


    /// 中国日历异常处理---注意,该异常处理必须是在Class之外,
    public class ChineseCalendarException : System.Exception
        public ChineseCalendarException(string msg)
            : base(msg)

    /// 中国农历类 版本V1.0 支持 1900.1.31日起至 2049.12.31日止的数据
    /// 这是主class代码,名称为:SolarTerms
    public class SolarTerms
        private struct SolarHolidayStruct
            public int Month;
            public int Day;
            public int Recess; //假期长度
            public string HolidayName;
            public SolarHolidayStruct(int month, int day, int recess, string name)
                Month = month;
                Day = day;
                Recess = recess;
                HolidayName = name;

        private struct LunarHolidayStruct
            public int Month;
            public int Day;
            public int Recess;
            public string HolidayName;
            public LunarHolidayStruct(int month, int day, int recess, string name)
                Month = month;
                Day = day;
                Recess = recess;
                HolidayName = name;

        private struct WeekHolidayStruct
            public int Month;
            public int WeekAtMonth;
            public int WeekDay;
            public string HolidayName;
            public WeekHolidayStruct(int month, int weekAtMonth, int weekDay, string name)
                Month = month;
                WeekAtMonth = weekAtMonth;
                WeekDay = weekDay;
                HolidayName = name;

        private DateTime _date;
        private DateTime _datetime;
        private int _cYear;
        private int _cMonth;
        private int _cDay;
        private bool _cIsLeapMonth; //当月是否闰月
        private bool _cIsLeapYear; //当年是否有闰月

        private const int MinYear = 1900;
        private const int MaxYear = 2050;
        private static DateTime MinDay = new DateTime(1900, 1, 30);
        private static DateTime MaxDay = new DateTime(2049, 12, 31);
        private const int GanZhiStartYear = 1864; //干支计算起始年
        private static DateTime GanZhiStartDay = new DateTime(1899, 12, 22);//起始日
        private const string HZNum = "零一二三四五六七八九";
        private const int AnimalStartYear = 1900; //1900年为鼠年
        private static DateTime ChineseConstellationReferDay = new DateTime(2007, 9, 13);//28星宿参考值,本日为角

        /// 数据结构如下,共使用17位数据
        /// 第17位:表示闰月天数,0表示29天   1表示30天
        /// 第16位-第5位(共12位)表示12个月,其中第16位表示第一月,如果该月为30天则为1,29天为0
        /// 第4位-第1位(共4位)表示闰月是哪个月,如果当年没有闰月,则置0

        private static int[] LunarDateArray = new int[]{

        private static string[] _constellationName =
           "白羊座", "金牛座", "双子座","巨蟹座", "狮子座", "处女座",
           "天秤座", "天蝎座", "射手座","摩羯座", "水瓶座", "双鱼座"

        private static string[] _lunarHolidayName =
           "小寒", "大寒", "立春", "雨水","惊蛰", "春分", "清明", "谷雨",
           "立夏", "小满", "芒种", "夏至","小暑", "大暑", "立秋", "处暑",
           "白露", "秋分", "寒露", "霜降","立冬", "小雪", "大雪", "冬至"

        private static string[] _chineseConstellationName =
           // 四       五       六       日       一       二       三  

        private static string[] SolarTerm = new string[] { "小寒", "大寒", "立春", "雨水", "惊蛰", "春分", "清明", "谷雨", "立夏", "小满", "芒种", "夏至", "小暑", "大暑", "立秋", "处暑", "白露", "秋分", "寒露", "霜降", "立冬", "小雪", "大雪", "冬至" };
        private static int[] sTermInfo = new int[] { 0, 21208, 42467, 63836, 85337, 107014, 128867, 150921, 173149, 195551, 218072, 240693, 263343, 285989, 308563, 331033, 353350, 375494, 397447, 419210, 440795, 462224, 483532, 504758 };

        private static string ganStr = "甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸";
        private static string zhiStr = "子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥";
        private static string animalStr = "鼠牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗猪";
        private static string nStr1 = "日一二三四五六七八九";
        private static string nStr2 = "初十廿卅";

