Introduction to Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source platform that manages Docker containers in the form of a cluster. Along with the automated deployment and scaling of containers, it provides healing by automatically restarting failed containers and rescheduling them when their hosts die. This capability improves the application’s availability.



What is Kubernetes (k8s)?

Kubernetes is an open-source Container Management tool that automates container deployment, container scaling, descaling, and container load balancing (also called a container orchestration tool). It is written in Golang and has a vast community because it was first developed by Google and later donated to CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation). Kubernetes can group ‘n’ number of containers into one logical unit for managing and deploying them easily. It works brilliantly with all cloud vendors i.e. public, hybrid, and on-premises. 


Benefits of Using Kubernetes


1. Automated deployment and management

  • If you are using Kubernetes for deploying the application then no need for manual intervention kubernetes will take care of everything like automating the deployment, scaling, and containerizing the application.
  • Kubernetes will reduce the errors that can be made by humans which makes the deployment more effective.




2. Scalability

  • You can scale the application containers depending on the incoming traffic Kubernetes offers Horizontal pod scaling the pods will be scaled automatically depending on the load.


         你 可以依据Kubernetes提供的传入流量来缩放容器应用,pod的水平缩放依据负载自动缩放。

3. High availability

  • You can achieve high availability for your application with the help of Kubernetes and also it will reduce the latency issues for the end users.



4. Cost-effectiveness

  • If there is unnecessary use of infrastructure the cost will also increase kubernetes will help you to reduce resource utilization and control the overprovisioning of infrastructure.



5. Improved developer productivity

  • Developer can concentrate more on the developing part kubernetes will reduce the efforts of deploying the application.



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