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1、the know few of the other guest.     ans:B
2.先去dentist那,再去bookstore。 ans:A
3、he at least doesn't keep patients wait for couple of hours.所以可知MR.ANDREW是keep patients wait for hours。ans:D
4、Tome must have a bad mood today,he hasn't said half an dosen of words this afternoon. 所以他平时talk很多 ans:D
5there should be a copy in the libary。所以男的去借。ans:记不得是哪个选项了,好像是C
8、if Jessie have something in mind ,everyone will know it.   ans:D
9.Mary active and sociable,Betty talktive,Helen is the opposite.Helen is quiet.ans:A
10.Jimmy爱说大话,he is not reliable。ans:B


Uless you visit the southern United Sates,you probably have never heard of kudzu.Kudzu,as any farmer in the south would sadly tell you ,is a super powered weed.It is a strong climing plant.Once it get started,kudzu is almost impossible to get stop.It climb to the top of the tallest trees.It can cover large buildings.xxxxx and farm house disappear in view.Wherever it grows,its thick twisting stems are extremely hard to remove.Kudzu , once thought to be useful plant,was originally found in asian.It was brought to America to help protect the land from being swallowed by the sea.It was planted where is tough roots,which grows to five feet long,could help hold back the soil.But the plant soon spread to where it isn’t wanted.Famer now have to fight to keep it from killing other plants.In the way,kudzu is a sigh of labor shortage in the south,where there is no one to work with the fields,kudzu soon takes over.The northern United States faces no threat from kudzu.Hxxxx winters kill it off. The plant loves the warmth in the south,but the south surely doesn’t love it.If someone could invent some use for kudzu and remove it from southern farmland,his or her fortune will be assured.


11.what do we learn from the kudzu from the passage.

12.what will happen if the fields unxxxxx in the southern united states

13.why isn’t kudzu a threat to the north of the united states?



posted on 2006-06-17 12:24  马牛  阅读(607)  评论(5编辑  收藏  举报