        private static string[] _monthString =

        private static SolarHolidayStruct[] sHolidayInfo = new SolarHolidayStruct[]
            new SolarHolidayStruct(1, 1, 1, "元旦"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(2, 2, 0, "世界湿地日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(2, 10, 0, "国际气象节"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(2, 14, 0, "情人节"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(3, 1, 0, "国际海豹日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(3, 5, 0, "学雷锋纪念日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(3, 8, 0, "妇女节"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(3, 12, 0, "植树节 孙中山逝世纪念日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(3, 14, 0, "国际警察日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(3, 15, 0, "消费者权益日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(3, 17, 0, "中国国医节 国际航海日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(3, 21, 0, "世界森林日 消除种族歧视国际日 世界儿歌日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(3, 22, 0, "世界水日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(3, 24, 0, "世界防治结核病日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(4, 1, 0, "愚人节"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(4, 7, 0, "世界卫生日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(4, 22, 0, "世界地球日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(5, 1, 1, "劳动节"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(5, 2, 1, "劳动节假日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(5, 3, 1, "劳动节假日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(5, 4, 0, "青年节"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(5, 8, 0, "世界红十字日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(5, 12, 0, "国际护士节"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(5, 31, 0, "世界无烟日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(6, 1, 0, "国际儿童节"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(6, 5, 0, "世界环境保护日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(6, 26, 0, "国际禁毒日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(7, 1, 0, "建党节 香港回归纪念 世界建筑日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(7, 11, 0, "世界人口日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(8, 1, 0, "建军节"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(8, 8, 0, "中国男子节 父亲节"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(8, 15, 0, "抗日战争胜利纪念"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(9, 9, 0, "  逝世纪念"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(9, 10, 0, "教师节"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(9, 18, 0, "九·一八事变纪念日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(9, 20, 0, "国际爱牙日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(9, 27, 0, "世界旅游日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(9, 28, 0, "孔子诞辰"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(10, 1, 1, "国庆节 国际音乐日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(10, 2, 1, "国庆节假日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(10, 3, 1, "国庆节假日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(10, 6, 0, "老人节"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(10, 24, 0, "联合国日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(11, 10, 0, "世界青年节"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(11, 12, 0, "孙中山诞辰纪念"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(12, 1, 0, "世界艾滋病日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(12, 3, 0, "世界残疾人日"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(12, 20, 0, "澳门回归纪念"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(12, 24, 0, "平安夜"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(12, 25, 0, "圣诞节"),
            new SolarHolidayStruct(12, 26, 0, " 诞辰纪念")

        private static LunarHolidayStruct[] lHolidayInfo = new LunarHolidayStruct[]
            new LunarHolidayStruct(1, 1, 1, "春节"),
            new LunarHolidayStruct(1, 15, 0, "元宵节"),
            new LunarHolidayStruct(5, 5, 0, "端午节"),
            new LunarHolidayStruct(7, 7, 0, "七夕情人节"),
            new LunarHolidayStruct(7, 15, 0, "中元节 盂兰盆节"),
            new LunarHolidayStruct(8, 15, 0, "中秋节"),
            new LunarHolidayStruct(9, 9, 0, "重阳节"),
            new LunarHolidayStruct(12, 8, 0, "腊八节"),
            new LunarHolidayStruct(12, 23, 0, "北方小年(扫房)"),
            new LunarHolidayStruct(12, 24, 0, "南方小年(掸尘)"),
            //new LunarHolidayStruct(12, 30, 0, "除夕")  //注意除夕需要其它方法进行计算

        private static WeekHolidayStruct[] wHolidayInfo = new WeekHolidayStruct[]
            new WeekHolidayStruct(5, 2, 1, "母亲节"),
            new WeekHolidayStruct(5, 3, 1, "全国助残日"),
            new WeekHolidayStruct(6, 3, 1, "父亲节"),
            new WeekHolidayStruct(9, 3, 3, "国际和平日"),
            new WeekHolidayStruct(9, 4, 1, "国际聋人节"),
            new WeekHolidayStruct(10, 1, 2, "国际住房日"),
            new WeekHolidayStruct(10, 1, 4, "国际减轻自然灾害日"),
            new WeekHolidayStruct(11, 4, 5, "感恩节")

        public SolarTerms(DateTime dt)
            int i;
            int leap;
            int temp;
            int offset;
            _date = dt.Date;
            _datetime = dt;

