private Response request(Request request, boolean async) throws TransportException { Channel channel = null; Response response = null; try { // return channel or throw exception(timeout or connection_fail) channel = borrowObject();//向连接池拿连接 if (channel == null) { LoggerUtil.error("NettyClient borrowObject null: url=" + url.getUri() + " " + MotanFrameworkUtil.toString(request)); return null; } // async request response = channel.request(request);//调用channel的request // return channel to pool returnObject(channel);//归还连接 } catch (Exception e) { LoggerUtil.error( "NettyClient request Error: url=" + url.getUri() + " " + MotanFrameworkUtil.toString(request), e); //TODO 对特定的异常回收channel invalidateObject(channel);//销毁坏的连接 if (e instanceof MotanAbstractException) { throw (MotanAbstractException) e; } else { throw new MotanServiceException("NettyClient request Error: url=" + url.getUri() + " " + MotanFrameworkUtil.toString(request), e); } } // aysnc or sync result response = asyncResponse(response, async);//处理response return response; }
public Response request(Request request) throws TransportException { int timeout = nettyClient.getUrl().getMethodParameter(request.getMethodName(), request.getParamtersDesc(), URLParamType.requestTimeout.getName(), URLParamType.requestTimeout.getIntValue()); if (timeout <= 0) { throw new MotanFrameworkException("NettyClient init Error: timeout(" + timeout + ") <= 0 is forbid.", MotanErrorMsgConstant.FRAMEWORK_INIT_ERROR); } NettyResponseFuture response = new NettyResponseFuture(request, timeout, this.nettyClient);//创建异步response对象 this.nettyClient.registerCallback(request.getRequestId(), response);//将此response存入到map,处理完后,会移出 ChannelFuture writeFuture =;//向服务端传递request对象,写之前会进行序列化的操作 boolean result = writeFuture.awaitUninterruptibly(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);//标识是否成功 if (result && writeFuture.isSuccess()) { response.addListener(new FutureListener() {//增加response的监听器 @Override public void operationComplete(Future future) throws Exception { if (future.isSuccess() || (future.isDone() && ExceptionUtil.isBizException(future.getException()))) { // 成功的调用 nettyClient.resetErrorCount();//成功 } else { // 失败的调用 nettyClient.incrErrorCount();//对失败次数+1,如果同一个client连续失败达到所有的连接次数时,标识此client不可用,由心跳管理器负责恢复此client的可用状态 } } }); return response;//返回此response,此response为异步的response,由业务线程接手后续接收的过程 } writeFuture.cancel(); response = this.nettyClient.removeCallback(request.getRequestId());//在map中移出此response if (response != null) { response.cancel(); } // 失败的调用 nettyClient.incrErrorCount(); if (writeFuture.getCause() != null) { throw new MotanServiceException("NettyChannel send request to server Error: url=" + nettyClient.getUrl().getUri() + " local=" + localAddress + " " + MotanFrameworkUtil.toString(request), writeFuture.getCause()); } else { throw new MotanServiceException("NettyChannel send request to server Timeout: url=" + nettyClient.getUrl().getUri() + " local=" + localAddress + " " + MotanFrameworkUtil.toString(request)); } }
3.异步的response NettyResponseFuture
public Object getValue() { synchronized (lock) { if (!isDoing()) { return getValueOrThrowable();//返回成功值或失败 } if (timeout <= 0) { try { lock.wait();//未接收完毕则一直等待 } catch (Exception e) { cancel(new MotanServiceException("NettyResponseFuture getValue InterruptedException : " + MotanFrameworkUtil.toString(request) + " cost=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - createTime), e)); } // don't need to notifylisteners, because onSuccess or // onFailure or cancel method already call notifylisteners return getValueOrThrowable(); } else { long waitTime = timeout - (System.currentTimeMillis() - createTime);//等待的时间 if (waitTime > 0) { for (;;) { try { lock.wait(waitTime);//要么被通知,要么超时 } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (!isDoing()) { break; } else { waitTime = timeout - (System.currentTimeMillis() - createTime); if (waitTime <= 0) { break; } } } } if (isDoing()) { timeoutSoCancel(); } } return getValueOrThrowable(); } }