Django Rest Framework-APIView源码分析

class APIView(View): # The following policies may be set at either globally, or per-view. renderer_classes = api_settings.DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES # 解析器类s parser_classes = api_settings.DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES # 认证类s authentication_classes = api_settings.DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES # 限制访问类s throttle_classes = api_settings.DEFAULT_THROTTLE_CLASSES # 权限类s permission_classes = api_settings.DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES content_negotiation_class = api_settings.DEFAULT_CONTENT_NEGOTIATION_CLASS metadata_class = api_settings.DEFAULT_METADATA_CLASS # 版本类 versioning_class = api_settings.DEFAULT_VERSIONING_CLASS # Allow dependency injection of other settings to make testing easier. settings = api_settings schema = AutoSchema() @classmethod def as_view(cls, **initkwargs): """ Store the original class on the view function. This allows us to discover information about the view when we do URL reverse lookups. Used for breadcrumb generation. """ if isinstance(getattr(cls, 'queryset', None), models.query.QuerySet): def force_evaluation(): raise RuntimeError( 'Do not evaluate the `.queryset` attribute directly, ' 'as the result will be cached and reused between requests. ' 'Use `.all()` or call `.get_queryset()` instead.' ) cls.queryset._fetch_all = force_evaluation view = super(APIView, cls).as_view(**initkwargs) view.cls = cls view.initkwargs = initkwargs # Note: session based authentication is explicitly CSRF validated, # all other authentication is CSRF exempt. return csrf_exempt(view) @property def allowed_methods(self): """ Wrap Django's private `_allowed_methods` interface in a public property. """ return self._allowed_methods() @property def default_response_headers(self): headers = { 'Allow': ', '.join(self.allowed_methods), } if len(self.renderer_classes) > 1: headers['Vary'] = 'Accept' return headers def http_method_not_allowed(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ If `request.method` does not correspond to a handler method, determine what kind of exception to raise. """ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method) def permission_denied(self, request, message=None): """ If request is not permitted, determine what kind of exception to raise. """ if request.authenticators and not request.successful_authenticator: raise exceptions.NotAuthenticated() raise exceptions.PermissionDenied(detail=message) def throttled(self, request, wait): """ If request is throttled, determine what kind of exception to raise. """ raise exceptions.Throttled(wait) def get_authenticate_header(self, request): """ If a request is unauthenticated, determine the WWW-Authenticate header to use for 401 responses, if any. """ authenticators = self.get_authenticators() if authenticators: return authenticators[0].authenticate_header(request) def get_parser_context(self, http_request): """ Returns a dict that is passed through to Parser.parse(), as the `parser_context` keyword argument. """ # Note: Additionally `request` and `encoding` will also be added # to the context by the Request object. return { 'view': self, 'args': getattr(self, 'args', ()), 'kwargs': getattr(self, 'kwargs', {}) } def get_renderer_context(self): """ Returns a dict that is passed through to Renderer.render(), as the `renderer_context` keyword argument. """ # Note: Additionally 'response' will also be added to the context, # by the Response object. return { 'view': self, 'args': getattr(self, 'args', ()), 'kwargs': getattr(self, 'kwargs', {}), 'request': getattr(self, 'request', None) } def get_exception_handler_context(self): """ Returns a dict that is passed through to EXCEPTION_HANDLER, as the `context` argument. """ return { 'view': self, 'args': getattr(self, 'args', ()), 'kwargs': getattr(self, 'kwargs', {}), 'request': getattr(self, 'request', None) } def get_view_name(self): """ Return the view name, as used in OPTIONS responses and in the browsable API. """ func = self.settings.VIEW_NAME_FUNCTION return func(self.__class__, getattr(self, 'suffix', None)) def get_view_description(self, html=False): """ Return some descriptive text for the view, as used in OPTIONS responses and in the browsable API. """ func = self.settings.VIEW_DESCRIPTION_FUNCTION return func(self.