            leap = 0;
            temp = 0;
            //TimeSpan ts = _date - ChineseCalendar.MinDay;//计算两天的基本差距
            TimeSpan ts = _date - SolarTerms.MinDay;
            offset = ts.Days;
            for (i = MinYear; i <= MaxYear; i++)
                temp = GetChineseYearDays(i);  //求当年农历年天数
                if (offset - temp < 1)
                    offset = offset - temp;
            _cYear = i;
            leap = GetChineseLeapMonth(_cYear);//计算该年闰哪个月
            if (leap > 0)
                _cIsLeapYear = true;
                _cIsLeapYear = false;
            _cIsLeapMonth = false;
            for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                if ((leap > 0) && (i == leap + 1) && (_cIsLeapMonth == false))
                    _cIsLeapMonth = true;
                    i = i - 1;
                    temp = GetChineseLeapMonthDays(_cYear); //计算闰月天数
                    _cIsLeapMonth = false;
                    temp = GetChineseMonthDays(_cYear, i);//计算非闰月天数
                offset = offset - temp;
                if (offset <= 0) break;
            offset = offset + temp;
            _cMonth = i;
            _cDay = offset;

        /// 用农历的日期来初使化
        public SolarTerms(int cy, int cm, int cd, bool leapMonthFlag)
            int i, leap, Temp, offset;
            CheckChineseDateLimit(cy, cm, cd, leapMonthFlag);
            _cYear = cy;
            _cMonth = cm;
            _cDay = cd;
            offset = 0;
            for (i = MinYear; i < cy; i++)
                Temp = GetChineseYearDays(i); //求当年农历年天数
                offset = offset + Temp;
            leap = GetChineseLeapMonth(cy);// 计算该年应该闰哪个月
            if (leap != 0)
                this._cIsLeapYear = true;
                this._cIsLeapYear = false;

            if (cm != leap)
                _cIsLeapMonth = false;  //当前日期并非闰月
                _cIsLeapMonth = leapMonthFlag;  //使用用户输入的是否闰月月份

            if ((_cIsLeapYear == false) || //当年没有闰月
                 (cm < leap)) //计算月份小于闰月     
                for (i = 1; i < cm; i++)
                    Temp = GetChineseMonthDays(cy, i);//计算非闰月天数
                    offset = offset + Temp;

                if (cd > GetChineseMonthDays(cy, cm))
                    throw new ChineseCalendarException("不合法的农历日期");
                offset = offset + cd; //加上当月的天数
            else   //是闰年,且计算月份大于或等于闰月
                for (i = 1; i < cm; i++)
                    Temp = GetChineseMonthDays(cy, i); //计算非闰月天数
                    offset = offset + Temp;
                if (cm > leap) //计算月大于闰月
                    Temp = GetChineseLeapMonthDays(cy);   //计算闰月天数
                    offset = offset + Temp;               //加上闰月天数
                    if (cd > GetChineseMonthDays(cy, cm))
                        throw new ChineseCalendarException("不合法的农历日期");
                    offset = offset + cd;
                else  //计算月等于闰月
                    if (this._cIsLeapMonth == true) //计算月为闰月
                        Temp = GetChineseMonthDays(cy, cm); //计算非闰月天数
                        offset = offset + Temp;
                    if (cd > GetChineseLeapMonthDays(cy))
                        throw new ChineseCalendarException("不合法的农历日期");
                    offset = offset + cd;
            _date = MinDay.AddDays(offset);

        //传回农历 y年m月的总天数
        private int GetChineseMonthDays(int year, int month)
            if (BitTest32((LunarDateArray[year - MinYear] & 0x0000FFFF), (16 - month)))
                return 30;
                return 29;

        //传回农历 y年闰哪个月 1-12 , 没闰传回 0
        private int GetChineseLeapMonth(int year)
            return LunarDateArray[year - MinYear] & 0xF;

        //传回农历 y年闰月的天数
        private int GetChineseLeapMonthDays(int year)
            if (GetChineseLeapMonth(year) != 0)
                if ((LunarDateArray[year - MinYear] & 0x10000) != 0)
                    return 30;
                    return 29;
                return 0;

