转载翻译简介:关于Flash and C++ Native Extension C++扩展ANE——1






Last week I decided to look into building a native extension for AIR and was very surprised by the lack of quality resources and tutorials for doing so. I was able to find examples for Android using Java and for iOS using Objective-C, but pretty much nothing for a standard Windows C++ project. I was eventually able to get things up and running by piecing together bits of information from various sources, but I thought I'd take the time to write a step-by-step tutorial on how to do this so that perhaps others will have an easier time. In this tutorial you will create a native extension that simply adds two numbers together and returns the sum.

I'll start with a warning: this tutorial is not for the absolute beginner. You will need the AIR/Flex SDK, Microsoft Visual Studio, familiarity with C++ coding and be comfortable creating packages via the command line. Also, while I'm comfortable with Flash and ActionScript, I am definitely not an authority on C/C++ so there may be other (better) ways to do some things. Of course, if you happen to be an authority on that stuff, please feel free to suggest improvements! Ok, with the initial disclaimer out of the way, let's go ahead and get our hands dirty!




To begin, you'll need to have Microsoft Visual C++ 2010; and yes, the free Express edition is just fine. Once you've got that installed (and any necessary updates) go ahead and open it up and start a new project. We want to create a Win32 project so select that and give it the name NativeAdd.


Select Next and on the following screen, under Application Type, choose DLL (Dynamic-Link Library) and click Finish.


Great! The C++ project has been created! The next step is to make a few changes to the code; open up dllmain.cpp and the top of the file remove the following line:


#include "stdafx.h" 

and replace it with this:


#include <Windows.h>  

After that, let's go to the DllMain function and remove the entire switch statement so that the only code left in the function is: return TRUE;

The dllmain.cpp file should now look like this:


The dllmain.cpp file should now look like this:


#include <Windows.h>  
                       DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,  
                       LPVOID lpReserved )  
    return TRUE;  




Using a native extension with Flash Develop is actually a bit of a pain, but it is definitely my preferred IDE, so I'll show you how to do this. I got these steps from this video by the AIR Kinect guys, so if you get confused reading this, you can always watch that video instead.

用Flash Develop 的native 扩展蛮痛苦的。但是俺们就是稀饭FD这个IDE。。。所以教教大家怎么做啦。。(挺长的),我从视频上找到的步骤。



posted @ 2014-02-18 13:12  Mars_Zhang  阅读(342)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报