__class__, html) # API policy instantiation methods def get_format_suffix(self, **kwargs): """ Determine if the request includes a '.json' style format suffix """ if self.settings.FORMAT_SUFFIX_KWARG: return kwargs.get(self.settings.FORMAT_SUFFIX_KWARG) def get_renderers(self): """ Instantiates and returns the list of renderers that this view can use. """ return [renderer() for renderer in self.renderer_classes] def get_parsers(self): """ Instantiates and returns the list of parsers that this view can use. """ return [parser() for parser in self.parser_classes] def get_authenticators(self): """ Instantiates and returns the list of authenticators that this view can use. """ return [auth() for auth in self.authentication_classes] def get_permissions(self): """ Instantiates and returns the list of permissions that this view requires. """ return [permission() for permission in self.permission_classes] def get_throttles(self): """ Instantiates and returns the list of throttles that this view uses. """ return [throttle() for throttle in self.throttle_classes] def get_content_negotiator(self): """ Instantiate and return the content negotiation class to use. """ if not getattr(self, '_negotiator', None): self._negotiator = self.content_negotiation_class() return self._negotiator def get_exception_handler(self): """ Returns the exception handler that this view uses. """ return self.settings.EXCEPTION_HANDLER # API policy implementation methods def perform_content_negotiation(self, request, force=False): """ Determine which renderer and media type to use render the response. """ renderers = self.get_renderers() conneg = self.get_content_negotiator() try: return conneg.select_renderer(request, renderers, self.format_kwarg) except Exception: if force: return (renderers[0], renderers[0].media_type) raise def perform_authentication(self, request): """ Perform authentication on the incoming request. Note that if you override this and simply 'pass', then authentication will instead be performed lazily, the first time either `request.user` or `request.auth` is accessed. """ request.user def check_permissions(self, request): """ Check if the request should be permitted. Raises an appropriate exception if the request is not permitted. """ for permission in self.get_permissions(): if not permission.has_permission(request, self): self.permission_denied( request, message=getattr(permission, 'message', None) ) def check_object_permissions(self, request, obj): """ Check if the request should be permitted for a given object. Raises an appropriate exception if the request is not permitted. """ for permission in self.get_permissions(): if not permission.has_object_permission(request, self, obj): self.permission_denied( request, message=getattr(permission, 'message', None) ) def check_throttles(self, request): """ Check if request should be throttled. Raises an appropriate exception if the request is throttled. """ for throttle in self.get_throttles(): if not throttle.allow_request(request, self): self.throttled(request, throttle.wait()) def determine_version(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ If versioning is being used, then determine any API version for the incoming request. Returns a two-tuple of (version, versioning_scheme) """ if self.versioning_class is None: return (None, None) scheme = self.versioning_class() return (scheme.determine_version(request, *args, **kwargs), scheme) # Dispatch methods def initialize_request(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns the initial request object. """ parser_context = self.get_parser_context(request) return Request( request, parsers=self.get_parsers(), authenticators=self.get_authenticators(), negotiator=self.get_content_negotiator(), parser_context=parser_context ) def initial(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Runs anything that needs to occur prior to calling the method handler. """ self.format_kwarg = self.get_format_suffix(**kwargs) # Perform content negotiation and store the accepted info on the request neg = self.perform_content_negotiation(request) request.accepted_renderer, request.accepted_media_type = neg # Determine the API version, if versioning is in use. version, scheme = self.determine_version(request, *args, **kwargs) request.version, request.versioning_scheme = version, scheme # Ensure that the incoming request is permitted self.perform_authentication(request) self.check_permissions(request) self.check_throttles(request) def finalize_response(self, request, response, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns the final response object. """ # Make the error obvious if a proper response is not returned assert isinstance(response, HttpResponseBase), ( 'Expected a `Response`, `HttpResponse` or `HttpStreamingResponse` ' 'to be returned from the view, but received a `%s`' % type(response) ) if isinstance(response, Response): if not getattr(request, 'accepted_renderer', None): neg = self.perform_content_negotiation(request, force=True) request.accepted_renderer, request.accepted_media_type = neg response.accepted_renderer = request.accepted_renderer response.accepted_media_type = request.accepted_media_type response.renderer_context = self.get_renderer_context() # Add new vary headers to the response instead of overwriting. vary_headers = self.headers.pop('Vary', None) if vary_headers is not None: patch_vary_headers(response, cc_delim_re.split(vary_headers)) for key, value in self.headers.items(): response[key] = value return response def handle_exception(self, exc): """ Handle any exception