AWS Cloud Practioner 官方课程笔记 - Part 2
4. AWS Architecture
设计的5个柱子,也就是5大考量点, Security, Reliability, Performance Efficiency, Cost optimization, Operational excellence
Security pillar
Cost Optimization
Operational Excellence
Fault Tolorance
Web Hosting
比如你的website 在早上没有流量,在下午有peak, 你可以动态增减VM.
Well-Architectured Framework: 从5个维度来评估架构的合理性,它是一个现成的service, 可以跑workload时候用它来从5个方面检查
Operational Excellence:不断改进正常功能和pipeline
Security: 比如加密
Reliability:恢复 Recovery
Performance Efficiency:如选用合适的instance 类型
Cost Optimization
Q:Which pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework focuses on the ability of a workload to consistently and correctly perform its intended functions?
Q: Which pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework includes the ability to run workloads effectively and gain insights into their operations?
A: Operational Excellence
Q: Which pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework focuses on using computing resources in ways that meet system requirements?
A: Performance Efficiency
Advantages of cloud computing:
- Trade upfront expense for variable expense.
- Benefit from massive economies of scale.
- Stop guessing capacity.
- Increase speed and agility.
- Stop spending money running and maintaining data centers.
- Go global in minutes.