.33
  provided by  These predefine "gdwin32" binaries include
  freetype2, libpng, libjpeg, libz, and libgif built-in.  This is very
  convenient to get a mapserver build going quickly.
  MapServer使用GD链接库来操作自由格式、png文件、jpeg文件、z文件、 gif文件。
  还介绍了一些使用的GD library的来源和版本信息。
  If you are building GD and it's supporting libraries (libpng, libjpeg,
  libgif, and freetype) from source then it is very important to make sure
  that you update the -DUSE_GD_* flags and various subcomponent paths in the
  nmake.opt.  You will also have to take great care to build the various
  components in a way that is compatible with MapServer.  For instance, if
  the various components are statically linked into MapServer you will need
  to use the same build options (ie. /MT or /MT) for all components.
  注意如果你自己从来源处生成GD并且它支持各种动态链接库(libpng, libjpeg,
  libgif, and freetype),那麽确认你已经在nmake.opt文件中更新过-DUSE_GD_*标志
  相同的编译选项了(例如/MT 或 /MT)
  Here are some useful pointers:
   - The original GD library:
   - libpng:
   - zlib:
   - libjpeg:
   - Freetype:

      REGEX library  (REGEX 动态链接库)

- MapServer uses the REGEX library which is standard on all the Unix
  systems that I know of, but does not come with VC++.
  MapServer 使用了据我所知已经在Unix系统中成为标准的REGEX库,但是VC++中却并没有用它。
  If the MapServer distribution did not include a copy of the REGEX
  library, then you can get a copy from:

  The default in the nmake.opt is set to compile with GNU
  regex-0.12 located in the "regex-0.12" directory.
  在nmake.opt中默认的设置是将编译"regex-0.12"目录下的GNU regex-0.12。
- If you are planning to compile the PHP3_MAPSCRIPT.DLL module(模块), then it
  is important to make sure that the main creates MAPSERVER.LIB
  with the same version of REGEX that PHP uses.
  See the notes in the main about that.
  注意用主Makefile.vc文件创建MAPSERVER.LIB时,确保PHP中用到的REGEX 版本相同
      Notes on Freetype build.

 - You can use the Visual Workspace in freetype/lib/arch/win32 to build
   the library.

      Notes on the proj module(投影模块)
  - The Proj.4 (cartographic projection routines) is located at

  Note on the epsg files location and the nad directory :

   * there is an environnemnt variable PROJ_LIB_DIR that can be set to locate
     the directory where the epsg file is located
   * if you build this module, at the top of the makefile (./src/, you
     can set the PROJ_LIB variable and this setting will be used to
     locate the proj support files. 
      Notes libcurl : used to support WMS client connection(WMS 客户端链接支持)
      Mapserver 4.x is using libcurl instead of libwww for WMS client
  - the library is located at

  Quick notes on how to build the library using MSVC++:

  - Download and extract the library (at this time it is known to work
    with version 7.10.2 or more recent)
  - Open the workspace curlib.dsw located under curl-XXX/lib
  - Build libcurl.dll. Note that the default active configuraion of the project
     is  Win32 Debug. You can modify the configuarion to Release version
     (Build/Set Active Configuration)         

  Notes on mapserver's nmake.opt modifications :
  - uncomment the flag WMSCLIENT= -DUSE_WMS_LYR
  - uncomment and modify according to your installation the flags
    related to libcurl :

    * CURL_INC = -I../curl-7.10.2/include
    * CURL_LIB = ../curl-7.10.2/lib/Relase/libcurl.lib
    * WINSOCK_LIB = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib\WSOCK32.LIB"

  You also need to install the libcurl.dll in your system directory. (The dll will
  be located in libc-XXX/lib/Relase abfter your build of the library)

        Notes on GDAL

- If you are compiling the GDAL library (
   with the PNG support, make sure that the libpng that you use in mapserver
   is the same as the one used in GDAL.

        Notes on PDF suuport

The PDF support allows the output of a map file as a PDF file.

To be able to build mapserver with the PDF support, you need to download
and build a PDF library from (
The best option is to download the zip file containing the source code and build it. Please
refer to the docs inside the zip for informations on how to build the library.
Here are some quick notes that can help in building mapserver with PDF :
 1) Build the PDF lib
  - open the project PDFLib.dsw
  - build the project pdflib_dll
  - after a sucessful build, you should have a pdflib.lib and pdblib.dll under the
    pdflib directory
  - copy the pdflib.dll under your system directory (ex : c:/winnt/system32)
 2) Build mapserver with PDF
  - uncomment in the nmake.opt the flags related to PDF

$Id: README.WIN32,v 1.11 2004/11/28 22:53:20 frank Exp $

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