一般来说,数据转移都用什么MV阿,CP阿之类的,再聪明点的就用tar 阿,GZIP阿,不过还是太麻烦。而且目录还原很是麻烦!!!
SunOS Wednesday 5.10 Generic_127127-11 sun4v sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T2000
ebina@Wednesday # man rcp
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User Commands rcp(1)
rcp - remote file copy
rcp [-p] [-a] [-x] [-PN | -PO] [-k realm] filename1
rcp [-pr] [-a] [-x] [-PN | -PO] [-k realm] filename...
The rcp command copies files between machines. Each filename
or directory argument is either a remote file name of the
or a local file name (containing no : (colon) characters, or
/ (backslash) before any : (colon) characters).
The hostname can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address string. See
inet(7P) and inet6(7P). Since IPv6 addresses already contain
colons, the hostname should be enclosed in a pair of square
brackets when an IPv6 address is used. Otherwise, the first
occurrence of a colon can be interpreted as the separator
between hostname and path. For example,
If a filename is not a full path name, it is interpreted
relative to your home directory on hostname. A path on a
remote host may be quoted using ", ", or ', so that the
metacharacters are interpreted remotely. Please notice that
the kerberized versions of rcp are not IPv6-enabled.
rcp does not prompt for passwords. It either uses Kerberos
authentication which is enabled through command-line options
or your current local user name must exist on hostname and
allow remote command execution by rsh(1).
The rcp session can be kerberized using any of the following
Kerberos specific options : -a, -PN or -PO, -x, and -k
realm. Some of these options (-x and -PN or -PO) can also be
。。。 。。。省略若干。看主要的参数:
-p Attempts to give each copy the same modifi-
cation times, access times, modes, and ACLs
if applicable as the original file.
-r Copies each subtree rooted at filename; in
this case the destination must be a direc-
-p 就是拷贝每个文件的修改时间,模式等原始参数
-r 拷贝每个子目录,整个文件结构
DEST_IP就是你要拷贝的数据源,注意有冒号,后面跟目录, 再来一个空格,然后接你要最终拷贝到的地方。
在这之前你还需要下“/”下创建个内容为 “+”的“.rhosts”文件,来建立服务器认证权限。当然你也可以具体去设置什么IP阿,主机名阿什么的。不过你用完了再删,
无所谓了。就#vi .rhosts....后面自己去搞了。