        /// 取农历年一年的天数
        private int GetChineseYearDays(int year)
            int i, f, sumDay, info;
            sumDay = 348; //29天 X 12个月
            i = 0x8000;
            info = LunarDateArray[year - MinYear] & 0x0FFFF;
            for (int m = 0; m < 12; m++)
                f = info & i;
                if (f != 0)
                i = i >> 1;
            return sumDay + GetChineseLeapMonthDays(year);

        /// 获得当前时间的时辰
        private string GetChineseHour(DateTime dt)
            int _hour, _minute, offset, i;
            int indexGan;
            string ganHour, zhiHour;
            string tmpGan;
            _hour = dt.Hour;    //获得当前时间小时
            _minute = dt.Minute;  //获得当前时间分钟
            if (_minute != 0) _hour += 1;
            offset = _hour / 2;
            if (offset >= 12) offset = 0;
            //zhiHour = zhiStr[offset].ToString();
            TimeSpan ts = this._date - GanZhiStartDay;
            i = ts.Days % 60;
            indexGan = ((i % 10 + 1) * 2 - 1) % 10 - 1; //ganStr[i % 10] 为日的天干,(n*2-1) %10得出地支对应,n从1开始
            tmpGan = ganStr.Substring(indexGan) + ganStr.Substring(0, indexGan + 2);//凑齐12位
            //ganHour = ganStr[((i % 10 + 1) * 2 - 1) % 10 - 1].ToString();
            return tmpGan[offset].ToString() + zhiStr[offset].ToString();

        /// 检查公历日期是否符合要求
        private void CheckDateLimit(DateTime dt)
            if ((dt < MinDay) || (dt > MaxDay))
                throw new ChineseCalendarException("超出可转换的日期");

        /// 检查农历日期是否合理
        private void CheckChineseDateLimit(int year, int month, int day, bool leapMonth)
            if ((year < MinYear) || (year > MaxYear))
                throw new ChineseCalendarException("非法农历日期");
            if ((month < 1) || (month > 12))
                throw new ChineseCalendarException("非法农历日期");
            if ((day < 1) || (day > 30)) //中国的月最多30天
                throw new ChineseCalendarException("非法农历日期");
            int leap = GetChineseLeapMonth(year);// 计算该年应该闰哪个月
            if ((leapMonth == true) && (month != leap))
                throw new ChineseCalendarException("非法农历日期");


        /// 将0-9转成汉字形式
        private string ConvertNumToChineseNum(char n)
            if ((n < '0') || (n > '9')) return "";
            switch (n)
                case '0':
                    return HZNum[0].ToString();
                case '1':
                    return HZNum[1].ToString();
                case '2':
                    return HZNum[2].ToString();
                case '3':
                    return HZNum[3].ToString();
                case '4':
                    return HZNum[4].ToString();
                case '5':
                    return HZNum[5].ToString();
                case '6':
                    return HZNum[6].ToString();
                case '7':
                    return HZNum[7].ToString();
                case '8':
                    return HZNum[8].ToString();
                case '9':
                    return HZNum[9].ToString();
                    return "";

        /// 测试某位是否为真
        private bool BitTest32(int num, int bitpostion)
            if ((bitpostion > 31) || (bitpostion < 0))
                throw new Exception("Error Param: bitpostion[0-31]:" + bitpostion.ToString());
            int bit = 1 << bitpostion;
            if ((num & bit) == 0)
                return false;
                return true;

        /// 将星期几转成数字表示
        private int ConvertDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek dayOfWeek)
            switch (dayOfWeek)
                case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
                    return 1;
                case DayOfWeek.Monday:
                    return 2;
                case DayOfWeek.Tuesday:
                    return 3;
                case DayOfWeek.Wednesday:
                    return 4;
                case DayOfWeek.Thursday:
                    return 5;
                case DayOfWeek.Friday:
                    return 6;
                case DayOfWeek.Saturday:
                    return 7;
                    return 0;

        /// 比较当天是不是指定的第周几
        private bool CompareWeekDayHoliday(DateTime date, int month, int week, int day)
            bool ret = false;
            if (date.Month == month) //月份相同
                if (ConvertDayOfWeek(date.DayOfWeek) == day) //星期几相同
                    DateTime firstDay = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1);//生成当月第一天
                    int i = ConvertDayOfWeek(firstDay.DayOfWeek);
                    int firWeekDays = 7 - ConvertDayOfWeek(firstDay.DayOfWeek) + 1; //计算第一周剩余天数
                    if (i > day)
                        if ((week - 1) * 7 + day + firWeekDays == date.Day)
                            ret = true;
                        if (day + firWeekDays + (week - 2) * 7 == date.Day)
                            ret = true;
            return ret;