that occurs, by returning an appropriate response, or re-raising the error. """ if isinstance(exc, (exceptions.NotAuthenticated, exceptions.AuthenticationFailed)): # WWW-Authenticate header for 401 responses, else coerce to 403 auth_header = self.get_authenticate_header(self.request) if auth_header: exc.auth_header = auth_header else: exc.status_code = status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN exception_handler = self.get_exception_handler() context = self.get_exception_handler_context() response = exception_handler(exc, context) if response is None: self.raise_uncaught_exception(exc) response.exception = True return response def raise_uncaught_exception(self, exc): if settings.DEBUG: request = self.request renderer_format = getattr(request.accepted_renderer, 'format') use_plaintext_traceback = renderer_format not in ('html', 'api', 'admin') request.force_plaintext_errors(use_plaintext_traceback) raise # Note: Views are made CSRF exempt from within `as_view` as to prevent # accidental removal of this exemption in cases where `dispatch` needs to # be overridden. def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ `.dispatch()` is pretty much the same as Django's regular dispatch, but with extra hooks for startup, finalize, and exception handling. """ self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs # ####################### 第一步 request二次封装 ####################### """ return Request( request, parsers=self.get_parsers(), 解析相关 对象列表 authenticators=self.get_authenticators(), 认证相关 对象列表 negotiator=self.get_content_negotiator(), 选择相关 选择对象 parser_context=parser_context 解析内容 ) """ request = self.initialize_request(request, *args, **kwargs) self.request = request self.headers = self.default_response_headers # deprecate? # ####################### 第二步 初始化 ####################### """ 2.1 获取版本 返回(scheme.determine_version(request, *args, **kwargs), scheme) request.version, request.versioning_scheme =版本号,检查版本的对象 2.2 认证 self.perform_authentication(request) 调用request.user方法 2.3 检查权限 self.check_permissions(request) 获取权限的对象列表 执行对象.has_permission方法 返回True有权限,返回False没有权限,抛出异常,message定制错误信息。 2.4 检查限制访问 self.check_throttles(request) 获取限制类的对象列表 执行对象.allow_request(request, self) 返回True可以访问,返回False限制访问。 """ try: self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs) # ####################### 第三步 执行对应的视图函数 ####################### # Get the appropriate handler method if request.method.lower() in self.http_method_names: handler = getattr(self, request.method.lower(), self.http_method_not_allowed) else: handler = self.http_method_not_allowed response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: response = self.handle_exception(exc) self.response = self.finalize_response(request, response, *args, **kwargs) return self.response def options(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Handler method for HTTP 'OPTIONS' request. """ if self.metadata_class is None: return self.http_method_not_allowed(request, *args, **kwargs) data = self.metadata_class().determine_metadata(request, self) return Response(data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
Django Rest Framework 的的请求生命周期如下:
HTTP请求 —> wsgi —> 中间件 —> 路由分发 —> 执行对应类的dispatch方法 —> 视图函数 —>返回
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ `.dispatch()` is pretty much the same as Django's regular dispatch, but with extra hooks for startup, finalize, and exception handling. """ self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs # ####################### 第一步 request二次封装 ####################### """ return Request( request, parsers=self.get_parsers(), 解析相关 对象列表 authenticators=self.get_authenticators(), 认证相关 对象列表 negotiator=self.get_content_negotiator(), 选择相关 选择对象 parser_context=parser_context 解析内容 ) """ request = self.initialize_request(request, *args, **kwargs) self.request = request self.headers = self.default_response_headers # deprecate? # ####################### 第二步 初始化 ####################### """ 2.1 获取版本 返回(scheme.determine_version(request, *args, **kwargs), scheme) request.version, request.versioning_scheme =版本号,检查版本的对象 2.2 认证 self.perform_authentication(request) 调用request.user方法 2.3 检查权限 self.check_permissions(request) 获取权限的对象列表 执行对象.has_permission方法 返回True有权限,返回False没有权限,抛出异常,message定制错误信息。 2.4 检查限制访问 self.check_throttles(request) 获取限制类的对象列表 执行对象.allow_request(request, self) 返回True可以访问,返回False限制访问。 """ try: self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs) # ####################### 第三步 执行对应的视图函数 ####################### # Get the appropriate handler method if request.method.lower() in self.http_method_names: handler = getattr(self, request.method.lower(), self.http_method_not_allowed) else: handler = self.http_method_not_allowed response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: response = self.handle_exception(exc) self.response = self.finalize_response(request, response, *args, **kwargs) return self.response
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