
My Dearest umiko:


Frist time we met , we talk about the topic of guys.the dusted box in mind was open,I recall this  

Philosophy again。actually, I was give to think this this complex matters,but,it quite interesting and intriguing。So,today,I want to present my thought about this。

As I mentioned to you before ,the Aristotle says,””.and  Plato more radiation says””.is there  a perfect world

And British guys colonize the world ,make such aristocraism popular ,the word “aristocrat” itself come form  the word Aristotle,the


But i guess some people misunderstand the true  purpose of Aristotle said,the intention is to transfer lust to the positive energy,to create batter things,but some guys indulge in the lust.


a man feel to a man is not passionate like a man feel to a woman,it's lustless,maybe that's why the relationship is more aesthetic.


just like a man wearing the Lolita dress,i can but the cloth in store immediately ,but it's not just only for being dressing  look like a girl ,it's the explore  the fundamental of the human,the original ,the distinction between woman and man.such act is a pioneer.if just do this thing without conscious and feeling.that will be emptiness.



before i meet u i don't


Their think their break the band of tradition and standard ,so, exactly that vagarious idea and deed make their are more creative and persist in  imaginative object .

is there  a perfect world?       --plato

Yeah,i guess .maybe that’s the reasons their dreams and strive for it .a Utopia .

You said that we&jing dynasty also epidemic this thing,I’m very wishing to heard you to talk about the story when we met.

We  are know the westernlized county although not fully accept the LGBT,but their tolerant it.maybe because  their the LGBT have

But our tradition morality standard is forbid the LGBT


Sort of conundrum haunted me ,I’m confused and stuck in

When I sew you ,the passsion growth beyond reason , I think I can hold me self.





We Human is such strange creation ,live only for itsself ,will become weak ,live for protect someone ,the man will fearless .now ,I  was true understand the words mean.


It’s really changed me a lot after I met you ,I starting jogging ,everydays work and learn become meanfull。

Your are the star,illumine the empty soul of mine.your are the Polaris ,guide the path of mine .you are the sun ,shine the darkness in the heart.the first time, i feel such pure feel,it’s so strong so passionate








I still remembered the last time we separate, I am watching you clumsy wearing the raincape in the rain。The picture is-- a big tiny mascot doll squeeze into the raincape,It’s so cccccute。 I was reminiscing so as to walked crush on the glass wall。。。



I like to see you smile,

through that smile ,I can feel your inner beauty, sparkling inside your body.

That unique manner reflects your elegant charms(tone) with a little bit fairylike naughty ,gosh,you are such an elf.

Eye on line

teeth have out



Every night I feel hard to sleep,think about your smile,your voice,your figure,your eyes,your teeth。 Strangely,I even can’t recall your face,only your figure mapping in my mind and your voice whispering in my ear.your are a masterpiece,a piece only dreams are meant to have .That beauty is elegant and shapeless.


 Oh, I must be the luckiest man in the world ,met the a girl that I want to devote my allegiance.

Just like knight pledge loyalty to the princess ,only stay by your side,I feel content and please.


Just like James feeling to Alyssa,instead of expressing heself,only stay by her side,he feels satisfed.

I wish to be that knight ,stand by your side,hear your grace word.


You give me feelings I've never felt before,Such  feel is so marvelous,pure and without and flaw,the passions burn and the soul are fulfillment.


Thing you for allowing me by your side as a friend.







I found the mean of life is not to achieve some object ,it’s to find my true heart.

I found meself like to written something,write about things brought me solace,anything i can write about it,a memory ,a place,a thought  . /*it's not only just present to the audience。*/  Most importantly observe my own heart ,passion love ,thought the word described on the paper,the true heart of my own is reveal,.

Also in other side ,it could improve my writing skill



/*The dawn of  a new age for us is coming ,this could be the key to the next phase of our life ,a new page is unfold.*/



Stuck by the trivial thing, can’t live freely, i wish live like the FireFlower,


Every step I made in current,it’s for that I can do the dream thing in the future。

but,sometime dream toomuch for the vague future,result in easy to ignore the current. 

if the freedom can not grisp in myself hand, i will fight for it untill my last breath.

To be continue





i written a letter , decided to send you,

 when you cutting my phone didn't get backmessage ,i think im stunned with a tremendous sadness and a little bit satisfied?,suddenly, i understand the original of the word "sadistic"..actual,i thought  i may never see you again.

 i may thought just throw this letter into trashCan,but there are a hole inside my heart if without  you,I wish to fulfill it.

 i kind understand why ModernAmericaWriter need to smoke pot when them written or draw,cause is to exciting to express the mind through the word。

 your are a realistic description of wanderland Alice in my heart  ,your calm your confident smile is a Aesthetic Utopia。


pain,satisfy,sadness,happyness,Exciting,fear,Anxiety,Calmness,all the human feeling exist in one individual is constant,cause the all emotion chemical in each man is the same。the bestway to pleasure is take drugs 。so,i try to Temperance myselfs,because every feelings will come in time。

sometimes ,i feel lost,lost the way,lost the mean,lost the purpose,i guess the solution is told myself everything gonna alright.




Love is admirable    -polato





today is Christmas,we celebrate JesusChrist birthday。

posted @ 2019-12-04 06:10  qq814403059  阅读(627)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报