kubernetes events 事件机制源码分析
通过源码探究 kubernetes 如何记录和存储集群中的大量事件信息。
一个 event 在 kubernetes 中的完整历程
从 Kubelet 的 BirthCry 开始
// Kubelet BirthCry as example
// BirthCry sends an event that the kubelet has started up.
func (kl *Kubelet) BirthCry() {
// Make an event that kubelet restarted.
kl.recorder.Eventf(kl.nodeRef, v1.EventTypeNormal, events.StartingKubelet, "Starting kubelet.")
// vendor/k8s.io/client-go/tools/record/event.go
type EventRecorder interface {}
kubernetes 几乎每个组件都会发送事件信息,以 kubelet 为例,当 kubelet 启动时,会调用一个 BirthCry 方法,此方法会发送一个事件,方法命名非常形象,代表 kubelet 在启动。那么这个事件是如何发出的呢?
接口,接口具体定义在 client-go/tools/record/event.go
// EventRecorder knows how to record events on behalf of an EventSource.
type EventRecorder interface {
// The resulting event will be created in the same namespace as the reference object.
Event(object runtime.Object, eventtype, reason, message string)
// Eventf is just like Event, but with Sprintf for the message field.
Eventf(object runtime.Object, eventtype, reason, messageFmt string, args ...interface{})
// PastEventf is just like Eventf, but with an option to specify the event's 'timestamp' field.
PastEventf(object runtime.Object, timestamp metav1.Time, eventtype, reason, messageFmt string, args ...interface{})
// AnnotatedEventf is just like eventf, but with annotations attached
AnnotatedEventf(object runtime.Object, annotations map[string]string, eventtype, reason, messageFmt string, args ...interface{})
recorder 的初始化过程调用了 makeEventRecorder 方法,eventBroadcaster.NewRecorder
接口的具体实现,并且指定的事件发送的来源,这里来源组件为 Kubelet。
可以看到此方法先 New 了一个 record.EventBroadcaster
,再通过 eventBroadcaster 生成一个 record.EventRecorder
,这里 NewRecorder 时指定了该 recorder 发送的 Event 事件中的来源,即 Component 和 Host,StartLogging 和 StartRecordingToSink 都是 eventBroadcaster 的方法,会调用 StartEventWatcher,接受发送过来的事件信息,并调用 eventHandler 方法对事件进行处理,具体过程下面会分析,这里 StartLogging 主要用于 klog 记录日志,StartRecordingToSink 会对事件进行聚合并存储。
// makeEventRecorder sets up kubeDeps.Recorder if it's nil. It's a no-op otherwise.
func makeEventRecorder(kubeDeps *kubelet.Dependencies, nodeName types.NodeName) {
if kubeDeps.Recorder != nil {
eventBroadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
kubeDeps.Recorder = eventBroadcaster.NewRecorder(legacyscheme.Scheme, v1.EventSource{Component: componentKubelet, Host: string(nodeName)})
if kubeDeps.EventClient != nil {
klog.V(4).Infof("Sending events to api server.")
eventBroadcaster.StartRecordingToSink(&v1core.EventSinkImpl{Interface: kubeDeps.EventClient.Events("")})
} else {
klog.Warning("No api server defined - no events will be sent to API server.")
接口的定义已经在上面贴出来了,这里看一下 kubelet 中使用的 recorder 的具体实现。上面说到 kubelet 调用 makeEventRecorder New 出了一个record.EventRecorder
,这就是 kubelet中使用的 recorder, 具体的实现为私有类recorderImpl
私有方法 generateEvent 负责发送事件,执行 recorder.Action 将 event 加入 Broadcaster 的 incoming 队列,实现消息发送,这里 Action 是 recorder 结构体中包含的*watch.Broadcaster
定义的方法, incoming 也是其中定义的一个带缓存的 channel。这个*watch.Broadcaster
在下面的 EventBroadcaster 中还会提到,它是负责事件广播的组件。
type recorderImpl struct {
scheme *runtime.Scheme
source v1.EventSource
clock clock.Clock
// generateEvent 调用 recorder.Action 发送事件
func (recorder *recorderImpl) generateEvent(object runtime.Object, annotations map[string]string, timestamp metav1.Time, eventtype, reason, message string) {
ref, err := ref.GetReference(recorder.scheme, object)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Could not construct reference to: '%#v' due to: '%v'. Will not report event: '%v' '%v' '%v'", object, err, eventtype, reason, message)
if !util.ValidateEventType(eventtype) {
klog.Errorf("Unsupported event type: '%v'", eventtype)
event := recorder.makeEvent(ref, annotations, eventtype, reason, message)
event.Source = recorder.source
go func() {
// NOTE: events should be a non-blocking operation
defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
recorder.Action(watch.Added, event)
func (recorder *recorderImpl) Event(object runtime.Object, eventtype, reason, message string) {
recorder.generateEvent(object, nil, metav1.Now(), eventtype, reason, message)
func (recorder *recorderImpl) Eventf(object runtime.Object, eventtype, reason, messageFmt string, args ...interface{}) {
recorder.Event(object, eventtype, reason, fmt.Sprintf(messageFmt, args...))