        /// 计算中国农历节日
        public string ChineseCalendarHoliday
                string tempStr = "";
                if (this._cIsLeapMonth == false) //闰月不计算节日
                    foreach (LunarHolidayStruct lh in lHolidayInfo)
                        if ((lh.Month == this._cMonth) && (lh.Day == this._cDay))
                            tempStr = lh.HolidayName;
                            tempStr = "恭喜发财";   //若当开没有节日,则显示“恭喜发财”
                    if (this._cMonth == 12)
                        int i = GetChineseMonthDays(this._cYear, 12); //计算当年农历12月的总天数
                        if (this._cDay == i) //如果为最后一天
                            tempStr = "除夕";
                return tempStr;

        /// 按某月第几周第几日计算的节日
        public string WeekDayHoliday
                string tempStr = "";
                foreach (WeekHolidayStruct wh in wHolidayInfo)
                    if (CompareWeekDayHoliday(_date, wh.Month, wh.WeekAtMonth, wh.WeekDay))
                        tempStr = wh.HolidayName;
                return tempStr;

        /// 按公历日计算的节日
        public string DateHoliday
                string tempStr = "";
                foreach (SolarHolidayStruct sh in sHolidayInfo)
                    if ((sh.Month == _date.Month) && (sh.Day == _date.Day))
                        tempStr = sh.HolidayName;
                        tempStr = "万事大吉";   //公历节日没有时,显示“万事大吉”
                return tempStr;

        /// 取对应的公历日期
        public DateTime Date
            get { return _date; }
            set { _date = value; }

        /// 取星期几
        public DayOfWeek WeekDay
            get { return _date.DayOfWeek; }

        /// 周几的字符
        public string WeekDayStr
                switch (_date.DayOfWeek)
                    case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
                        return "星期日";
                    case DayOfWeek.Monday:
                        return "星期一";
                    case DayOfWeek.Tuesday:
                        return "星期二";
                    case DayOfWeek.Wednesday:
                        return "星期三";
                    case DayOfWeek.Thursday:
                        return "星期四";
                    case DayOfWeek.Friday:
                        return "星期五";
                        return "星期六";

        /// 公历日期中文表示法 如一九九七年七月一日
        public string DateString
                return "公元" + this._date.ToLongDateString();

        /// 当前是否公历闰年
        public bool IsLeapYear
                return DateTime.IsLeapYear(this._date.Year);

        /// 28星宿计算
        public string ChineseConstellation
                int offset = 0;
                int modStarDay = 0;
                TimeSpan ts = this._date - ChineseConstellationReferDay;
                offset = ts.Days;
                modStarDay = offset % 28;
                return (modStarDay >= 0 ? _chineseConstellationName[modStarDay] : _chineseConstellationName[27 + modStarDay]);

        /// 时辰
        public string ChineseHour
                return GetChineseHour(_datetime);

        /// 是否闰月
        public bool IsChineseLeapMonth
            get { return this._cIsLeapMonth; }

        /// 当年是否有闰月
        public bool IsChineseLeapYear
                return this._cIsLeapYear;

        /// 农历日
        public int ChineseDay
            get { return this._cDay; }

        /// 农历日中文表示
        public string ChineseDayString
                switch (this._cDay)
                    case 0:
                        return "";
                    case 10:
                        return "初十";
                    case 20:
                        return "二十";
                    case 30:
                        return "三十";
                        return nStr2[(int)(_cDay / 10)].ToString() + nStr1[_cDay % 10].ToString();

        /// 农历的月份
        public int ChineseMonth
            get { return this._cMonth; }

        /// 农历月份字符串
        public string ChineseMonthString
                return _monthString[this._cMonth];

        /// 取农历年份
        public int ChineseYear
            get { return this._cYear; }

        /// 取农历年字符串如,一九九七年
        public string ChineseYearString
                string tempStr = "";
                string num = this._cYear.ToString();
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    tempStr += ConvertNumToChineseNum(num[i]);
                return tempStr + "年";

