关于Nikon Ai AF 28mm F1.4D遮光罩的问题
爬文很久,终于找到一篇国外的介绍,说可以用HK-4代替,比HK-7效果更好,而且可以用85mm 1.4D-IF的遮光罩HN-31代替,用个77mm->72mm的转接口效果也非常不错而且77mm的滤镜也可以一起用了。再有就是用HN-9拧入式的遮光罩也可以,大小长度和HK-7只差0.5mm,觉得这个倒是很不错,希望全球只有7000多人才有的镜头的主人能找到满意的遮光罩!
Finally, I bought this classic nikon lens-Ai AF 28mm F1.4D. But I haven't found the hood of this lens yet!
Now that I kown. there are some others way without the original hood HK-7.
Such as HK-4, HN-31 with step down adpater to 72mm, and HN-9 without any other adapter.
I hope the owners who got this classic lens which made by nikon with limited output about 7000 will get their
fit hood.
HK-4 HK-7 HN-31 Len Hood Options
Nikon 28mm f/1.4D AF
When I purchased my Nikon 28mm f/1.4D AF Nikkor from Ebay, it came with a HK-7 lens hood. I later did some searching to determine which lens hoods were recommended for the 28mm. I found that most people by default used the Nikon HK-7 hood, but many found it to be rather shallow. Protection from any stray light or debris was minimal. Personally I found the HK-7 to be just fine when shooting pictures with regards to flair, but I did feel the Nikon HK-7 offered limited protection of the front lens area. Later I found two other options. One was the longer Nikon HK-4 lens hood and the other using a 72mm to 77mm step up ring which allowed the 85mm f/1.4 HN-31 lens hood to be used.
I found that the Nikon HK-4 lens hood was the preferred option recommended by several high profile photographers, however the HK-4 hood was extremely difficult to find. Luckily I found two HK-4 lens hoods on Ebay and picked them up right away for a good price. One I got new and the other HK-4 was used. I am very happy with them. The Nikon HK-4 lens hood I feel is a great hood for the Nikon 28mm f/1.4D and highly recommend using it in the place of the HK-7. Both the HK-4 and HK-7 lens hoods are however very difficult to find and you may have to pay a high price for them. Both HK-4’s that I found on Ebay were listed as “Buy Nows” for $35.00 each from separate sellers. I should also mention that both the HK-4 and HK-7 lens hoods are screw on hoods, but I have found them to be very sturdy.
I carry my Nikon D200 and 28mm f/1.4 everywhere now and definitely needed the HK-4 to protect the front end. The HK-7 was just too shallow and I’m glad I made the switch. For those of you who can’t find the HK-4, the 85mm f/1.4 HN-31 lens hood with a step up ring I have heard works very well. This would have been my second option in the event I could not located a Nikon HK-4 lens hood. Surprisingly I found two!!
UPDATE: I recently discovered another lens hood option. I found that the Nikon HN-20 screw-on hood with Hakuba 86mm snap-on lens cap will work excellent with the Nikon 28mm f/1.4D AF. In addition the Hakuba 72mm Rubber Lens Hood works great too, however I prefer metal lens hoods to protect the glass. Still it’s a very good and cheap alternative. In Japan I can get the HN-20, Hakuba 86mm cap, and 72mm Rubber Hood all for under 20 bucks so it was rather cheap to try all this out.
I am selling a Nikon 28mm f/1.4 lens and HK-4 hood. The lens will come with a Hoya Pro1 UV filter.
Price is $2400USD, including paypal and shipping.
The lens is in perfect condition. The lens surface has no scratches, no lose paints, and has not dropped. The manual/auto focus plastic ring has no cracks. The manual focus ring is smooth and not lose. Front element is perfect; it is always covered by a Hoya Pro1 UV filter. Rear element has only one 1-2mm small 'dot' on the surface in the center (see second last picture). I took so many pictures using this lens and I do not find any flaw in the pictures (even I zoom in 100%).
The hood is perfect and is bigger than the originally suggested HK-7 hood. It attaches the lens very tightly. The hood only shows some signs of usage.
Attached are pictures of the lens. I tried shooting the lens in different views to show the condition of the lens. Last picture is taken by 28mm f/1.4. All pictures are only cropped and auto brightness adjusted via CS2.
Please let me know if you are interested.
Ai AF Nikkor 28mm F1.4D ※本製品の生産は完了しました。
希望小売価格 ¥238,000 (税込 ¥249,900) JAN:4960759017611 |
フード |
HK-7別売 |
レンズ構成 |
8群-11枚 |
ED レンズ |
0 枚 |
非球面レンズ |
精研削非球面レンズ1枚 |
画角 |
74° |
焦点距離目盛り(ズーム) |
なし |
ズーミングの作動方式 |
なし |
絞り羽根枚数 |
9枚 |
最小絞り |
16 |
最短撮影距離 |
0.35m |
最大撮影倍率 |
1/8.3 |
フォーカス制限切替スイッチ |
なし |
M / A モード |
なし |
フォーカスロックボタン |
なし |
質量(約) |
520g |
最大径×長さ(約) (先端よりバヨネット基準面まで) |
75x77.5mm |
キャップ |
スプリング式 |
ケース |
CL-44別売 |
三脚座 |
なし |
前側外部フィルター取り付け枠の回転 |
回転しない |
前面外付けフィルターサイズ |
72mm(P=0.75) |
差込式フィルターサイズ |
--- |
内蔵または後端部フィルター |
--- |
円偏光フィルター適否 |
使用可能 |
円偏光フィルターII適否 |
使用可能(専用フードHK-7付は使用不可、代替フードHN-9使用可能) |
TC-201S |
使用可能 (AFレンズに装着した場合、AF撮影は不可) |
TC-301S |
使用不可 |
TC-14AS |
使用可能 (AFレンズに装着した場合、AF撮影は不可) |
TC-14BS |
使用不可 |
TC-20E/20E II |
使用不可 |
TC-17E II |
使用不可 |
TC-14E/14E II |
使用不可 |
AF-3 |
使用可能(0) |
AF-4 |
使用可能(1) ( )内の数字は装着可能なフード(AF-3:HN-36/AF-4:HN-37)の枚数を表す |
赤外指標 |
あり |
付属品 |
72mmスプリング式前キャップ・裏ぶたLF-1 |
絞り環の有無 |
あり |
距離目盛の有無 |
あり |
バヨネットリングの材質 |
金属 |
備考 |
Ai AF Nikkor 28mm F1.4DのMTF性能曲線図 |
MTF曲線とは |