Protecting your job in this economic climate is a job in itself, but the effort can pay off. John McKee offers practical strategies for getting through tough times with your career intact. 在经济危机中保住饭碗本... 阅读全文
Sex Sells - Benefit It's so unjust That we must Feel inadequacy Where is your empathy I feel a misfit Wearing this kit Stereotype me That is my fee Free To manipulate When I stipulate That's my prerog... 阅读全文
ニッコール千夜一夜物語~ノクトの思想を受け継いだレンズ~第二十八夜 Ai AF Nikkor28mm F1.4D大下孝一 16夜にお話したノクトニッコールの続きをお話しよう。前回のAi35mm F1.4と近い焦点距離だが描写の性格が異なる広角レンズ、Ai AF Nikkor28mm F1.4Dである。1.35mm F1.4の広角化 前夜お話した35mm F1.4の開発を終えて、すぐに28mmF1... 阅读全文