func (recorder *recorderImpl) PastEventf(object runtime.Object, timestamp metav1.Time, eventtype, reason, messageFmt string, args ...interface{}) {
recorder.generateEvent(object, nil, timestamp, eventtype, reason, fmt.Sprintf(messageFmt, args...))
func (recorder *recorderImpl) AnnotatedEventf(object runtime.Object, annotations map[string]string, eventtype, reason, messageFmt string, args ...interface{}) {
recorder.generateEvent(object, annotations, metav1.Now(), eventtype, reason, fmt.Sprintf(messageFmt, args...))
// ... ...
// Action distributes the given event among all watchers.
func (m *Broadcaster) Action(action EventType, obj runtime.Object) {
m.incoming <- Event{action, obj}
eventBroadcasterImpl 是 record.EventBroadcaster
,kubelet 中 makeEventRecorder 中调用了 eventBroadcaster.StartRecordingToSink
方法,该方法又调用了 StartEventWatcher,进行 event 监听。
event aggregator
type eventBroadcasterImpl struct {
sleepDuration time.Duration
options CorrelatorOptions
// StartRecordingToSink starts sending events received from the specified eventBroadcaster to the given sink.
// The return value can be ignored or used to stop recording, if desired.
// TODO: make me an object with parameterizable queue length and retry interval
func (e *eventBroadcasterImpl) StartRecordingToSink(sink EventSink) watch.Interface {
eventCorrelator := NewEventCorrelatorWithOptions(e.options)
return e.StartEventWatcher(
func(event *v1.Event) {
recordToSink(sink, event, eventCorrelator, e.sleepDuration)
// StartEventWatcher starts sending events received from this EventBroadcaster to the given event handler function.
// The return value can be ignored or used to stop recording, if desired.
func (e *eventBroadcasterImpl) StartEventWatcher(eventHandler func(*v1.Event)) watch.Interface {
watcher := e.Watch()
go func() {
defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
for watchEvent := range watcher.ResultChan() {
event, ok := watchEvent.Object.(*v1.Event)
if !ok {
// This is all local, so there's no reason this should
// ever happen.
return watcher
根据上面的分析,recorder 通过调用*watch.Broadcaster
的 Action 方法将 event 发送到 Broadcaster 的 incoming 队列完成发送,EventBroadcaster 的 StartRecordingToSink 方法,最终调用到了*watch.Broadcaster
的 Watch 方法,对事件进行监听。可以看到在事件的传递中,*watch.Broadcaster
是一个非常重要的部分,根据命名可以猜到,它的作用就是对事件进行广播。那么 *watch.Broadcaster
是如何接收 recorder 发送的事件并广播给所有的 watcher 呢?
可以看到 incoming 队列是通过 make(chan Event, incomingQueueLength)
初始化,这是一个带缓存的通道,缓存大小为 incomingQueueLength,值固定为25。对 incomingQueueLength 的定义,代码里解释为通常情况下传入的队列很少会阻塞,这里加上缓冲,是为了防止万一在一个很短的窗口内接收到事件导致Broadcaster无法及时处理。还有一个重要的 map 类型 watchers
,它用来存储已经注册进来的 watcher,当 incoming 队列中收到消息,会对 watchers 中所有的 broadcasterWatcher 进行广播,int64 类型的nextWatcher
作为 map 中 watcher 的 key,每新增一个 watcher,nextWatcher 自增加一,并作为新增 watcher 的 id,同时可以看到为了防止并发产生异常,watcher 相关的操作都做了加锁操作,这就是*watch.Broadcaster
广播的基本原理。具体的实现可以看下 Watch 方法的逻辑,EventBroadcaster 最终调用到 Watch 方法,Watch 方法创建一个 broadcasterWatcher 加入 watchers,并返回给调用方,调用方拿到 watcher 调用 watcher.ResultChan()
到这里事件如何通过 Broadcaster 进行发送和监听就已经比较清晰了,还有一个问题,就是 Broadcaster 进行广播的动作,是在何时开始的呢?其实在 NewBroadcaster() 的时候,已经在最后执行了go m.loop()
,loop() 方法中做的事情,就是从 incoming 队列中取出队列,并推送给所有的 watcher,代码也贴出在下面,可以自己看下方法中的具体逻辑。
// Broadcaster distributes event notifications among any number of watchers. Every event
// is delivered to every watcher.
