Cod4 SendConsole Command

void SendConsoleCommand(int x,int y,char *cvar)

       _asm push cvar //push the arguments to stack

       _asm push x2   //push the arguments to stack

       _asm push x    //push the arguments to stack

       _asm mov esi, 0x4F9AB0  //Set up the call

       _asm call esi  //Do the call 


# Usage
      MessageBoxA(0, "", "Closing", 4);
      EngGameHook.CG_trap_SendConsoleCommand(1, 1, "quit"); // if we press F11 then it'll quit
posted @ 2020-06-13 18:20  Simon Matt  阅读(136)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报