Sun Solaris ALOM Setup

Command Description
help Displays a list of all ALOM commands with their syntax and a brief description of how each command works.
resetsc [-y] Reboots ALOM. The -y option allows you to skip the confirmation question.
reset [-y] [-x] Generates a hardware reset on the host server. The -x option generates the equivalent of an XIR (externally initiated reset) on the server. The -y option allows you to skip the confirmation question.
poweroff [-y] [-f] Removes the main power from the host server. The -y option allows you to skip the confirmation question. The -f option forces an immediate shutdown.
poweron Applies the main power to the host server or FRU.
Updates the ALOM firmware. This command downloads main and bootmon firmware images to ALOM.
removefru [-y] [FRU] Prepares a FRU (for example, a power supply) for removal, and illuminates the host server's OK-to-Remove LED. The -y option allows you to skip the confirmation question.
setsc Sets the specified ALOM parameter to the assigned value.
setupsc Runs the interactive configuration script. This script configures the ALOM configuration variables.
setdate Sets the date and time, when the managed operating system is not running.
setdefaults [-y]
Resets all ALOM configuration parameters to their default values. The -y option allows you to skip the confirmation question. The -a option resets the user information to the factory default (one admin account only).
setlocator [on/off] Turns the Locator LED on the server on or off. This function is available only on host servers that have a Locator LED.
showlocator Displays the current state of the Locator LED as either on or off. This function is available only on host servers that have a Locator LED.
showplatform [-v] Displays information about the host server's hardware configuration, and whether the hardware is providing service.
showenvironment Displays the environmental status of the host server. This information includes system temperatures, power supply status, front panel LED status, hard disk drive status, fan status, voltage and current sensor status, and keyswitch position.
showfru Displays information about the FRUs (field-replaceable units) in a host server.
showusers [-g]lines Displays a list of users currently logged in to ALOM. The display for this command has a similar format to that of the UNIX command who. The -g option pauses the display after the number of lines you specify for lines.
shownetwork [-v] Displays the current network configuration information. The -v option shows additional information about your network, including information about your DHCP server.
showsc [-v] Displays the current NVRAM configuration parameters. The -v option is needed for full version information.
showlogs [-v] Displays the history of all events logged in the ALOM event buffer.
showdate Displays the ALOM set date. The Solaris operating environment and ALOM time are synchronized, but ALOM time is expressed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) rather than local time.
usershow Displays a list of all user accounts, permission levels, and whether passwords are assigned.
useradd Adds a user account to ALOM.
userdel [-y] Deletes a user account from ALOM. The -y option allows you to skip the confirmation question.
userpassword Sets or changes a user password.
userperm Sets the permission level for a user account.
password Changes the login password of the current user.
console [-f] Connects to the host system console. The -f option forces the console write lock from one user to another.
break [-y] Drops the host server from running the Solaris operating environment into OpenBoot PROM or kadb. The -y option allows you to skip the confirmation question.
bootmode [skipdiag | diag | reset_nvram | normal | bootscript="string"] Controls the host server OpenBoot PROM firmware method of booting.
logout Logs out from an ALOM shell session.
consolehistory [-v] [boot | run] Displays the host system console output buffers. The -v option displays the entire contents of the specified log.

1. Collect the required setup data for the network management interface as shown here.

Description Value
ALOM Net Management Interface IP Address   
ALOM Net Management Interface Netmask   
Network Gateway IP Address   
Mail Host IP Address   
Recipient Email Address   
Some Customer Data (up to 40 characters, optional)   
SC CLI Prompt (up to 16 characters, optional)   

2. Establish a serial connection to the port named Serial Mgt (settings: 9600 8N1). On a system running the Solaris OS, enter the following:

prompt% tip /dev/term/a -9600

Enter the escape sequence [#.] to get the serial console prompt.