type Broadcaster struct {
// TODO: see if this lock is needed now that new watchers go through
// the incoming channel.
lock sync.Mutex
watchers map[int64]*broadcasterWatcher
nextWatcher int64
distributing sync.WaitGroup
incoming chan Event
// How large to make watcher's channel.
watchQueueLength int
// If one of the watch channels is full, don't wait for it to become empty.
// Instead just deliver it to the watchers that do have space in their
// channels and move on to the next event.
// It's more fair to do this on a per-watcher basis than to do it on the
// "incoming" channel, which would allow one slow watcher to prevent all
// other watchers from getting new events.
fullChannelBehavior FullChannelBehavior
// NewBroadcaster creates a new Broadcaster. queueLength is the maximum number of events to queue per watcher.
// It is guaranteed that events will be distributed in the order in which they occur,
// but the order in which a single event is distributed among all of the watchers is unspecified.
func NewBroadcaster(queueLength int, fullChannelBehavior FullChannelBehavior) *Broadcaster {
m := &Broadcaster{
watchers: map[int64]*broadcasterWatcher{},
incoming: make(chan Event, incomingQueueLength),
watchQueueLength: queueLength,
fullChannelBehavior: fullChannelBehavior,
go m.loop()
return m
// Action distributes the given event among all watchers.
func (m *Broadcaster) Action(action EventType, obj runtime.Object) {
m.incoming <- Event{action, obj}
// watcher 的注册和维护
// Watch adds a new watcher to the list and returns an Interface for it.
// Note: new watchers will only receive new events. They won't get an entire history
// of previous events.
func (m *Broadcaster) Watch() Interface {
var w *broadcasterWatcher
m.blockQueue(func() {
defer m.lock.Unlock()
id := m.nextWatcher
w = &broadcasterWatcher{
result: make(chan Event, m.watchQueueLength),
stopped: make(chan struct{}),
id: id,
m: m,
m.watchers[id] = w
return w
// Execute f, blocking the incoming queue (and waiting for it to drain first).
// The purpose of this terrible hack is so that watchers added after an event
// won't ever see that event, and will always see any event after they are
// added.
func (b *Broadcaster) blockQueue(f func()) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
b.incoming <- Event{
Type: internalRunFunctionMarker,
Object: functionFakeRuntimeObject(func() {
defer wg.Done()
// 事件的广播
// loop receives from m.incoming and distributes to all watchers.
func (m *Broadcaster) loop() {
// Deliberately not catching crashes here. Yes, bring down the process if there's a
// bug in watch.Broadcaster.
for event := range m.incoming {
if event.Type == internalRunFunctionMarker {
// distribute sends event to all watchers. Blocking.
func (m *Broadcaster) distribute(event Event) {
defer m.lock.Unlock()
if m.fullChannelBehavior == DropIfChannelFull {
for _, w := range m.watchers {
select {
case w.result <- event:
case <-w.stopped:
default: // Don't block if the event can't be queued.
} else {
for _, w := range m.watchers {
select {
case w.result <- event:
case <-w.stopped:
分析完一个事件在 kubernetes 中的发送和接收流程,还有最后一个问题,event 最终是如何存储到 ETCD 中,以什么形式存储到 ETCD 中的呢?再深一层追踪代码,可以发现一个 EventSink 的 interface,这个就是 kubernetes 提供的存储 Event 的接口,定义如下。
// EventSink knows how to store events (client.Client implements it.)
// EventSink must respect the namespace that will be embedded in 'event'.