        /// 取农历日期表示法:农历一九九七年正月初五
        public string ChineseDateString
                if (this._cIsLeapMonth == true)
                    return "农历" + ChineseYearString + "闰" + ChineseMonthString + ChineseDayString;
                    return "农历" + ChineseYearString + ChineseMonthString + ChineseDayString;

        /// 定气法计算二十四节气,二十四节气是按地球公转来计算的,并非是阴历计算的
        /// 节气的定法有两种。古代历法采用的称为"恒气",即按时间把一年等分为24份,
        /// 每一节气平均得15天有余,所以又称"平气"。现代农历采用的称为"定气",即
        /// 按地球在轨道上的位置为标准,一周360°,两节气之间相隔15°。由于冬至时地
        /// 球位于近日点附近,运动速度较快,因而太阳在黄道上移动15°的时间不到15天。
        /// 夏至前后的情况正好相反,太阳在黄道上移动较慢,一个节气达16天之多。采用
        /// 定气时可以保证春、秋两分必然在昼夜平分的那两天。
        public string ChineseTwentyFourDay
                DateTime baseDateAndTime = new DateTime(1900, 1, 6, 2, 5, 0); //#1/6/1900 2:05:00 AM#
                DateTime newDate;
                double num;
                int y;
                string tempStr = "";
                y = this._date.Year;
                for (int i = 1; i <= 24; i++)
                    num = 525948.76 * (y - 1900) + sTermInfo[i - 1];
                    newDate = baseDateAndTime.AddMinutes(num);//按分钟计算
                    if (newDate.DayOfYear == _date.DayOfYear)
                        tempStr = SolarTerm[i - 1];
                return tempStr;

        public string ChineseTwentyFourPrevDay
                DateTime baseDateAndTime = new DateTime(1900, 1, 6, 2, 5, 0); //#1/6/1900 2:05:00 AM#
                DateTime newDate;
                double num;
                int y;
                string tempStr = "";
                y = this._date.Year;
                for (int i = 24; i >= 1; i--)
                    num = 525948.76 * (y - 1900) + sTermInfo[i - 1];
                    newDate = baseDateAndTime.AddMinutes(num);//按分钟计算
                    if (newDate.DayOfYear < _date.DayOfYear)
                        tempStr = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", SolarTerm[i - 1], newDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                return tempStr;

        public string ChineseTwentyFourNextDay
                DateTime baseDateAndTime = new DateTime(1900, 1, 6, 2, 5, 0); //#1/6/1900 2:05:00 AM#
                DateTime newDate;
                double num;
                int y;
                string tempStr = "";
                y = this._date.Year;
                for (int i = 1; i <= 24; i++)
                    num = 525948.76 * (y - 1900) + sTermInfo[i - 1];
                    newDate = baseDateAndTime.AddMinutes(num);//按分钟计算
                    if (newDate.DayOfYear > _date.DayOfYear)
                        tempStr = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", SolarTerm[i - 1], newDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                return tempStr;

        /// 计算指定日期的星座序号
        public string Constellation
                int index = 0;
                int y, m, d;
                y = _date.Year;
                m = _date.Month;
                d = _date.Day;
                y = m * 100 + d;
                if (((y >= 321) && (y <= 419))) { index = 0; }
                else if ((y >= 420) && (y <= 520)) { index = 1; }
                else if ((y >= 521) && (y <= 620)) { index = 2; }
                else if ((y >= 621) && (y <= 722)) { index = 3; }
                else if ((y >= 723) && (y <= 822)) { index = 4; }
                else if ((y >= 823) && (y <= 922)) { index = 5; }
                else if ((y >= 923) && (y <= 1022)) { index = 6; }
                else if ((y >= 1023) && (y <= 1121)) { index = 7; }
                else if ((y >= 1122) && (y <= 1221)) { index = 8; }
                else if ((y >= 1222) || (y <= 119)) { index = 9; }
                else if ((y >= 120) && (y <= 218)) { index = 10; }
                else if ((y >= 219) && (y <= 320)) { index = 11; }
                else { index = 0; }
                return _constellationName[index];

