FW: How to use Hibernate Lazy Fetch and Eager Fetch Type – Spring Boot + MySQL

原帖 https://grokonez.com/hibernate/use-hibernate-lazy-fetch-eager-fetch-type-spring-boot-mysql


In the tutorial, JavaSampleApproach will help you understand Hibernate Lazy Fetch Type and Eager Fetch Type by sample code with Spring Boot & MySql database.

I. Technologies

– Java 1.8 – Maven 3.3.9 – Spring Tool Suite – Version 3.8.1.RELEASE – Spring Boot: 1.5.1.RELEASE – MySql database

II. Hibernate Lazy Fetch & Eager Fetch Type

How to load all entities of relationships in RDBMS Database? -> Hibernate provides 2 strategies to retrieve entities(records) of all relationships: Lazy Fetch & Eager Fetch. So Hibernate Fetch Types are always associated with relationship annotations: @OneToOne, @OneToMany, @ManyToOne, @ManyToMany.

1. Eager Fetch Type

Hibernate Eager Fetch Type comes with setting: fetch = FetchType.EAGER. Details:


Hibernate Eager Fetch Type will load all the relationship entities at the initial time.

– Example, when calling companyRepository.findAll(), all the records of product tables will be loaded by Hibernate and stored in Set products of a Company object.

Details: – CompanyServices.java:






From the logs, having three select statements when calling function: companyRepository.findAll() to load company entities and all relationship entities: products at initial time. Then for next processing step(showing them on console), all info of product entities are ready in memory for getting.

*** Note: should consider about memory & performance issues when working with Eager fetching strategy.

2. Lazy Fetch Type

Hibernate Lazy Fetch Type comes with setting: fetch = FetchType.LAZY.



Hibernate Eager Fetch Type will NOT load any entities (records) of relationships at the initial time. Need @Transaction annotation for Lazy Fetch to associate relationship loaded entities with a Hibernate session. If NOT, an exception will be thrown:


Details company loading service: – CompanyServices.java


Logs when calling the function: companyRepository.findAll():


Difference with Eager Fetch, at retrieving Company entities step, just having one select statement to load company entities while invoking the function: companyRepository.findAll(). When showing relationship entities(products) info, having 2 others select statements to load product records from database.

III. Practice

Step to do: – Create SpringBoot project – Create Models – Create JPA Repositories – Implement Services – Configure Datasource & Spring JPA – Implement a test Client – Run & Check results

1. Create SpringBoot project

– Using SpringToolSuite, create a SpringBoot project. Then add needed dependencies:



2. Create Models

2 Entities Company and Product that having One-to-Many relationship:

Spring Jpa One To Many Relationship

2.1 Company entity



2.2 Product entity



@Entity: Specifies that the class is an entity. This annotation is applied to the entity class. @Id: Specifies the primary key of an entity. @OneToMany: Defines a many-valued association with one-to-many multiplicity. @ManyToOne: Defines a single-valued association to another entity class that has many-to-one multiplicity @JoinColumn: Specifies a column for joining an entity association or element collection. If the JoinColumn annotation itself is defaulted, a single join column is assumed and the default values apply.

3. Create JPA Repositories

Create 2 interface repositories by extends JpaRepository: – CompanyRepository.java





4. Implement Services







About showData() function, we must implement with @Transactional for Lazy Fetch Type. But @Transactional is optional with Eager FetchType.

5. Configure Datasource & Spring JPA

Open application.properties, configure spring.datasource & spring.jpa:



6. Implement a test Client

Use 2 repository: CompanyRepository & ProductRepository



Implement 3 functions: – clearData() is used to empty 2 tables company & productsaveData() is used to persist entities (Company & Product) to database – showData() is used to load all records (Company & Product) and show all on console.

Full SourceCode:



7. Run & Check results
7.1 Run with Eager Fetch Type

Build & Run the project with SpringBoot App mode. The sourcecode is ready with Eager Fetch Type config for both Company & Product. – Logs:



7.2 Run with Lazy Fetch Type

Change the Fetch Type to LAZY for both: Company & Product.






– Build & Run again the project with SpringBoot App mode. – Logs:



7.3 Mix Lazy & Eager Fetch Types

Change fetch type: Company with FetchType.LAZY BUT Product with FetchType.EAGER.







Build & Run again the project with SpringBoot App mode.




IV. Sourcecode

By grokonez | April 27, 2017.

posted @ 2018-08-10 14:03  Marco CAO  阅读(1976)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报