// It is assumed that EventSink will return the same sorts of errors as
// pkg/client's REST client.
type EventSink interface {
Create(event *v1.Event) (*v1.Event, error)
Update(event *v1.Event) (*v1.Event, error)
Patch(oldEvent *v1.Event, data []byte) (*v1.Event, error)
的StartRecordingToSink(sink EventSink) watch.Interface{}
方法,接收一个 EventSink 类型作为参数,这里回到 kubelet,看到 kubelet 初始化时在 makeEventRecorder 方法中调用这样调用eventBroadcaster.StartRecordingToSink(&v1core.EventSinkImpl{Interface: kubeDeps.EventClient.Events("")})
传入的 EventSinkImpl,kubernetes 1.17 版本中结构体定义的注释中写了 TODO,后面要将所有 client 都移到 clientset 中。再往深层追踪,传入的kubeDeps.EventClient.Events("")
初始化方法为kubeDeps.EventClient, err = v1core.NewForConfig(&eventClientConfig)
,熟悉 kubernetes sdk 的可以看出来,这里创建的corev1.CoreV1Client
,就是 clientset 中的客户端,
CoreV1Client.Event("") 返回的就是针对 Event 这一资源操作的 REST Client,封装了对 Event 增删改查的操作。由此可以看出,EventSink 其实就是连接 recorder 和底层存储的中间层,所以存入 ETCD 的操作,自然是 EventSink 来执行,甚至,如果你想将 kubernetes 的 event 存入其他数据库,只要封装一个对应的客户端,并实现 EventSink 的方法,就可以做到。
// TODO: This is a temporary arrangement and will be removed once all clients are moved to use the clientset.
type EventSinkImpl struct {
Interface EventInterface
func (e *EventSinkImpl) Create(event *v1.Event) (*v1.Event, error) {
return e.Interface.CreateWithEventNamespace(event)
func (e *EventSinkImpl) Update(event *v1.Event) (*v1.Event, error) {
return e.Interface.UpdateWithEventNamespace(event)
func (e *EventSinkImpl) Patch(event *v1.Event, data []byte) (*v1.Event, error) {
return e.Interface.PatchWithEventNamespace(event, data)
此时再回头看一下 StartRecordingToSink 方法。
// StartRecordingToSink starts sending events received from the specified eventBroadcaster to the given sink.
// The return value can be ignored or used to stop recording, if desired.
// TODO: make me an object with parameterizable queue length and retry interval
func (e *eventBroadcasterImpl) StartRecordingToSink(sink EventSink) watch.Interface {
eventCorrelator := NewEventCorrelatorWithOptions(e.options)
return e.StartEventWatcher(
func(event *v1.Event) {
recordToSink(sink, event, eventCorrelator, e.sleepDuration)
func recordToSink(sink EventSink, event *v1.Event, eventCorrelator *EventCorrelator, sleepDuration time.Duration) {
// Make a copy before modification, because there could be multiple listeners.
// Events are safe to copy like this.
eventCopy := *event
event = &eventCopy
result, err := eventCorrelator.EventCorrelate(event)
if err != nil {
if result.Skip {
tries := 0
for {
if recordEvent(sink, result.Event, result.Patch, result.Event.Count > 1, eventCorrelator) {
if tries >= maxTriesPerEvent {
klog.Errorf("Unable to write event '%#v' (retry limit exceeded!)", event)
// Randomize the first sleep so that various clients won't all be
// synced up if the master goes down.
if tries == 1 {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(float64(sleepDuration) * rand.Float64()))
} else {
// recordEvent attempts to write event to a sink. It returns true if the event
// was successfully recorded or discarded, false if it should be retried.
// If updateExistingEvent is false, it creates a new event, otherwise it updates
// existing event.
func recordEvent(sink EventSink, event *v1.Event, patch []byte, updateExistingEvent bool, eventCorrelator *EventCorrelator) bool {
var newEvent *v1.Event
var err error
if updateExistingEvent {
newEvent, err = sink.Patch(event, patch)
// Update can fail because the event may have been removed and it no longer exists.
if !updateExistingEvent || (updateExistingEvent && util.IsKeyNotFoundError(err)) {
// Making sure that ResourceVersion is empty on creation
event.ResourceVersion = ""
newEvent, err = sink.Create(event)
if err == nil {
// we need to update our event correlator with the server returned state to handle name/resourceversion
return true
// If we can't contact the server, then hold everything while we keep trying.
// Otherwise, something about the event is malformed and we should abandon it.
switch err.(type) {
case *restclient.RequestConstructionError:
// We will construct the request the same next time, so don't keep trying.
klog.Errorf("Unable to construct event '%#v': '%v' (will not retry!)", event, err)
return true
case *errors.StatusError:
if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
klog.V(5).Infof("Server rejected event '%#v': '%v' (will not retry!)", event, err)
} else {
klog.Errorf("Server rejected event '%#v': '%v' (will not retry!)", event, err)
return true
case *errors.UnexpectedObjectError:
// We don't expect this; it implies the server's response didn't match a
// known pattern. Go ahead and retry.
