docker with GPU support



nvidia-docker, 不支持windows,
2019.10, nvidia-docker过时了,从docker 1903开始,安装一个nvidia-container-runtime就行了, --gpus
2020.12, docker 好像可以直接在wsl2里面跑了, 需要windows inside版本
win 10 2021版本直接包含了对GPU的支持,不再需要inside版本


copy from SO:

2021 updated answer

If you need to access NVIDIA CUDA from a Linux container on Windows 10, there is an easy way to do so, if you are fine with the (current) requirement of being on an Insider build. I was successful with training models on GPU in TensorFlow 2 using this method.

  1. Update Windows 10 to build 20149 or higher. At the time of writing, only Insider Dev branch will work -- you can check the build numbers on the Windows Insider webpage.
  2. Install the NVIDIA CUDA WSL driver (free registration is required)
  3. Install Docker Desktop
    • It will guide you through enabling WSL2 if you haven't already.
    • If you already have it installed, update it to the latest version and enable Settings - General - Use the WSL2 backed engine.
    • To be able to use the docker CLI from inside WSL2 (not just from PowerShell/cmd), enable the integration in Settings - Resources - WSL INTEGRATION.
  4. Test using the command docker run --rm -it --gpus=all

You need to pass --gpus=all to docker run to enable the container to access GPU. (If you use VSCode Remote Containers, add "runArgs": ["--gpus=all"], to devcontainer.json.)

You may come across mentions of --runtime=nvidia in descriptions of images meant for nvidia-docker (like the official TensorFlow images). Simply replace --runtime=nvidia by --gpus=all in the provided commands.


Ref: (

Is GPU pass-through possible with docker for Windows?



posted @ 2020-05-21 18:00  mashuai_191  阅读(446)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报