ArcGIS for silverlight 中 QueryTask查询结果限制(500)问题[转]





“You should also consider that users can inadvertently or maliciously request unlimited numbers of features. The maximum number of features returned is the MaxRecordCount set in the map service configuration file. By default, this maximum is set to 500 features. Some common ways a user can request the maximum number of records for a layer are:

  • Request all cities with a population greater than 0.
  • Send an empty where statement (where="")
  • Send a statement that is always true (where="1=1").
  • Selecting all features in a layer. ”

    最终按图索骥发现在ArcGIS Server安装目录下存在路径:“C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\server\user\cfg”(本机安装ArcGIS Server默认装在C盘时)中存在已发布地图文件的config配置文件。如地图名为argc,文件名相应为argc.MapServer.ctg,在此文件中修改<MaxRecordCount></MaxRecordCount>节点数值后,重新启动ArcGIS Server Object Manager服务后,即可。


PS: 后经本人测试,最大可修改为5000,再大就会报错....郁闷

posted @ 2011-09-20 12:06  保安保安  阅读(595)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报