// This case includes actual http transport errors. Go ahead and retry.
klog.Errorf("Unable to write event: '%v' (may retry after sleeping)", err)
return false
在 StartEventWatcher 中传入的处理方法为 recordToSink,也就是说,当 watcher 接收到一个事件,会通过调用 recordToSink 进行处理。这里有一个新的结构体 EventCorrelator,顾名思义,它负责事件记录时的关联,作用主要是事件的过滤、聚合和计数。它有一个关键成员 aggregator,它用来对传入的事件进行聚合。关于 EventCorrelator 关联事件的具体规则,可以通过 populateDefaults 方法看到它的默认参数配置。具体每个参数的作用,后面再具体分析。
// EventCorrelator 初始化
// EventCorrelator processes all incoming events and performs analysis to avoid overwhelming the system. It can filter all
// incoming events to see if the event should be filtered from further processing. It can aggregate similar events that occur
// frequently to protect the system from spamming events that are difficult for users to distinguish. It performs de-duplication
// to ensure events that are observed multiple times are compacted into a single event with increasing counts.
type EventCorrelator struct {
// the function to filter the event
filterFunc EventFilterFunc
// the object that performs event aggregation
aggregator *EventAggregator
// the object that observes events as they come through
logger *eventLogger
// EventAggregator identifies similar events and aggregates them into a single event
type EventAggregator struct {
// The cache that manages aggregation state
cache *lru.Cache
// The function that groups events for aggregation
keyFunc EventAggregatorKeyFunc
// The function that generates a message for an aggregate event
messageFunc EventAggregatorMessageFunc
// The maximum number of events in the specified interval before aggregation occurs
maxEvents uint
// The amount of time in seconds that must transpire since the last occurrence of a similar event before it's considered new
maxIntervalInSeconds uint
// clock is used to allow for testing over a time interval
clock clock.Clock
// EventAggregatorByReasonFunc aggregates events by exact match on event.Source, event.InvolvedObject, event.Type and event.Reason
func EventAggregatorByReasonFunc(event *v1.Event) (string, string) {
return strings.Join([]string{
""), event.Message
// EventAggregratorByReasonMessageFunc returns an aggregate message by prefixing the incoming message
func EventAggregatorByReasonMessageFunc(event *v1.Event) string {
return "(combined from similar events): " + event.Message
// NewEventCorrelator returns an EventCorrelator configured with default values.
// The EventCorrelator is responsible for event filtering, aggregating, and counting
// prior to interacting with the API server to record the event.
// The default behavior is as follows:
// * Aggregation is performed if a similar event is recorded 10 times in a
// in a 10 minute rolling interval. A similar event is an event that varies only by
// the Event.Message field. Rather than recording the precise event, aggregation
// will create a new event whose message reports that it has combined events with
// the same reason.
// * Events are incrementally counted if the exact same event is encountered multiple
// times.
// * A source may burst 25 events about an object, but has a refill rate budget
// per object of 1 event every 5 minutes to control long-tail of spam.
func NewEventCorrelator(clock clock.Clock) *EventCorrelator {
cacheSize := maxLruCacheEntries
spamFilter := NewEventSourceObjectSpamFilter(cacheSize, defaultSpamBurst, defaultSpamQPS, clock)
return &EventCorrelator{
filterFunc: spamFilter.Filter,
aggregator: NewEventAggregator(
logger: newEventLogger(cacheSize, clock),
func NewEventCorrelatorWithOptions(options CorrelatorOptions) *EventCorrelator {
optionsWithDefaults := populateDefaults(options)
spamFilter := NewEventSourceObjectSpamFilter(optionsWithDefaults.LRUCacheSize,
optionsWithDefaults.BurstSize, optionsWithDefaults.QPS, optionsWithDefaults.Clock)
return &EventCorrelator{
filterFunc: spamFilter.Filter,
aggregator: NewEventAggregator(
logger: newEventLogger(optionsWithDefaults.LRUCacheSize, optionsWithDefaults.Clock),
// populateDefaults populates the zero value options with defaults
func populateDefaults(options CorrelatorOptions) CorrelatorOptions {
if options.LRUCacheSize == 0 {
// maxLruCacheEntries = 4096
options.LRUCacheSize = maxLruCacheEntries
if options.BurstSize == 0 {
// by default, allow a source to send 25 events about an object
// but control the refill rate to 1 new event every 5 minutes
// this helps control the long-tail of events for things that are always
// unhealthy. defaultSpamBurst = 25
// defaultSpamQPS = 1. / 300.