        /// 计算属相的索引,注意虽然属相是以农历年来区别的,但是目前在实际使用中是按公历来计算的
        /// 鼠年为1,其它类推
        public int Animal
                int offset = _date.Year - AnimalStartYear;
                return (offset % 12) + 1;

        /// 取属相字符串
        public string AnimalString
                int offset = _date.Year - AnimalStartYear; //阳历计算
                                                           //int offset = this._cYear - AnimalStartYear; 农历计算
                return animalStr[offset % 12].ToString();

        /// 取农历年的干支表示法如 乙丑年
        public string GanZhiYearString
                string tempStr;
                int i = (this._cYear - GanZhiStartYear) % 60; //计算干支
                tempStr = ganStr[i % 10].ToString() + zhiStr[i % 12].ToString() + "年";
                return tempStr;

        /// 取干支的月表示字符串,注意农历的闰月不记干支
        public string GanZhiMonthString
                int zhiIndex;
                string zhi;
                if (this._cMonth > 10)
                    zhiIndex = this._cMonth - 10;
                    zhiIndex = this._cMonth + 2;
                zhi = zhiStr[zhiIndex - 1].ToString();
                int ganIndex = 1;
                string gan;
                int i = (this._cYear - GanZhiStartYear) % 60; //计算干支
                switch (i % 10)
                    #region ...
                    case 0: //甲
                        ganIndex = 3;
                    case 1: //乙
                        ganIndex = 5;
                    case 2: //丙
                        ganIndex = 7;
                    case 3: //丁
                        ganIndex = 9;
                    case 4: //戊
                        ganIndex = 1;
                    case 5: //己
                        ganIndex = 3;
                    case 6: //庚
                        ganIndex = 5;
                    case 7: //辛
                        ganIndex = 7;
                    case 8: //壬
                        ganIndex = 9;
                    case 9: //癸
                        ganIndex = 1;
                gan = ganStr[(ganIndex + this._cMonth - 2) % 10].ToString();
                return gan + zhi + "月";

        /// 取干支日表示法
        public string GanZhiDayString
                int i, offset;
                TimeSpan ts = this._date - GanZhiStartDay;
                offset = ts.Days;
                i = offset % 60;
                return ganStr[i % 10].ToString() + zhiStr[i % 12].ToString() + "日";

        /// 取当前日期的干支表示法如 甲子年乙丑月丙庚日
        public string GanZhiDateString
                return GanZhiYearString + GanZhiMonthString + GanZhiDayString;

        /// 取下一天
        public SolarTerms NextDay()
            DateTime nextDay = _date.AddDays(1);
            return new SolarTerms(nextDay);

        /// 取前一天
        public SolarTerms PervDay()
            DateTime pervDay = _date.AddDays(-1);
            return new SolarTerms(pervDay);


DateTime D_Time = DateTime.Now;
ChineseCalendar NL_Time = new ChineseCalendar(D_Time);
Console.WriteLine("阳历:" + NL_Time.DateString);
Console.WriteLine("属相:" + NL_Time.AnimalString);
Console.WriteLine("农历:" + NL_Time.ChineseDateString);
Console.WriteLine("时辰:" + NL_Time.ChineseHour);
Console.WriteLine("节气:" + NL_Time.ChineseTwentyFourDay);
Console.WriteLine("节日:" + NL_Time.DateHoliday);
Console.WriteLine("前一个节气:" + NL_Time.ChineseTwentyFourPrevDay);
Console.WriteLine("后一个节气:" + NL_Time.ChineseTwentyFourNextDay);
Console.WriteLine("干支:" + NL_Time.GanZhiDateString);
Console.WriteLine("星期:" + NL_Time.WeekDayStr);
Console.WriteLine("星宿:" + NL_Time.ChineseConstellation);
Console.WriteLine("星座:" + NL_Time.Constellation);


