Some pixel dimensions are slightly different after upgrade to Aperture 3


The pixel dimensions for some RAW images in your library may be slightly different after you upgrade to Aperture 3.

Products Affected

Aperture 3.x


Aperture 3 more accurately calculates the pixel size of RAW images for certain cameras. As a result, you may notice very small differences in image size after upgrading to Aperture 3, if you reprocess existing masters. If you have cropped the affected images, the crop may also be slightly affected. The difference is typically less than 8 pixels in one or both directions. With Aperture 3, RAW and JPEG masters will be identical in size in the cases where they were shot full-sized and uncropped.

RAW images from these cameras may be affected:

Camera New Pixel Size
Canon EOS 1D (Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 3.2 or later) 2464 x 1648
Canon EOS 1D Mark II 3504 x 2336
Canon EOS 1D Mark III 3888 x 2592
Canon EOS 1D Mark IV 4896 x 3264
Canon EOS 1D Mark IIN 3504 x 2336
Canon EOS 1Ds 4064 x 2704
Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II 4992 x 3328
Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III 5616 x 3744
Canon EOS 5D 4368 x 2912
Canon EOS 7D 5184 x 3456
Canon EOS 20D (Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 3.2 or later) 3504 x 2336
Canon EOS 30D 3504 x 2336
Canon EOS 40D 3888 x 2592
Canon EOS 50D 4752 x 3168
Canon EOS 1000D (Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 3.2 or later) 3888 x 2592
Nikon D3 - FX Mode 4256 x 2832
Nikon D3 - DX Mode 2784 x 1848
Nikon D3 - 5:4 Mode 3552 x 2832
Nikon D3s - FX Mode 4256 x 2832
Nikon D3s - DX Mode 2784 x 1848
Nikon D3s - 5:4 Mode 3552 x 2832
Nikon D3s - 1.2x Mode 3552 x 2368
Nikon D3X - FX Mode 6048 x 4032
Nikon D3X - DX Mode 3968 x 2640
Nikon D3X - 5:4 Mode 5056 x 4032
Nikon D40X (Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 3.2 or later) 3872 x 2592
Nikon D70s (Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 3.2 or later) 3008 x 2000
Nikon D80 3872 x 2592
Nikon D200 3872 x 2592
Nikon D300 4288 x 2848
Nikon D300s 4288 x 2848
Nikon D700 - FX Mode 4256 x 2832
Nikon D700 - DX Mode 2784 x 1848
Sony A700 (Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 3.2 or later) 4272 x 2848
posted @ 2010-05-18 08:45  荖K  阅读(367)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报