options.BurstSize = defaultSpamBurst
if options.QPS == 0 {
options.QPS = defaultSpamQPS
if options.KeyFunc == nil {
options.KeyFunc = EventAggregatorByReasonFunc
if options.MessageFunc == nil {
options.MessageFunc = EventAggregatorByReasonMessageFunc
if options.MaxEvents == 0 {
// if we see the same event that varies only by message
// more than 10 times in a 10 minute period, aggregate the event.
// defaultAggregateMaxEvents = 10
// defaultAggregateIntervalInSeconds = 600
options.MaxEvents = defaultAggregateMaxEvents
if options.MaxIntervalInSeconds == 0 {
options.MaxIntervalInSeconds = defaultAggregateIntervalInSeconds
if options.Clock == nil {
options.Clock = clock.RealClock{}
return options
EventCorrelator 的关键方法是 EventCorrelate,它接收一个新的 Event 事件,并返回一个 EventCorrelateResult,代表关联后的结果。EventCorrelate 中首先执行了c.aggregator.EventAggregate(newEvent)
方法进行事件聚合,它根据上面初始化 EventCorrelator 时的配置,检查是否已经有和传入的事件类似的事件。
// EventCorrelateResult is the result of a Correlate
type EventCorrelateResult struct {
// the event after correlation
Event *v1.Event
// if provided, perform a strategic patch when updating the record on the server
Patch []byte
// if true, do no further processing of the event
Skip bool
// aggregateRecord holds data used to perform aggregation decisions
type aggregateRecord struct {
// we track the number of unique local keys we have seen in the aggregate set to know when to actually aggregate
// if the size of this set exceeds the max, we know we need to aggregate
localKeys sets.String
// The last time at which the aggregate was recorded
lastTimestamp metav1.Time
// EventCorrelate filters, aggregates, counts, and de-duplicates all incoming events
func (c *EventCorrelator) EventCorrelate(newEvent *v1.Event) (*EventCorrelateResult, error) {
if newEvent == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("event is nil")
aggregateEvent, ckey := c.aggregator.EventAggregate(newEvent)
observedEvent, patch, err := c.logger.eventObserve(aggregateEvent, ckey)
if c.filterFunc(observedEvent) {
return &EventCorrelateResult{Skip: true}, nil
return &EventCorrelateResult{Event: observedEvent, Patch: patch}, err
这里具体梳理一下 EventAggregate 方法的流程。
- 首先,基于 event 事件的属性构建 key。
通过 getEventKey 方法基于 Event 的的source
的值构建一个该事件的唯一 key 作为 eventKey,然后通过EventAggregator.keyFunc
生成aggregateKey 和 localKey,这里的 keyfunc 就是 NewEventCorrelator 传入的 keyFunc,即 EventAggregatorByReasonFunc,它基于 Event 的event.Source
的值构建 key,返回的 key 作为 aggregateKey,event.Message 作为 localKey。 - 接着,通过 aggregateKey 从 cache 中获取缓存的 record ,或新建一个 record。
e.cache 是一个 LRU 缓存,这里存储的值的类型是 aggregateRecord,取出值后,若该记录的时间即 aggregateRecord.lastTimestamp 距当前超过了 maxIntervalInSeconds(默认600s),那么该缓存无效。若缓存无效或缓存未空,则新建一个新的 record。 - 将第一步构建出的 localKey 加入 上一步得到的 record 的 localKeys,并更新缓存。这里 localKeys 为字符串集合,localKey即为 event.message,所以 c.cache 中实际上保存了同一 aggregateKey 下的事件的 message。
- 返回 event 和 cache key。
若当前 record 的record.localKeys
的长度小于 maxEvents(默认10),即同一 aggregateKey 下的 localKeys 数量没达到最大阈值,这代表以 event.reason 维度做聚合产生的事件数没达到需要做关联聚合的阈值,那么此时不需对该事件进行聚合,直接返回传入的 event 不做需改,并直接以 eventKey 作为 cache key 返回,可以回顾一下第一步中生成 eventKey 的方法,是以完整的 reason 和 message 拼接成的 key。
长度大于maxEvents,说明此时在一段时间内同一 reason 产生的事件较多,这时会先从 localKeys 中删除最老的值(PopAny)以保证长度不会大于maxEvents,并对事件进行聚合,组装一个新的事件返回,并以 aggregateKey 作为 cache key 返回。
// EventAggregate checks if a similar event has been seen according to the
// aggregation configuration (max events, max interval, etc) and returns:
// - The (potentially modified) event that should be created
// - The cache key for the event, for correlation purposes. This will be set to
// the full key for normal events, and to the result of
// EventAggregatorMessageFunc for aggregate events.