3. First set a login password for the default user admin :

sc> password
password: Changing password for admin

Enter new password: ********

Re-enter new password: ********


4. Set up the network management interface:

sc> setupsc
Entering Interactive setup mode. To exit and discard changes to that
point, use Ctrl-C or to exit and save changes to that point, use Ctrl-Z.
Do you wish to configure the enabled interfaces [y]? y

Should the SC network interface be enabled [y]? y

Should the SC email alerts be enabled [y]? n

Do you wish to configure the network interface [y]? y

Should the SC use DHCP to obtain its network configuration [n]? n

Enter the SC IP address []? <sc-ip-address>

Enter the SC IP netmask []? <sc-ip-netmask>

Enter the SC IP gateway address []? <sc-gateway-ip>

Should the TPE link test be enabled [y]? y

Do you wish to configure the managed system interface [y]? y

What level of SC events should be reported to the managed system where
valid settings are 0 (none), 1 (critical), 2 (critical and major) and 3
(critical, major and minor) [2]? 2

What action should the SC invoke if the OS is hung. The available
options are 'none', 'xir' or 'reset' where an xir will attempt to
collect diagnosis data before invoking a reset [xir]? xir

How many seconds should be allowed for an XIR to complete (maximum
timeout of 10800s) [900]? 900

Do you wish to configure the network management interfaces [y]? y

Enter the number of mail servers to configure [0]? 1

Enter the IP address for mail server 1 []? <mailhost-ip>

Enter the number of email recipients to configure [0]? 1

Enter the email address for recipient 1 (maximum of 30 characters) []?

Enter the level of events to send to recipient 1 where valid settings
are 1 (critical), 2 (critical and major) and 3 (critical, major and
minor) [2]? 2

Do you wish to configure the SC parameters [y]? y

Enter any customer data for this platform (maximum of 40 characters) []?

Enter the console session escape sequence (2 characters). The first
character can be any printable characters or control-A through
control-Y except for control-C, control-D, control-H, control-J, or control-M.
The second character must be a ".". [#.]? #.

Enter level of events to be displayed over the CLI where valid settings
are 0 (none), 1 (critical), 2 (critical and major) and 3 (critical,
major and minor) [2]? 2

Should poweron sequencing be enabled [y]? y

Enter the SC cli prompt (maximum of 16 characters) [sc]? <sc-cli-prompt>

Enter the SC CLI timeout in seconds (maximum of 10000s) [0]? 0

Should password entry echo '*'s [y]? y

Your ALOM configuration profile has been successfully completed. To
activate your network configuration, please reset the SC.


5. Verify your configuration settings:
sc> showsc

Advanced Lights Out Manager v1.5.1

parameter value
--------- -----
if_network true
if_modem false
if_emailalerts true
sys_autorestart xir
sys_bootrestart none
sys_bootfailrecovery none
sys_maxbootfail 3
sys_xirtimeout 900
sys_boottimeout 120
sys_wdttimeout 60
netsc_tpelinktest true
netsc_dhcp false
mgt_mailalert(1) 2
sc_customerinfo flosnort
sc_escapechars #.
sc_powerondelay true
sc_powerstatememory false
sc_clipasswdecho true
sc_cliprompt flosnort
sc_clitimeout 0
sc_clieventlevel 2
sc_backupuserdata true


To change a single parameter, use the command setsc [param] [value].

6. Activate the configuration:
sc> resetsc -y
User Requested SC Shutdown


Please login:

7. Test the ALOM network connection:

Disconnect the serial connection to the Serial Mgt port.
Connect the NET MGT port with the local area network via a switch. Note: The network management port is a 10-Mbit port!
Log in to ALOM from either the host that you just configured or from another machine on the LAN, as shown here.
prompt% telnet <sc-ip-address>

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

Sun(tm) Advanced Lights Out Manager 1.5.1 (myhostname)

