

Perform a chain or multiple chains of keyboard and pointer (touch, mouse, stylus) actions


Example Usage

1 element = driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id("elId")
2 actions = ActionChains(driver)
3 actions.move_to_element(element)
5 actions.perform()


  • input source: Represents an input device (pointer or key) that a series of actions are dispatched to. The input source has a unique ID.
  • action: An action that is dispatched to an input source. For a keyboard source, this can be 'keyDown' or 'keyUp'. For a pointer event this can be 'pointerMove', 'pointerDown', or 'pointerUp'. 'pause' events can also be sent to the device.

The Actions API takes a list of input sources and executes each 'tick'. A 'tick' is a slice of an action chain, so if you have two input sources, the first 'tick' is the 0-indexed action, the second 'tick' is the 1-indexed action, etc.... All of the actions per tick are executed concurrently.



posted @ 2022-03-10 23:01  MaxYong  阅读(129)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报