func (e *EventAggregator) EventAggregate(newEvent *v1.Event) (*v1.Event, string) {
now := metav1.NewTime(e.clock.Now())
var record aggregateRecord
// eventKey is the full cache key for this event
eventKey := getEventKey(newEvent)
// aggregateKey is for the aggregate event, if one is needed.
aggregateKey, localKey := e.keyFunc(newEvent)
// Do we have a record of similar events in our cache?
defer e.Unlock()
value, found := e.cache.Get(aggregateKey)
if found {
record = value.(aggregateRecord)
// Is the previous record too old? If so, make a fresh one. Note: if we didn't
// find a similar record, its lastTimestamp will be the zero value, so we
// create a new one in that case.
maxInterval := time.Duration(e.maxIntervalInSeconds) * time.Second
interval := now.Time.Sub(record.lastTimestamp.Time)
if interval > maxInterval {
record = aggregateRecord{localKeys: sets.NewString()}
// Write the new event into the aggregation record and put it on the cache
record.lastTimestamp = now
e.cache.Add(aggregateKey, record)
// If we are not yet over the threshold for unique events, don't correlate them
if uint(record.localKeys.Len()) < e.maxEvents {
return newEvent, eventKey
// do not grow our local key set any larger than max
// create a new aggregate event, and return the aggregateKey as the cache key
// (so that it can be overwritten.)
eventCopy := &v1.Event{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%v.%x", newEvent.InvolvedObject.Name, now.UnixNano()),
Namespace: newEvent.Namespace,
Count: 1,
FirstTimestamp: now,
InvolvedObject: newEvent.InvolvedObject,
LastTimestamp: now,
Message: e.messageFunc(newEvent),
Type: newEvent.Type,
Reason: newEvent.Reason,
Source: newEvent.Source,
return eventCopy, aggregateKey
// getEventKey builds unique event key based on source, involvedObject, reason, message
func getEventKey(event *v1.Event) string {
return strings.Join([]string{
继续来看 EventCorrelate 方法,执行完 EventAggregate 并获取到聚合后(可能被更改)的事件和 cache key 之后,调用c.logger.eventObserve(aggregateEvent, ckey)
同样梳理下 eventObserve 的流程。
- 首先,通过 EventAggregate 返回的cache key 调用
查询 cache,注意这个 cache 和 EventAggregate 中的 cache 并不是同一个,EventAggregate 中的 cache 是EventAggregator.cache
即 EventAggregator 结构体中定义,而 eventObserve 的是EventCorrelator.logger.cache
,是在 EventCorrelator 中定义。存的值也不是同一类型,这里保存的是 eventLog。 - 如果缓存不为空,那么要对事件 count 加一,并进行 merge 生成 patch。
- 最后将事件的 eventLog 加入缓存。
// eventObserve records an event, or updates an existing one if key is a cache hit
func (e *eventLogger)eventObserve(newEvent *v1.Event, key string) (*v1.Event, []byte, error) {
var (
patch []byte
err error
eventCopy := *newEvent
event := &eventCopy
defer e.Unlock()
// Check if there is an existing event we should update
lastObservation := e.lastEventObservationFromCache(key)
// If we found a result, prepare a patch
if lastObservation.count > 0 {
// update the event based on the last observation so patch will work as desired
event.Name = lastObservation.name
event.ResourceVersion = lastObservation.resourceVersion
event.FirstTimestamp = lastObservation.firstTimestamp
event.Count = int32(lastObservation.count) + 1
eventCopy2 := *event
eventCopy2.Count = 0
eventCopy2.LastTimestamp = metav1.NewTime(time.Unix(0, 0))
eventCopy2.Message = ""
newData, _ := json.Marshal(event)
oldData, _ := json.Marshal(eventCopy2)
patch, err = strategicpatch.CreateTwoWayMergePatch(oldData, newData, event)