Please login: admin
Please Enter password: ********


8. Here is the ALOM command list:

sc> help
Available commands
poweron {FRU}
poweroff [-y] [-f]
removefru [-y] {FRU}
reset [-y] [-x]
break [-y]
bootmode [normal|reset_nvram|diag|skip_diag|bootscript="string"]
console [-f]
consolehistory [-b lines|-e lines] [-g lines] [-v] [boot|run]
showlogs [-b lines|-e lines] [-g lines] [-v]
setlocator [on|off]
showplatform [-v]
showsc [-v] [param]
shownetwork [-v]
setsc [param] [value]
setdate [[mmdd]HHMM | mmddHHMM[cc]yy][.SS]
resetsc [-y]
flashupdate [-s IPaddr -f pathname] [-v]
setdefaults [-y] [-a]
useradd <username>
userdel [-y] <username>
usershow [username]
userpassword <username>
userperm <username> [c][u][a][r]
showusers [-g lines]
help [command]

9. Here is the example output from the showenvironment command:

sc> showenvironment

=============== Environmental Status ===============

System Temperatures (Temperatures in Celsius):
Sensor         Status Temp LowHard LowSoft LowWarn HighWarn HighSoft HighHard
MB.P0.T_CORE    OK      49     --      --      --      88       93      100
MB.T_ENC        OK      21     -6      -3       5      40       48       51

Front Status Panel:
Keyswitch position: NORMAL

System Indicator Status:
MB.LOCATE            MB.SERVICE           MB.ACT
OFF                  OFF                  OFF

System Disks:
Disk   Status            Service  OK2RM
HDD0   OK                OFF      OFF

Fans (Speeds Revolution Per Minute):
Sensor           Status           Speed   Warn    Low
F0.RS            OK               11440     --   1000
F1.RS            OK               10546     --   1000
F2.RS            OK               11250     --   1000
F3.RS            OK               11250     --   1000
MB.P0.F0.RS      OK               15697   2000   2000
MB.P0.F1.RS      OK               16875   2000   2000

Voltage sensors (in Volts):
Sensor         Status       Voltage LowSoft LowWarn HighWarn HighSoft
MB.P0.V_CORE   OK             1.46      --    1.26    1.54       --
MB.P1.V_CORE   OK             1.41      --    1.26    1.54       --
MB.V_VTT       OK             1.24      --    1.17    1.43       --
MB.V_GBE_+2V5  OK             2.51      --    2.25    2.75       --
MB.V_GBE_CORE  OK             1.20      --    1.08    1.32       --
MB.V_VCCTM     OK             2.54      --    2.25    2.75       --
MB.V_+2V5      OK             2.50      --    2.34    2.86       --
MB.V_+1V5      OK             1.49      --    1.35    1.65       --
MB.BAT.V_BAT   OK             2.95      --    2.70      --       --

Power Supply Indicators:
Supply    Active  Service  OK-to-Remove
PS0       ON      OFF      OFF

Power Supplies:
Supply  Status        Underspeed  Overtemp  Overvolt  Undervolt  Overcurrent
PS0     OK            OFF         OFF       OFF       OFF        OFF

Current sensors:
Sensor          Status

For a short description of the available commands, use the command help [command].

10. The scadm command provides functionality equivalent to that of the ALOM commands on the operating system level. This command must be executed by the user as root:

# /usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin/scadm help

USAGE: scadm <command> [options]
  For a list of commands, type "scadm help"


  help, date, set, show, resetrsc, download, send_event, modem_setup,
  useradd, userdel, usershow, userpassword, userperm, shownetwork,
  loghistory, version

  scadm help => this message
  scadm date [-s] | [[mmdd]HHMM | mmddHHMM[cc]yy][.SS] => print or set date
  scadm set <variable> <value> => set variable to value
  scadm show [variable] => show variable(s)
  scadm resetrsc [-s] => reset SC (-s soft reset)
  scadm download [boot] <file> => program firmware or [boot] monitor
  scadm send_event [-c] "message" => send message as event (-c CRITICAL)
  scadm modem_setup => connect to modem port
  scadm useradd <username> => add SC user account
  scadm userdel <username> => delete SC user account
  scadm usershow [username] => show user details
  scadm userpassword <username> => set user password
  scadm userperm <username> [cuar] => set user permissions
  scadm shownetwork => show network configuration
  scadm loghistory => show SC event log
  scadm version [-v] => show SC version (-v verbose)




posted @ 2008-09-11 11:09  荖K  阅读(1452)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报