NSLock Class

Posted on 2012-03-14 21:48  无忧consume  阅读(636)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

NSLock Class Reference


  An NSLock object is used to coordinate the operation of multiple threads of execution within the same application. An NSLock object can be used to mediate access to an application’s global data or to protect a critical section of code, allowing it to run atomically.

  Warning The NSLock class uses POSIX threads to implement its locking behavior. When sending an unlock message to an NSLock object, you must be sure that message is sent from the same thread that sent the initial lock message. Unlocking a lock from a different thread can result in undefined behavior.



  You should not use this class to implement a recursive lock. Calling the lock method twice on the same thread will lock up your thread permanently. Use the NSRecursiveLock class to implement recursive locks instead.

  Unlocking a lock that is not locked is considered a programmer error and should be fixed in your code. The NSLock class reports such errors by printing an error message to the console when they occur.

Adopted Protocols


Acquiring a Lock

Naming the Lock

Instance Methods


  Attempts to acquire a lock before a given time and returns a Boolean value indicating whether the attempt was successful.

  - (BOOL)lockBeforeDate:(NSDate *)limit

The time limit for attempting to acquire a lock.

Return Value

  YES if the lock is acquired before limit, otherwise NO.


  The thread is blocked until the receiver acquires the lock or limit is reached.

  • Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared In


  Returns the name associated with the receiver.

  - (NSString *)name
Return Value

  The name of the receiver.

  • Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
See Also
Declared In


  Assigns a name to the receiver.

  - (void)setName:(NSString *)newName

The new name for the receiver. This method makes a copy of the specified string.


  You can use a name string to identify a lock within your code. Cocoa also uses this name as part of any error descriptions involving the receiver.

  • Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
See Also
Declared In


  Attempts to acquire a lock and immediately returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the attempt was successful.

  - (BOOL)tryLock
Return Value

  YES if the lock was acquired, otherwise NO.

  • Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared In

  Question: How does NSLock's "lock" method work? What keeps its code from suffering the same problems that you use NSLock to prevent? To clarify -- suppose NSLock contains code that looks like this: 

- (void) lock {
  if (![self isLocked]) {
    [self setLock:YES];
  else {
    ...suspend the current thread and add it to a list
    of threads that are waiting on this NSLock object...

  What would prevent the above code from malfunctioning when multiple threads execute it simultaneously? (And you can't put lock/unlock around NSLock's own code, as that would cause an infinite regress with stack overflow, and/or would require an infinite number of NSLock objects to implement!)

I'm super-curious to know what the lock method does... please illuminate the issue if you can. Thanks, --Darel Rex Finley 

  OK, I think I figured out the answer to my own question! It could work like this (function names are made up):


- (void) lock {

  if ([self threadId]==nil) {
    [self setThreadId:thisThread];
    ...dummy instructions that take at least as much
       time as the code executed so far in this method...
    if ([self threadId]==thisThread) {
      return;   //  successfully locked!

  ...suspend the current thread and add it to a list
     of threads that are waiting on this NSLock object...


  Blocking interrupts (i.e. blocking preemptive multitasking for this particular processor core) guarantees that the checking and setting of threadId will take less time than the "dummy instructions". That way, by the time the dummy instructions are finished, all setting of threadId, by any number of threads, will be finished (other threads will notice that threadId is non-nil, and won't even try). Then, the one thread that sees its own thisThread in threadId will get the lock -- all others will be suspended. --Darel Rex Finley 

  You can implement a simple lock by using an atomic test-and-set instruction, which modern processors implement. You can use test-and-set to build more sophisticated constructs, such as atomic increment, etc. To see what OS X already provides for you, see OSAtomic.h.

  Once you have those, you can build a lock which operates entirely in userland unless there's contention. It would look something like this: 

-lock {
   int32_t numThreads = OSAtomicIncrement32(&lock);
   if(numThreads > 1)

-unlock {
   int32_t numThreads = OSAtomicDecrement(&lock);
   if(numThreads > 0)

  Basically, use atomic operations to track the number of threads trying to get into the lock. If ever there is more than one, the extra threads call into the kernel which puts them to sleep and adds them to a queue. Then when a thread exits, it checks to see if any other threads are waiting, and if they are it calls into the kernel to have it unblock one.

  I'm handwaving a bit on how the kernel will do its part, but it can use atomic operations, (very) temporary interrupt disabling, and if really necessary it can use a spinlock to ensure that is internal queue is modified safely. -- MikeAsh 

  Thanks! (What's your name, BTW?) I can see that an atomic (i.e. inseparable) test-and-set instruction would, all by itself, provide a way to get around this problem. I didn't know that processors had such an instruction. Surely the original x86 ISA doesn't have it ... so is it a new instruction in all modern x86 ISA processors (Pentium and beyond)? --Darel Rex Finley  

  Stuff is now signed! I'm sure you're right about the original ISA. I couldn't tell you when it would have been added, but since the 386 was the first "modern" x86 processor (in the sense that it had a proper supervisor mode, MMU support, etc.), I would guess that it was introduced there. In any case, anything which can run OS X will have it. And of course the PowerPC has had such instructions since the beginning.

  I've created the OSAtomic page with an overview of what it offers. Just be careful if you actually decide to use any of it, that stuff can burn. -- MikeAsh 


  Thanks again, Mike. While you were posting that last reply, I found these: 

  • Intel IA-32: xchg
  • PowerPC: lwarx/stwcx

  They're signficiantly different in how they work, but both get the job done. Anyway, it's good that Apple's wrapped it up in a neat thing like NSLock so I don't have to deal with it. --Darel Rex Finley 


  According to Wikipedia, the LOCK and XCHG instructions have been part of the architecture since the 8086/8088. As for synchronization primatives, you should look at the pthread man page. Pthreads provides mutexes (which is what I suspect underlies the NSLock implementation), read/write locks, and conditions.

  Carbon multiprocessing services (http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Carbon/Reference/Multiprocessing_Services/index.html) also provides critical sections, events, semaphores, and queues. - Stephen Butler


  The pthread stuff underlies everything on OS X. NSLock and all of those Carbon things are layered on top of pthread primitives. In turn, the pthread functions are layered on top of those atomic operations and whatever kernel services they need. -- MikeAsh

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