// record our new observation
count: uint(event.Count),
firstTimestamp: event.FirstTimestamp,
name: event.Name,
resourceVersion: event.ResourceVersion,
return event, patch, err
比较一下 EventAggregate 和 eventObserve 方法,大致流程都是会根据 Event 来搜索缓存,根据缓存是否存在来决定操作。但是在这里面,两类缓存的作用是不同的,EventAggregate 中的缓存,是为了对事件进行聚合,将相同 reason 的事件进行关联。而 eventObserve 是为了事件最终的存储,为将要存储的 event 保存 FirstTimestamp 和进行计数,并据此生成 patch bytes,最后由 EventSink 进行 Patch 操作。
最后,在 EventCorrelate 中,还会调用一下 filterFunc,即过滤方法,判断是不是要跳过这个事件,不进行记录。具体调用的方法是 EventSourceObjectSpamFilter.Filter
。Filter 同样维护了一个缓存,生成 key 的方法是 getSpamKey,它只基于event.Source
来构建,缓存中存储的值为 spamRecord,它包含一个flowcontrol.RateLimiter
简单解释一下,kubernetes 中实现的flowcontrol.RateLimiter
基于 token bucket(即令牌桶)算法来完成限流。该算法原理是系统会以一个恒定的速度往桶里放入令牌,而如果请求需要被处理,则需要先从桶里获取一个令牌,当桶里没有令牌可取时,则拒绝服务。这里 NewTokenBucketRateLimiterWithClock 时,桶中的令牌的最大数量是brust
会尝试去桶中获取令牌,能过获取到则返回 true,反之返回 false。
在 Filter 方法中,如果调用record.rateLimiter.TryAccept()
返回了 false,说明此时 ratelimiter 不能立即获取到令牌,那么就 skip 事件。
NewTokenBucketRateLimiterWithClock 时相应的配置,也是在 NewEventCorrelator 时传入的参数(defaultSpamBurst、defaultSpamQPS)。
// getSpamKey builds unique event key based on source, involvedObject
func getSpamKey(event *v1.Event) string {
return strings.Join([]string{
// NewEventSourceObjectSpamFilter allows burst events from a source about an object with the specified qps refill.
func NewEventSourceObjectSpamFilter(lruCacheSize, burst int, qps float32, clock clock.Clock) *EventSourceObjectSpamFilter {
return &EventSourceObjectSpamFilter{
cache: lru.New(lruCacheSize),
burst: burst,
qps: qps,
clock: clock,
// spamRecord holds data used to perform spam filtering decisions.
type spamRecord struct {
// rateLimiter controls the rate of events about this object
rateLimiter flowcontrol.RateLimiter
// Filter controls that a given source+object are not exceeding the allowed rate.
func (f *EventSourceObjectSpamFilter) Filter(event *v1.Event) bool {
var record spamRecord
// controls our cached information about this event (source+object)
eventKey := getSpamKey(event)
// do we have a record of similar events in our cache?
defer f.Unlock()
value, found := f.cache.Get(eventKey)
if found {
record = value.(spamRecord)
// verify we have a rate limiter for this record
if record.rateLimiter == nil {
record.rateLimiter = flowcontrol.NewTokenBucketRateLimiterWithClock(f.qps, f.burst, f.clock)
// ensure we have available rate
filter := !record.rateLimiter.TryAccept()
// update the cache
f.cache.Add(eventKey, record)
return filter
最终,经过这一系列处理,EventCorrelate 最终返回了 EventCorrelateResult 给调用者,并有调用者根据结果进行事件的最终记录,另外有一点需要注意,在最终更新/新建完事件后,调用者还要调用eventCorrelator.UpdateState(newEvent)
,即 eventObserve 方法中记录的缓存。
// EventCorrelateResult is the result of a Correlate
type EventCorrelateResult struct {
// the event after correlation
Event *v1.Event
// if provided, perform a strategic patch when updating the record on the server
Patch []byte
// if true, do no further processing of the event
Skip bool
// UpdateState based on the latest observed state from server
// 主要更新的事件的 name/resourceversion
func (c *EventCorrelator) UpdateState(event *v1.Event) {
本文通过从 kubelet 的 'BirthCry' 入手,分析了一个事件在 kubernetes 中的全部流程,以及如何对事件进行关联、聚合和过滤,同时其他组件的事件发送流程,也是大同小异,感兴趣的话可以自己选一个进行分析。另外,自己开发自定义的 controller 或其他自定义组件的时候,也可以尝试通过这一流程,将自己需要记录的事件,通过 kubernetes Event 的形式发送。
附:kubernetes 事件整体流程
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