Coursera, Machine Learning, Anomoly Detection & Recommender system





怎么分配 training set, CV, test set?


When to select Anomaly detection(一种无监督学习) or Supervised learning? 总的来说guideline是如果positive example (anomaly examples)特别少就用Anamaly detection. 如果数据positive example 越来越多,可以选择从Anomanly detection 切换到 Supervised learning.
怎么选择feature ?
Multivariate Gaussian(Normal) examples




The original Gaussian model is a specific multivariate Gaussian model, please see following picture
Original vs Multivariate Gaussian
    虽然Multivariate 更全面,但是一般来说Original用的更多一些,因为计算cheeper, 一般在m很大n不大的时候考虑Mutivariate版本

Recommender system


  1. content based recommender system (content based 意思是比如我们已经知道每个电影的类型,像爱情片,动作片,。。。)

  人工分析每个电影的内容,得出feature 值,就是下面的romance, action 对应的值. 然后用linear regression 求出 theta.




  上面讲的是针对一个user的theta 参数,下面这个图是learn 所以的参数



  1. colabarative filtering algorithm (for feature learning, for specifically, theta->x->theta->x...)


concept of the algorithm of colabarative filtering
cost function:
calculate theta and x simutanously in one cost function


  1. low rack matrix factorization ( 不是一种新算法,是collaborating filter algo 的矩阵实现)


posted @ 2018-10-24 14:31  mashuai_191  阅读(230)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报