  * 中国农历算法- 实用于公历1901 年至2100 年之间的200 年
    public class CnCalendar
        static fileds
        static methods
        private int gregorianYear = 1901;
        private int gregorianMonth = 1;
        private int gregorianDate = 1;
        private bool isGregorianLeap;
        private int dayOfYear;
        /// 周日------- 一星期的第一天
        private int dayOfWeek;
        private int chineseYear;
        /// 负数表示闰月
        private int chineseMonth;
        private int chineseDate;
        private int sectionalTerm;
        private int principleTerm;
        public CnCalendar()
            SetGregorian(1901, 1, 1);
        public void SetGregorian(int y, int m, int d)
            gregorianYear = y;
            gregorianMonth = m;
            gregorianDate = d;
            isGregorianLeap = IsGregorianLeapYear(y);
            dayOfYear = DayOfYear(y, m, d);
            dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek(y, m, d);
            chineseYear = 0;
            chineseMonth = 0;
            chineseDate = 0;
            sectionalTerm = 0;
            principleTerm = 0;
        /// 根据设定的公历(阳历)年月人计算农历年月日天干地支
        public int ComputeChineseFields()
            if (gregorianYear < 1901 || gregorianYear > 2100) return 1;
            int startYear = baseYear;
            int startMonth = baseMonth;
            int startDate = baseDate;
            chineseYear = baseChineseYear;
            chineseMonth = baseChineseMonth;
            chineseDate = baseChineseDate;
            // 第二个对应日,用以提高计算效率
            // 公历2000 年1 月1 日,对应农历4697 年11 月25 日
            if (gregorianYear >= 2000)
                startYear = baseYear + 99;
                startMonth = 1;
                startDate = 1;
                chineseYear = baseChineseYear + 99;
                chineseMonth = 11;
                chineseDate = 25;
            int daysDiff = 0;
            for (int i = startYear; i < gregorianYear; i++)
                daysDiff += 365;
                if (IsGregorianLeapYear(i)) daysDiff += 1; // leap year
            for (int i = startMonth; i < gregorianMonth; i++)
                daysDiff += DaysInGregorianMonth(gregorianYear, i);
            daysDiff += gregorianDate - startDate;
            chineseDate += daysDiff;
            int lastDate = DaysInChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
            int nextMonth = NextChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
            while (chineseDate > lastDate)
                if (Math.Abs(nextMonth) < Math.Abs(chineseMonth)) chineseYear++;
                chineseMonth = nextMonth;
                chineseDate -= lastDate;
                lastDate = DaysInChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
                nextMonth = NextChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
            return 0;
        /// 计算24节气
        public int ComputeSolarTerms()
            if (gregorianYear < 1901 || gregorianYear > 2100) return 1;
            sectionalTerm = SectionalTerm(gregorianYear, gregorianMonth);
            principleTerm = PrincipleTerm(gregorianYear, gregorianMonth);
            return 0;
        public override string ToString()
            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
            buf.Append("Gregorian Year: " + gregorianYear + "\n");
            buf.Append("Gregorian Month: " + gregorianMonth + "\n");
            buf.Append("Gregorian Date: " + gregorianDate + "\n");
            buf.Append("Is Leap Year: " + isGregorianLeap + "\n");
            buf.Append("Day of Year: " + dayOfYear + "\n");
            buf.Append("Day of Week: " + dayOfWeek + "\n");
            buf.Append("Chinese Year: " + chineseYear + "\n");
            buf.Append("Heavenly Stem: " + TIANGAN_NAMES[((chineseYear - 1) % 10)] + "\n");
            buf.Append("Earthly Branch: " + DIZHI_NAMES[((chineseYear - 1) % 12)] + "\n");
            buf.Append("Chinese Month: " + chineseMonth + "\n");
            buf.Append("Chinese Date: " + chineseDate + "\n");
            buf.Append("Sectional Term: " + sectionalTerm + "\n");
            buf.Append("Principle Term: " + principleTerm + "\n");
            return buf.ToString();
        /// 计算指定日期的明天的农历
        public void RollUpOneDay()
            dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek % 7 + 1;
            int days = DaysInGregorianMonth(gregorianYear, gregorianMonth);
            if (gregorianDate > days)
                gregorianDate = 1;
                if (gregorianMonth > 12)
                    gregorianMonth = 1;
                    dayOfYear = 1;
                    isGregorianLeap = IsGregorianLeapYear(gregorianYear);
                sectionalTerm = SectionalTerm(gregorianYear, gregorianMonth);
                principleTerm = PrincipleTerm(gregorianYear, gregorianMonth);
            days = DaysInChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
            if (chineseDate > days)
                chineseDate = 1;
                chineseMonth = NextChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
                if (chineseMonth == 1) chineseYear++;




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