在Source Safe 采用tag


  1. On the VSS Administrator Tools menu, click Options.
  2. Click the General tab if it isn't already selected.
  3. In the Expand Keywords in Files of Type box, enter the types of files in which you want keyword expansion to occur; for example, *.txt.

If you use more than one extension, you must separate them with commas; for example, *.java, *.jsp, *.bas , *.cs.

  1. Click OK.

在你的cs, Java 文件的注释中可加入


$Archive: $

VSS archive file location

$Author: $

User who last changed the file

$Date: $

Date and time of last checkin

$Header: $

Logfile, Revision, Date, Author

$History: $

File history, VSS format

$JustDate: $

Date, without the time addendum.

$Log: $ 

File history, RCS format

$Logfile: $

Same as Archive

$Modtime: $

Date and time of last modification

$Revision: $

VSS version number

$Workfile: $

File name

For example, you could place the following in a file:

$Revision: $

Upon checkin, VSS would replace it with:

$Revision: 23 $

The next time you check in the file, the 23 is replaced by a 24, and so on

posted on 2007-03-07 15:22  莫相会  阅读(441)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报