Emacs shutcuts


Emacs shutcuts

show line number ???


C-f Move forward a character

C-b Move backward a character

C-n Move to next line
C-p Move to previous line


M-f Move forward a word
M-b Move backward a word

C-a Move to beginning of line
C-e Move to end of line

M-a Move back to beginning of sentence
M-e Move forward to end of sentence




<DEL> Delete the character just before the cursor
C-d Delete the next character after the cursor

M-<DEL> Kill the word immediately before the cursor
M-d Kill the next word after the cursor

C-k Kill from the cursor position to end of line
M-k Kill to the end of the current sentence



C-x C-f Find file
C-x C-s Save file
C-x s Save some buffers

C-x C-b List buffers
C-x b Switch buffer
C-x C-c Quit Emacs
C-x 1 Delete all but one window
C-x u Und



To exit Emacs use C-x C-c.

This tutorial is meant to be understandable to all new users, so if
you found something unclear, don't sit and blame yourself - complain! : ) 


Search and Replace

C-r /C-s



copy and stick


Ctrl-W, Alt-W, Ctrl-Y


switch frame


C-x hit o


close buffer

C-x k

trun around frame



shell command / M-x 

the last command for shell  : M-p 

the next command for shell :M-n

clearing the screen for shell: C-c M-o  


posted @ 2018-10-18 11:45  Johnny_Ma  阅读(134)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报