有时,我们要把一列中内容相同的单元格合并起来。如下图: 此主题相关图片如下:合并后的效果图: 此主题相关图片如下:下面就说说怎么实现的: Sub SpanGrid() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim intSpan As Integer Dim strTemp As String ... 阅读全文
Microsoft Application Blocks Updater Application BlockThe Updater Application Block that provides a "pull model" solution to automatically download app updates from a single location. Caching Applica... 阅读全文
比如说,现在站点A有个附件想传给站点B,我们就可以用WSE来传。在服务器端的webservice文件service1.asmx中写入webmethod:这个是取附件的方法:[WebMethod] public void GetAttachment() { // 获取 SoapContext 作为响应消息 SoapContext myContext = HttpSoapContex... 阅读全文