In Terminal (SimpleHTTPServer):cd ~python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 #不指定端口默认为8000 In Terminal (CGIHTTPServer):cd ~python -m CGIHTTPServer #默认端口为8000 Reference:http://coolshell.cn/articles/1480.htmlhttp://blog.licess.org/simplehttpserver/ 阅读全文
import java.io.Serializable;import javax.persistence.Entity;import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;import javax.persistence.Id;import javax.persistence.Table;import org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator;/** * User Pending approvals * */@Entity@Tablepublic class UserApproval implements Serializ 阅读全文
Reference toentity Boolean field default value @Column(nullable=false, columnDefinition="boolean default false") public Boolean getBoleanValue() { return test; } or @PrePersist public void prePersist() { if ( getBoleanValue() == null ) { setBooleanValue( false ); } } 阅读全文
First, inhibernate.cfg.xml :jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8 Second, if you got something like "Incorrect string value: '\xE6\x9B\xB9\xE5\x86\xAC...' for column...",then in Terminal:mysql> alter database YOUR_DB_NAME character set utf8 阅读全文
When using "File Search" in Myeclipse , it will popup a window with the error message "File Search" has encountered a problem".Why it cause , because of " ...Resource is out of sync with the file system " . That is saying that your .java and other files in the Myec 阅读全文
When you define atraditional Chinese in a ZH-Hant.strings file , and then use "NSLocalizedStringFromTable(key)" to get thetraditional Chinese value . You finally get the key value , not thetraditional Chinese value you expected .// Be carefule , zh-Hans & zh-Hant can recognize by Mac , 阅读全文
Theme:Here , there so many themes :eclipsecolorthemes.orgFirst , download choose one and "Eclipse Preferences(EPF)-for Eclipse Import"Second , Myeclip... 阅读全文
First . Sometimes you will encounter such a situation , that your initiazer have to accept some parameters . You have to overwrite base class 'init' method :- (id)init { [self dealloc]; @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"BNRBadInitCall" reason:@"Initialize Lawsuit with in 阅读全文
1 MiniXcode2 SCXcodeMiniMap3 Install Themes On Xcode 阅读全文
First take a look at keyboard-driven-dialog-boxes-osxSystem Preference -> Keyboard -> Checked the "All Controll"Now you can controll the dialog box button whith"Tab" key to select and "Space" key to trigger . 阅读全文