Introduction Normally debugging a windows service under Visual Studio .Net is painful. Windows services won't actually run directly within Visual Studio .Net, so the usual technique is to install and... 阅读全文
1. 简介 Test Driven Development 的步骤是先写测试,然后写代码让测试通过,然后再重构。这些概念在.net环境中由于对软件质量要求的提高,越来越受到重视。测试公有方法是很容易的,自然而然的就有问题产生了“如何测试protected或private方法”?本文包括: l 总结一些测试私有方法的常用做法; l ... 阅读全文
ILMerge MS research's site has a ILMerge tools to merge modules or assemblies into one assembly. http://research.microsoft.com/~mbarnett/ilmerge.aspx the following url is a ilmerge nant tool. http:... 阅读全文