escort (+6 /+1)
- vt.护送;护卫
- n.护卫队;护送者;护卫舰(或车队、飞机);
discreet (+6 /+1)
- adj.(言行)谨慎的;慎重的;考虑周到的
- DF: careful in what you say or do, in order to keep sth secret or to avoid causing embarrassment or difficulty for sb
tumble (+6 ) ❌
- v.摔倒;滚落;翻滚下来;倒塌;坍塌;(价格或数量)暴跌;骤降
- n.跌倒;暴跌;滚落;混乱的一堆;杂乱不堪的一团
DF1: to fall downwards, often hitting the ground several times, but usually without serious injury; to make sb/sth fall in this way 【使)跌倒,摔倒,滚落,翻滚下来】
DF2: to fall suddenly and in a dramatic way 【倒塌;坍塌】
DF3: to fall rapidly in value or amount 【(价格或数量)暴跌,骤降】
pine (+6)
- n.松木;松树
- vi.(因死亡、离别) 难过,悲伤
accessory (+5)
- n.附件;配件;附属物;(衣服的)配饰;从犯;同谋;帮凶
- adj.辅助的;副的
- DF1: an extra piece of equipment that is useful but not essential or that can be added to sth else as a decoration 【[usually pl.] 附件;配件;附属物】
- DF2: a person who helps sb to commit a crime or who knows about it and protects the person from the police 【(law 律) 从犯;同谋;帮凶】
complexion (+4)
- n.面色;肤色;气色;(事物的)性质,特性
- DF1: the natural colour and condition of the skin on a person's face 【面色;肤色;气色】
- DF2: the general character of sth 【[usually sing.] (事物的)性质,特性】
cram (+3)
- v.把…塞进;塞满;挤满;(为应考)临时死记硬背
- DF1: to push or force sb/sth into a small space; to move into a small space with the result that it is full 【把…塞进;挤满;塞满】
- DF2: to learn a lot of things in a short time, in preparation for an exam 【[V] ~ (for sth) (为应考)临时死记硬背】
cordial (+4)
- adj.热诚的;热情友好的;和蔼可亲的
- n.(不含酒精、加水饮用的)甜果汁饮料;一杯甜果汁饮料
- DF1: pleasant and friendly
scrupulous (+5)
- adj.仔细的;细致的;一丝不苟的;审慎正直的;恪守道德规范的
- DF1: careful about paying attention to every detail 【仔细的;细致的;一丝不苟的】
- DF2: careful to be honest and do what is right 【审慎正直的;恪守道德规范的】
confederation (+5)
- n.联邦;联盟;联合体;加拿大联邦(从1867年7月1日起由若干省和地方组成加拿大)
- DF1: an organization consisting of countries, businesses, etc. that have joined together in order to help each other 【联盟;联合体】
relentless (+3)
- adj.不停的;持续强烈的;不减弱的;不放弃的;严格的;苛刻的;无情的
- DF1: not stopping or getting less strong 【不停的;持续强烈的;不减弱的】
- DF2: refusing to give up or be less strict or severe 【不放弃的;严格的;苛刻的;无情的】
- e,g: her relentless pursuit of perfection .
vicious (+6 ) ❌
- adj.恶毒的;狂暴的;残酷的;凶猛危险的;充满仇恨的;严厉的
- DF1: violent and cruel 【狂暴的;残酷的】
- DF2: aggressive and dangerous 【(of animals 动物) 凶猛危险的】
- DF3: full of hatred and anger 【(of an attack, criticism, etc. 攻击、批评等) 充满仇恨的;严厉的】
prosper (-2)
- vi.繁荣;兴旺;成功;发达
- DF1: to develop in a successful way; to be successful, especially in making money
ingenuity (+2)
- n.独创力;聪明才智;心灵手巧
- DF1: the ability to invent things or solve problems in clever new ways 【[U] 独创力;聪明才智;心灵手巧】
- 派生: ingenious / ingeniously
shred (+2)
- vt.切碎;撕碎
- n.(撕或切的)细条,碎片;极少量;些许;一丁点
- DF1: to cut or tear sth into small pieces 【[VN] 切碎;撕碎】
- DF2: a small thin piece that has been torn or cut from sth 【[usually pl.] (撕或切的)细条,碎片】
nurture (+2)
- vt.养育;养护;培养;扶持;帮助;支持;滋长;助长
- n.养育;培养
- DF1: to care for and protect sb/sth while they are growing and developing 【养育;养护;培养】
- DF2: to help sb/sth to develop and be successful 【扶持;帮助;支持】 【同义词: foster】
- DF3: to have a feeling, an idea, a plan, etc. for a long time and encourage it to develop 【滋长;助长】
- 记忆技巧:nur〔= nurs〕滋养 + ture 行为 → 培育
admonish (+2)
- v.责备;告诫;警告;力劝;忠告
- DF1: to tell sb firmly that you do not approve of sth that they have done 【责备;告诫;警告】 【同义词: reprove】
- DF2: to strongly advise sb to do sth 【力劝;忠告】
leech (+2)❌
- n.水蛭;蚂蟥;依赖他人钱财者;攫取他人收益者;寄生虫
- v.用水蛭吸血;依附并榨取
dispose (+2)
- vt.处置;布置;排列;安排;使倾向于;使有意于;使易于
- DF1: to arrange things or people in a particular way or position 【排列;布置;安排】
megalith (+2)
- n.(尤指古代用于祭祀的)巨石
- DF1: a very large stone, especially one put in a place that was used for ceremonies in ancient times
quick-witted (+2)
- adj.机智的;聪颖的;机敏的
- DF1: able to think quickly; intelligent 【】
tempo (+3)
- n.(运动或活动的)速度;(乐曲的)拍子;节奏
- DF1: the speed or rhythm of a piece of music 【乐曲的)速度,拍子,节奏】
- Df2: the speed of any movement or activity 【(运动或活动的)速度,节奏】
- e.g: the increasing tempo of life in Western society
wrench (+2)
- n.扳手;扳钳;(离别的)痛苦,难受;猛扭;猛拉
- v.猛拉;猛扭;猛拧;扭伤(脚踝、肩膀等);使痛苦,使十分难过(尤指以致哭喊出声)
- DF1: to pull or twist sth/sb/yourself suddenly and violently 【猛拉;猛扭;猛拧】
- DF2: to twist and injure a part of your body, especially your ankle or shoulder 【扭伤(脚踝、肩膀等)】
monarchy (+5)
- n.君主制;君主政体;君主国;君主及其家庭成员
- DF1: a system of government by a king or a queen 【君主制;君主政体】
- DF2: a country that is ruled by a king or a queen 【君主国】
overt (+4)
- adj.公开的;明显的;不隐瞒的
- DF1: done in an open way and not secretly 【done in an open way and not secretly】
- e.g: There was little overt support for the project.
