Unity IL2cpp内存管理



  • hblk
struct hblk {
    char hb_body[HBLKSIZE];
BoehmGC是按照block来分配内存的,HBLKSIZE表示每个block大小 默认值是4096,和页大小一致,猜测合理的值,应该是页大小的倍数。
  • hblkhdr
    • 是每个block的header信息。hb_n_marks表示这个hblk内存块中被“引用”的对象个数,hb_marks数组维护所有对象的引用标记位,用0和1表示“引用”和“非引用”,MARK_BITS_SZ=(MARK_BITS_PER_HBLK/CPP_WORDSZ + 1) = 5
struct hblkhdr {
    struct hblk * hb_next;      /* Link field for hblk free list         */
                                /* and for lists of chunks waiting to be */
                                /* reclaimed.                            */
    struct hblk * hb_prev;      /* Backwards link for free list.        */
    struct hblk * hb_block;     /* The corresponding block.             */
    unsigned char hb_obj_kind;
                         /* Kind of objects in the block.  Each kind    */
                         /* identifies a mark procedure and a set of    */
                         /* list headers.  Sometimes called regions.    */
    unsigned char hb_flags;
#       define IGNORE_OFF_PAGE  1       /* Ignore pointers that do not  */
                                        /* point to the first page of   */
                                        /* this object.                 */
#       define WAS_UNMAPPED 2   /* This is a free block, which has      */
                                /* been unmapped from the address       */
                                /* space.                               */
                                /* GC_remap must be invoked on it       */
                                /* before it can be reallocated.        */
                                /* Only set with USE_MUNMAP.            */
#       define FREE_BLK 4       /* Block is free, i.e. not in use.      */
#       ifdef ENABLE_DISCLAIM
#         define HAS_DISCLAIM 8
                                /* This kind has a callback on reclaim. */
#         define MARK_UNCONDITIONALLY 0x10
                                /* Mark from all objects, marked or     */
                                /* not.  Used to mark objects needed by */
                                /* reclaim notifier.                    */
#       endif
#       ifdef MARK_BIT_PER_GRANULE
#         define LARGE_BLOCK 0x20
#       endif
    unsigned short hb_last_reclaimed;
                                /* Value of GC_gc_no when block was     */
                                /* last allocated or swept. May wrap.   */
                                /* For a free block, this is maintained */
                                /* only for USE_MUNMAP, and indicates   */
                                /* when the header was allocated, or    */
                                /* when the size of the block last      */
                                /* changed.                             */
#   ifdef MARK_BIT_PER_OBJ
      unsigned32 hb_inv_sz;     /* A good upper bound for 2**32/hb_sz.  */
                                /* For large objects, we use            */
                                /* LARGE_INV_SZ.                        */
#     define LARGE_INV_SZ (1 << 16)
#   endif
    word hb_sz; /* If in use, size in bytes, of objects in the block.   */
                /* if free, the size in bytes of the whole block.       */
                /* We assume that this is convertible to signed_word    */
                /* without generating a negative result.  We avoid      */
                /* generating free blocks larger than that.             */
    word hb_descr;              /* object descriptor for marking.  See  */
                                /* gc_mark.h.                           */
      unsigned short * hb_map;  /* Essentially a table of remainders    */
                                /* mod BYTES_TO_GRANULES(hb_sz), except */
                                /* for large blocks.  See GC_obj_map.   */
#   endif
      volatile AO_t hb_n_marks; /* Number of set mark bits, excluding   */
                                /* the one always set at the end.       */
                                /* Currently it is concurrently         */
                                /* updated and hence only approximate.  */
                                /* But a zero value does guarantee that */
                                /* the block contains no marked         */
                                /* objects.                             */
                                /* Ensuring this property means that we */
                                /* never decrement it to zero during a  */
                                /* collection, and hence the count may  */
                                /* be one too high.  Due to concurrent  */
                                /* updates, an arbitrary number of      */
                                /* increments, but not all of them (!)  */
                                /* may be lost, hence it may in theory  */
                                /* be much too low.                     */
                                /* The count may also be too high if    */
                                /* multiple mark threads mark the       */
                                /* same object due to a race.           */
#   else
      size_t hb_n_marks;        /* Without parallel marking, the count  */
                                /* is accurate.                         */
#   endif
#   ifdef USE_MARK_BYTES
#     define MARK_BITS_SZ (MARK_BITS_PER_HBLK + 1)
        /* Unlike the other case, this is in units of bytes.            */
        /* Since we force double-word alignment, we need at most one    */
        /* mark bit per 2 words.  But we do allocate and set one        */
        /* extra mark bit to avoid an explicit check for the            */
        /* partial object at the end of each block.                     */
      union {
        char _hb_marks[MARK_BITS_SZ];
                            /* The i'th byte is 1 if the object         */
                            /* starting at granule i or object i is     */
                            /* marked, 0 o.w.                           */
                            /* The mark bit for the "one past the       */
                            /* end" object is always set to avoid a     */
                            /* special case test in the marker.         */
        word dummy;     /* Force word alignment of mark bytes. */
      } _mark_byte_union;
#     define hb_marks _mark_byte_union._hb_marks
#   else
      word hb_marks[MARK_BITS_SZ];
#   endif /* !USE_MARK_BYTES */
  • bottom_index
    typedef struct bi {
        hdr * index[BOTTOM_SZ];
             * The bottom level index contains one of three kinds of values:
             * 0 means we're not responsible for this block,
             *   or this is a block other than the first one in a free block.
             * 1 < (long)X <= MAX_JUMP means the block starts at least
             *        X * HBLKSIZE bytes before the current address.
             * A valid pointer points to a hdr structure. (The above can't be
             * valid pointers due to the GET_MEM return convention.)
        struct bi * asc_link;       /* All indices are linked in    */
                                    /* ascending order...           */
        struct bi * desc_link;      /* ... and in descending order. */
        word key;                   /* high order address bits.     */
    # ifdef HASH_TL
        struct bi * hash_link;      /* Hash chain link.             */
    # endif
    } bottom_index;
  • _GC_arrays
struct _GC_arrays {
  word _heapsize;       /* Heap size in bytes (value never goes down).  */
  word _requested_heapsize;     /* Heap size due to explicit expansion. */
  ptr_t _last_heap_addr;
  ptr_t _prev_heap_addr;
  word _large_free_bytes;
        /* Total bytes contained in blocks on large object free */
        /* list.                                                */
  word _large_allocd_bytes;
