1.查询员工姓名(last_name或first_name),hire_date , department_id
满足以下条件:雇用时间在1997年之后,department_id 为80 或 90 或110, commission_pct不为空
select last_name, hire_date, department_id from employees where hire_date > to_date('1997-12-31', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and department_id in (80,90,110) and commission_pct is not null
select department_name, city, last_name, job_id, salary from employees e join departments d on e.department_id = d.department_id join locations l on d.location_id = l.location_id where department_name = 'Executive'
select months_between(sysdate, hire_date) / 12 hire_years, months_between(sysdate, hire_Date) hire_months from employees order by hire_years desc
4.查询员工号、姓名、雇用时间、工资其中员工的管理者为’De Haan’
select employee_id, last_name, hire_date, salary from employees where manager_id in ( select employee_id from employees where last_name = 'De Haan' )
update employees e set salary = salary * 1.1 where salary < ( select avg(salary) from employees where department_id = e.department_id )
6.查询在90或60号部门工作的员工的last_name, job_id
select last_name, job_id from employees where department_id in (90,60)
Salary tax _rate
0— 2999 salary*0.10
3000—5999 salary*0.15
6000 — 8999 salary*0.20
9000 — 11999 salary*0.30
〉12000 salary*0.40
select last_name, salary, salary * decode(trunc(salary / 3000), 0, 0.1, 1, 0.15, 2, 0.2, 3, 0.3, 0.4) tax_rate from employees
创建存储过程updatesalary(deptid number)
其中参数deptid为部门id , 根据输入的部门id输出出该部门各员工的雇佣时间和工资,并根据以下条件对工资进行更新
hire_date salary
hire_date < 1995 salary = salary*1.2
hire_date >=1995 and hire_date <= 1998 salary = salary*1.15
hire_date > 1998 and hire_date <= 2001 salary = salary *1.10
hire_date > 2001 salary = salary * 1.05
create or replace procedure updatesalary(deptid number) is cursor sal_cur is select hire_date, salary from employees where department_id=deptid for update; v_temp number(3,2); begin for sal_rec in sal_cur loop if sal_rec.hire_date < to_date('1995-1-1','yyyy-mm-dd') then v_temp := 1.2; elsif sal_rec.hire_date < to_date('1999-1-1','yyyy-mm-dd') then v_temp := 1.15; elsif sal_rec.hire_date < to_date('2002-1-1','yyyy-mm-dd') then v_temp := 1.1; else v_temp := 1.05; end if; update employees set salary = salary * v_temp where current of sal_cur; end loop; end;
创建函数 Deptcount (p_deptno number default 10 ,p_emp_count out number) return number
如果函数正常执行 则函数返回值为0;
如果该部门人数超过100 则函数返回值为1;
如果出现其他错误 则函数返回值为2
create or replace function Deptcount(p_deptno number default 10, p_emp_count out number) return number is too_many_emps exception; begin select count(employee_id) into p_emp_count from employees where department_id = p_deptno; if p_emp_count > 100 then raise too_many_emps; end if; return 0; exception when too_many_emps then return 1; when others then return 2; end;
四、创建触发器 dmltrigger 在对表 employees 进行 insert , update 或 delete 操作前触发,
如果是insert操作, 则将插入的数据存入empback表中
如果是update操作, 则将更新前的数据存入empback表中
如果是delete操作 ,则将删除的数据存入empback表中
注意: 1. 可以利用 INSERTING, UPDATING, DELETING 识别实际触发触发器的语句类型
如: if inserting then ...
2. 通过查看 user_users 表可以得到当前登录 oracle 数据库用户的详细信息
CREATE TABLE empback (userid VARCHAR2(20) --执行操作者的用户名 , Dmldate date DEFAULT SYSDATE -- 操作时间 , employee_id number(6) -- 员工id , first_name VARCHAR2(20) --名 , last_name VARCHAR2(25) --姓 , email VARCHAR2(25) --电子邮件 , phone_number VARCHAR2(20) --电话号码 , hire_date DATE --雇用时间 , job_id VARCHAR2(10) -- 工作id , salary number(8,2) --工资 , commission_pct number(2,2) -- 奖金 , manager_id number(6) --雇员的管理者的员工id , department_id number(4) -- 部门id ) create or replace trigger dmltrigger before insert or update or delete on employees for each row begin if INSERTING then insert into empback values((select username from user_users), sysdate, :new.employee_id, :new.first_name,:new.last_name,,:new.phone_number, :new.hire_date, :new.job_id, :new.salary, :new.commission_pct, :new.manager_id, :new.department_id ); elsif UPDATING or DELETING then insert into empback values((select username from user_users), sysdate, :old.employee_id, :old.first_name,:old.last_name,,:old.phone_number, :old.hire_date, :old.job_id, :old.salary, :old.commission_pct, :old.manager_id, :old.department_id ); end if; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ create or replace trigger dmltrigger before insert or update or delete on employees for each row declare v_username user_users.username%type; begin select username into v_username from user_users; if INSERTING then insert into empback values(v_username, sysdate, :new.employee_id, :new.first_name,:new.last_name,,:new.phone_number, :new.hire_date, :new.job_id, :new.salary, :new.commission_pct, :new.manager_id, :new.department_id ); elsif UPDATING or DELETING then insert into empback values(v_username, sysdate, :old.employee_id, :old.first_name,:old.last_name,,:old.phone_number, :old.hire_date, :old.job_id, :old.salary, :old.commission_pct, :old.manager_id, :old.department_id ); end if; end;