Table of Content What Is Gaming as a Service? Gaming as a Service: Matching Goals to Realities Common Delivery Methods by Studio Business Model Why Ka 阅读全文
This blog is meant to give a very high level and generalized introduction into the workflow behind creating games. It is not meant to be a strict guid 阅读全文
void SendConsoleCommand(int x,int y,char *cvar) { _asm push cvar //push the arguments to stack _asm push x2 //push the arguments to stack _asm push x 阅读全文
Cover in games is very important aspect of gameplay. Proper cover placement can encourage map flow, control pacing, provide choices and encourage stra 阅读全文
本文基于Docker Desktop for Window 1. 拉取Kubernetes镜像 在命令行中运行以下命令 git clone https://github.com/AliyunContainerService/k8s-for-docker-desktop.git cd k8s-for- 阅读全文