tariff (+3)
- n.关税;(旅馆、饭店或服务公司的)价目表,收费表;量刑标准
- DF1: a tax that is paid on goods coming into or going out of a country 【关税】
- DF2: a list of fixed prices that are charged by a hotel or restaurant for rooms, meals, etc., or by a company for a particular service 【(旅馆、饭店或服务公司的)价目表,收费表】
epithet (+4)
- n.绰号;(尤用于褒贬人或事物特征或性质的)表述形容词,修饰语;别称;诨名
- DF1: an adjective or phrase that is used to describe sb/sth's character or most important quality, especially in order to give praise or criticism 【(尤用于褒贬人或事物特征或性质的)表述形容词,修饰语】
- e.g: The film is long and dramatic but does not quite earn the epithet ‘epic’.
- DF2: an offensive word or phrase that is used about a person or group of people
dough: n. (+4) ❌
- n.面团;钱;(用于制面包和糕点的)生面团
- DF1: a mixture of flour, water, etc. that is made into bread and pastry 【用于制面包和糕点的)生面团】
brigade n. (+5) ❌
- n.旅(陆军编制单位);(主张相同或其他某方面相似的)伙,帮,派
- DF: a large group of soldiers that forms a unit of an army 【旅(陆军编制单位)】
- n.小册子;手册
- DF: a very thin book with a paper cover, containing information about a particular subject 【小册子;手册】
veil (+3)
- n.面纱;(尤指女用的)面罩;(修女的)头巾;掩饰;掩盖;借口;托词
- vt.戴面纱;戴面罩;遮掩;掩饰
- DF: a covering of very thin transparent material worn, especially by women, to protect or hide the face, or as part of a hat, etc. 【尤指女用的)面纱,面罩】
reassure (+3)
- vt.安抚;使…安心;打消…的疑虑
- DF: to say or do sth that makes sb less frightened or worried 【使…安心;打消…的疑虑】
squad (+2)
- n.(对付某类犯罪活动的)警察队伍;运动(代表)队;(军队的)班
- DF: a section of a police force that deals with a particular type of crime 【(对付某类犯罪活动的)警察队伍】
- DF2: a group of people who have a particular task 【(特殊任务)小组,队
perch (+3)
- n.鲈鱼;河鲈;高处;(鸟的)栖息处,栖木;高座
- v.栖息;停留;(使)坐,坐在…边沿
- DF1: to land and stay on a branch, etc. 【(of a bird 鸟) 栖息;停留】
- DF2: to sit or to make sb sit on sth, especially on the edge of it 【(informal) (使)坐,坐在…边沿】
- DF3: a place where a bird rests, especially a branch or bar for this purpose, for example in a bird's cage 【(鸟的)栖息处,栖木】
- n.监控;(对犯罪嫌疑人或可能发生犯罪的地方的)监视
- DF: the act of carefully watching a person suspected of a crime or a place where a crime may be committed 【(对犯罪嫌疑人或可能发生犯罪的地方的)监视】
metaphor (+2)
- n.暗喻;隐喻、
- DF: A metaphor is an imaginative way of describing something by referring to something else which is the same in a particular way. For example, if you want to say that someone is very shy and frightened of things, you might say that they are a mouse.【暗喻;隐喻】
- vt.相等;同等看待;使等同
- DF: to think that sth is the same as sth else or is as important 【同等看待;使等同】
- e.g: I don't see how you can equate the two things
- e.g: Some parents equate education with exam success.
- n.(总称某人的)可表演项目;(某人的)全部才能,全部本领
- DF1: all the plays, songs, pieces of music, etc. that a performer knows and can perform 【(总称某人的)可表演项目】
- DF2: all the things that a person is able to do【(某人的)全部才能,全部本领】
- DF3: The repertoire of a person or thing is all the things of a particular kind that the person or thing is capable of doing.
integrate into
- phr.融入;与…成为一体
- e.g: He didn't integrate successfully into the Italian way of life
- e.g: Little attempt was made to integrate the parts into a coherent whole
- e.g: How will family practice integrate into the current health care system?
- e.g: Integrate into the development environment ( the IDE).
来源: 博客园
作者: 茶哩哩
文章: 转载请注明原文链接:https://www.cnblogs.com/martin-1/p/15392489.html
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