
  1. How to search the file name and open it:

Ctrlp,   this plugin is easy to use to search files


  2. go to previous position:

Ctrl + o     go to next position: ctrl+l


  1. Search a string




  1. How to rename a file in exproject:

Need to switch to NERDTree use 'm' command to move the filename to newfilename



  1. How to parse cshell project:

In test.exvim file,  append file name behind variable file_filter+=sh,csh


  6. How to replace string in all fles:

          need to install easygrep plugin

          use \vv to search   string, I think it's better than \gg

          user :Replace target new_string

 7. how to close/open quickfix window:

          use command  :ccl   :cope   or more detail    :cclose  :copen


    howevery, typing so many characters is not convienet, to make it more easy to use, I map the command bellow inside vimrc


// autocmd is  a local command that keeps the global mapping as-is ,but change local mapping, really good command

:autocmd BufReadPost quickfix nnoremap <buffer> <ESC> :cclose <CR>

This command comes from following link:



posted @ 2015-11-13 10:35  skivvy  阅读(385)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报