        /* Total number of bytes in allocated large objects blocks.     */
        /* For the purposes of this counter and the next one only, a    */
        /* large object is one that occupies a block of at least        */
        /* 2*HBLKSIZE.                                                  */
  word _max_large_allocd_bytes;
        /* Maximum number of bytes that were ever allocated in          */
        /* large object blocks.  This is used to help decide when it    */
        /* is safe to split up a large block.                           */
  word _bytes_allocd_before_gc;
                /* Number of bytes allocated before this        */
                /* collection cycle.                            */
#   define GC_bytes_allocd GC_arrays._bytes_allocd
    word _bytes_allocd;
        /* Number of bytes allocated during this collection cycle.      */
# endif
  word _bytes_dropped;
        /* Number of black-listed bytes dropped during GC cycle */
        /* as a result of repeated scanning during allocation   */
        /* attempts.  These are treated largely as allocated,   */
        /* even though they are not useful to the client.       */
  word _bytes_finalized;
        /* Approximate number of bytes in objects (and headers) */
        /* that became ready for finalization in the last       */
        /* collection.                                          */
  word _bytes_freed;
        /* Number of explicitly deallocated bytes of memory     */
        /* since last collection.                               */
  word _finalizer_bytes_freed;
        /* Bytes of memory explicitly deallocated while         */
        /* finalizers were running.  Used to approximate memory */
        /* explicitly deallocated by finalizers.                */
  ptr_t _scratch_end_ptr;
  ptr_t _scratch_last_end_ptr;
        /* Used by headers.c, and can easily appear to point to */
        /* heap.  Also used by GC_register_dynamic_libraries(). */
  mse *_mark_stack;
        /* Limits of stack for GC_mark routine.  All ranges     */
        /* between GC_mark_stack (incl.) and GC_mark_stack_top  */
        /* (incl.) still need to be marked from.                */
  mse *_mark_stack_limit;
    mse *volatile _mark_stack_top;
        /* Updated only with mark lock held, but read asynchronously.   */
        /* TODO: Use union to avoid casts to AO_t */
# else
    mse *_mark_stack_top;
# endif
  word _composite_in_use; /* Number of bytes in the accessible  */
                          /* composite objects.                 */
  word _atomic_in_use;    /* Number of bytes in the accessible  */
                          /* atomic objects.                    */
# ifdef USE_MUNMAP
#   define GC_unmapped_bytes GC_arrays._unmapped_bytes
    word _unmapped_bytes;
# else
#   define GC_unmapped_bytes 0
# endif
  bottom_index * _all_nils;
#   define GC_trace_addr GC_arrays._trace_addr
    ptr_t _trace_addr;
# endif
  GC_mark_proc _mark_procs[MAX_MARK_PROCS];
        /* Table of user-defined mark procedures.  There is     */
        /* a small number of these, which can be referenced     */
        /* by DS_PROC mark descriptors.  See gc_mark.h.         */
  char _modws_valid_offsets[sizeof(word)];
                                /* GC_valid_offsets[i] ==>                */
                                /* GC_modws_valid_offsets[i%sizeof(word)] */
# if !defined(MSWIN32) && !defined(MSWINCE) && !defined(CYGWIN32)
#   define GC_root_index GC_arrays._root_index
    struct roots * _root_index[RT_SIZE];
# endif
#   define GC_last_stack GC_arrays._last_stack
    struct callinfo _last_stack[NFRAMES];
                /* Stack at last garbage collection.  Useful for        */
                /* debugging mysterious object disappearances.  In the  */
                /* multi-threaded case, we currently only save the      */
                /* calling stack.                                       */
# endif
#   define GC_objfreelist GC_arrays._objfreelist
    void *_objfreelist[MAXOBJGRANULES+1];
                          /* free list for objects */
#   define GC_aobjfreelist GC_arrays._aobjfreelist
    void *_aobjfreelist[MAXOBJGRANULES+1];
                          /* free list for atomic objects       */
# endif
  void *_uobjfreelist[MAXOBJGRANULES+1];
                          /* Uncollectible but traced objects.  */
                          /* Objects on this and _auobjfreelist */
                          /* are always marked, except during   */
                          /* garbage collections.               */
#   define GC_auobjfreelist GC_arrays._auobjfreelist
    void *_auobjfreelist[MAXOBJGRANULES+1];
                /* Atomic uncollectible but traced objects.     */
# endif
  size_t _size_map[MAXOBJBYTES+1];
        /* Number of granules to allocate when asked for a certain      */
        /* number of bytes.  Should be accessed with the allocation     */
        /* lock held.                                                   */
#   define GC_obj_map GC_arrays._obj_map
    unsigned short * _obj_map[MAXOBJGRANULES + 1];
                       /* If not NULL, then a pointer to a map of valid */
                       /* object addresses.                             */
                       /* _obj_map[sz_in_granules][i] is                */
                       /* i % sz_in_granules.                           */
                       /* This is now used purely to replace a          */
                       /* division in the marker by a table lookup.     */
                       /* _obj_map[0] is used for large objects and     */
                       /* contains all nonzero entries.  This gets us   */
                       /* out of the marker fast path without an extra  */
                       /* test.                                         */
# endif
  char _valid_offsets[VALID_OFFSET_SZ];
                                /* GC_valid_offsets[i] == TRUE ==> i    */
                                /* is registered as a displacement.     */
# if defined(PROC_VDB) || defined(MPROTECT_VDB) \
     || defined(GWW_VDB) || defined(MANUAL_VDB)
#   define GC_grungy_pages GC_arrays._grungy_pages
    page_hash_table _grungy_pages; /* Pages that were dirty at last     */
                                   /* GC_read_dirty.                    */
# endif
# if defined(MPROTECT_VDB) || defined(MANUAL_VDB)
#   define GC_dirty_pages GC_arrays._dirty_pages
    volatile page_hash_table _dirty_pages;
                        /* Pages dirtied since last GC_read_dirty. */
# endif
# if (defined(CHECKSUMS) && defined(GWW_VDB)) || defined(PROC_VDB)
#   define GC_written_pages GC_arrays._written_pages
    page_hash_table _written_pages;     /* Pages ever dirtied   */
# endif
# define GC_heap_sects GC_arrays._heap_sects
  struct HeapSect {
    ptr_t hs_start;
    size_t hs_bytes;
  } _heap_sects[MAX_HEAP_SECTS];        /* Heap segments potentially    */
                                        /* client objects.              */
#   define GC_our_memory GC_arrays._our_memory
    struct HeapSect _our_memory[MAX_HEAP_SECTS];
                                        /* All GET_MEM allocated        */
                                        /* memory.  Includes block      */
                                        /* headers and the like.        */
# endif
# if defined(MSWIN32) || defined(MSWINCE) || defined(CYGWIN32)
#   define GC_heap_bases GC_arrays._heap_bases
    ptr_t _heap_bases[MAX_HEAP_SECTS];
                /* Start address of memory regions obtained from kernel. */
# endif
# ifdef MSWINCE
#   define GC_heap_lengths GC_arrays._heap_lengths
    word _heap_lengths[MAX_HEAP_SECTS];
                /* Committed lengths of memory regions obtained from kernel. */
# endif
  struct roots _static_roots[MAX_ROOT_SETS];
  struct exclusion _excl_table[MAX_EXCLUSIONS];
  /* Block header index; see gc_headers.h */
  bottom_index * _top_index[TOP_SZ];


