
之前不知道有Fabric工具,每次发布程序到服务器上的时候,基本流程:本地打包程序 -> Ftp上传 -> 停服务器Apache -> 覆盖文件 -> 启动Apache, 非常繁琐。


fab pack deploy


#!/usr/bin/env python

from fabric.api import *

# Configure user, private key, etc. for SFTP deployment
env.user = 'root'
env.hosts = ['SERVER IP']

def pack():
    local('npm run build', capture=False)
    local('python setup.py sdist --formats=gztar', capture=False)

def deploy():
    dist = local('python setup.py --fullname', capture=True).strip()

    # clean up
    sudo('rm -rf /tmp/towerres /tmp/towerres.tar.gz')

    put('dist/%s.tar.gz' % dist, '/tmp/towerres.tar.gz')

    # stop apache
    run('apachectl stop')

    # remove priouse folder
    run('rm /home/maplye/httpd/towerresource/towerres -rf')
    run('rm /home/maplye/httpd/towerresource/migrations -rf')

    # copy
    run('mkdir /tmp/towerres')
    with cd('/tmp/towerres'):
        run('tar zxf /tmp/towerres.tar.gz')

        run('cp -rf /tmp/towerres/%s/towerres /home/maplye/httpd/towerresource/' % dist)
        run('cp -rf /tmp/towerres/%s/migrations /home/maplye/httpd/towerresource/' % dist)
    # run
    with cd('/home/maplye/httpd/towerresource'):
        run('chown -R apache:apache towerres')
        run('python manage.py db upgrade')

    # start apache
    run('apachectl start')

    # clean up
    sudo('rm -rf /tmp/towerres /tmp/towerres.tar.gz')

  具体参照官网: http://www.fabfile.org/

  中文文档: http://fabric-docs-cn.readthedocs.org/zh_CN/latest/

posted @ 2016-04-03 22:27  福娃  阅读(425)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报