  • block找header
    • 先根据block的指针找到bi
      # define GET_BI(p, bottom_indx) \
              do { \
                REGISTER word hi = (word)(p) >> (LOG_BOTTOM_SZ + LOG_HBLKSIZE); \
                REGISTER bottom_index * _bi = GC_top_index[TL_HASH(hi)]; \
                while (_bi -> key != hi && _bi != GC_all_nils) \
                    _bi = _bi -> hash_link; \
                (bottom_indx) = _bi; \
              } while (0)
      • p就是block开始地址,LOG_BOTTOM_SZ 是bottom大小,LOG_HBLKSIZE是block的log大小(log2)
      • 计算hash值,通过p右移(LOG_BOTTOM_SZ + LOG_HBLKSIZE),再约束到GC_top_index的大小范围内。
        • 通过hash值计算方式可以推导出来,一个block里的所有地址(只有结尾的LOG_HBLKSIZE+1位不一致),计算出来的hi是一样。
        • 第12位(LOG_HBLKSIZE+1)- 21位(LOG_BOTTOM_SZ + LOG_HBLKSIZE-1),决定block在bi->index里的下标
        • 第22位(LOG_BOTTOM_SZ + LOG_HBLKSIZE-1)-32位(TL_HASH算法,11位)决定了bi在GC_top_index的下标。
      • 根据hash值,从GC_top_index取到bi
      • 为啥还要遍历_bi -> hash_link?因为不用的bi,可以有一样的hash值
    • bi找到对应的block
      #define HDR_FROM_BI(bi, p) \
                      ((bi)->index[((word)(p) >> LOG_HBLKSIZE) & (BOTTOM_SZ - 1)])
  • header找block
    • hb_block字段


1<<LOG_TOP_SZ<<LOG_BOTTOM_SZ <<LOG_HBLKSIZE = 8G,也就是如果持续分配小对象,占用的内存大于了8G,就无法分配了。


GC_API GC_ATTR_MALLOC void * GC_CALL GC_malloc_kind_global(size_t lb, int k)
    if (SMALL_OBJ(lb)) {
        void *op;
        void **opp;
        size_t lg;

        lg = GC_size_map[lb];
        opp = &GC_obj_kinds[k].ok_freelist[lg];
        op = *opp;
        if (EXPECT(op != NULL, TRUE)) {
            if (k == PTRFREE) {
                *opp = obj_link(op);
            } else {
                GC_ASSERT(0 == obj_link(op)
                          || ((word)obj_link(op)
                                <= (word)GC_greatest_plausible_heap_addr
                              && (word)obj_link(op)
                                >= (word)GC_least_plausible_heap_addr));
                *opp = obj_link(op);
                obj_link(op) = 0;
            GC_bytes_allocd += GRANULES_TO_BYTES((word)lg);
            return op;

    /* We make the GC_clear_stack() call a tail one, hoping to get more */
    /* of the stack.                                                    */
    return GC_clear_stack(GC_generic_malloc(lb, k));
  • k 3个值:
    • NORMAL 常规分配
    • PTRFREE 无指针分配
    • UNCOLLECTABLE 内部分配,不需要回收
  • 如果是小对象(SMALL_OBJ返回true, <blksize/2 = 2048),就从空闲块(GC_obj_kinds)中
    • GC_size_map存放分配大小到GRANULE_BYTES的倍数对应关系,长度是smallsize/GRANULE_BYTES=2048/16 = 128
    • GC_obj_kinds对于每种类型都会有一个obj_kind结构
      • lg是(GRANULE_BYTES倍数)
      • ok_freelist是个一维数组,[lg] = 空闲块的链表指针 ,所以长度也是128.
  • 否则,就走一般的分配,核心实现GC_INNER ptr_t GC_alloc_large(size_t lb, int k, unsigned flags)
      • 大对象分配,也把需要的内存扩展到GRANULE_BYTES的整数倍,浪费不会超过16个字节
      • Flags = 0
      • GC_allochblk完成实际分配
        • 分配block
        • 分配block对应的header
        • 构建空闲link,按照lg大小间隔,把内存放前一个的地址,从而形成链表。


  • 目前遇到过2种:
    • IL2cpp方式,在每个空闲的内存块开头,记录下一个空闲块地址。
    • unity方式,因为内存块大小固定,粒度GRANULE固定,从而需要标记他们是否空闲的bit位固定。在每个block开头固定大小,用bit方式来记录是否空闲。
  • 对比
    • 记录下一个地址
    • 擦除内容,因为垃圾回收会遍历内存,为了尽量释放,所以需要擦除内存


  • 三级结构_GC_arrays -> bottom_index->hblockhdr管理所有的block。单个block 4K.bi 管理了1024个blockhdr,共4M
  • 小对象按粒度公用block。单个block内,对象占用内存大小一致。大对象独占block(非4K)
  • 设计了特别的hash算法,block地址,能找到bi,再从bi中找到blockhdr。

posted on 2023-02-16 16:30  marcher  阅读(418)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
