

程序性能分析我相信是每个程序员都会遇到的问题,比如说一个程序的CPU为什么占用这么高?有没有优化的空间?又比如程序出现了内存泄漏如何排查等等。如果是C++程序会借助于Google pprof c++ profile,java程序会依赖于jstack等工具,幸运的是Golang语言本身就集成了性能分析工具pprof包,可以有效的分析程序CPU,MEM,Metux等指标。其中还可以通过第三方图形应用来更加直观的显示每个调用关系和指标占用情况。



$ uname -a
Darwin 18.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.6.0: Thu Apr 25 23:16:27 PDT 2019; root:xnu-4903.261.4~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

$ go version
go version go1.12.4 darwin/amd64


下面我直接用Golang pprof官方提供的示例来演示下CPU和MEM的分析方法,以及集成出图工具后的各种效果。



var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to file")

func main() {
    if *cpuprofile != "" {
        f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
        if err != nil {
        defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()

程序定义了一个cpuprofile的文件,用于保存程序的cpu prof信息。StartCPUProfile方法会将信息输出到cpuprofile文件中,程序退出前会调用StopCPUProfile方法,将缓存的信息一并(flush)刷到cpuprofile中。

$ go build havlak1.go
$ ./havlak1 -cpuprofile havlak1.prof 
# of loops: 76000 (including 1 artificial root node)
$ go tool pprof havlak1 havlak1.prof 
File: havlak1
Type: cpu
Time: Jun 18, 2019 at 3:52pm (CST)
Duration: 14.81s, Total samples = 19.20s (129.67%)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
(pprof) top 10
Showing nodes accounting for 11090ms, 57.76% of 19200ms total
Dropped 105 nodes (cum <= 96ms)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 99
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
    2250ms 11.72% 11.72%     2550ms 13.28%  runtime.mapaccess1_fast64
    1830ms  9.53% 21.25%     4760ms 24.79%  runtime.scanobject
    1470ms  7.66% 28.91%     9250ms 48.18%  main.FindLoops
    1040ms  5.42% 34.32%     1040ms  5.42%  runtime.memmove
     880ms  4.58% 38.91%     3420ms 17.81%  runtime.mallocgc
     840ms  4.38% 43.28%     2660ms 13.85%  main.DFS
     800ms  4.17% 47.45%     1990ms 10.36%  runtime.mapassign_fast64ptr
     790ms  4.11% 51.56%     1020ms  5.31%  runtime.findObject
     600ms  3.12% 54.69%      760ms  3.96%  runtime.heapBitsSetType
     590ms  3.07% 57.76%      600ms  3.12%  runtime.pageIndexOf  

输出top 10 表示的是显示最消耗cpu的10个函数调用。上述每列指标的含义为:

  • flat 采样时,该函数正在运行的次数*采样频率(10ms),记得到估算的函数“运行时间”。不包含等待子函数返回的时间。
  • flat% flat/总采样时间值,例如第一行的数据 2250ms/(19.2*1000)Total samples =11.72%。
  • sum% 前面所有flat%的累加,所以第一行的sum%永远都是等于flat%,第二行21.25%=11.72%+9.53%。
  • cum  采样时,该函数出现在调用堆栈的采样时间。包含等待子函数返回的时间。
  • cum% cum/总采样时间值,例如第一行的数据 2550ms/(19.2*1000)Total samples =13.28%。



(pprof) web
Failed to execute dot. Is Graphviz installed? Error: exec: "dot": executable file not found in $PATH
$ brew install graphviz
(pprof) web



 但是这样全盘的调用关系老实将也是有点乱,可以通过--nodefraction=0.1把占用低于10%的关系不显示,也可以可以通过web mapaccess1 来查看runtime mapaccess1_fast64的单条调用关系链,会更加的聚焦和清晰。

其实上面的图形还是不够直观,最直观的调用关系和占比图是火焰图,但是火焰图需要依赖第三方火焰图生成工具,不是golang pprof自带的,步骤下:

  • 安装火焰图生成工具 go-torch go get github.com/uber/go-torch
  • 安装火焰图生成脚本 FlameGraph 进入到go-torch的bin路径执行git clone https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph.git,cd FlameGraph && mv * ../
u$ go-torch havlak1 havlak1.prof 
INFO[17:38:11] Run pprof command: go tool pprof -raw -seconds 30 havlak1 havlak1.prof
INFO[17:38:11] Writing svg to torch.svg





(pprof) top 5 
Showing nodes accounting for 4410ms, 38.82% of 11360ms total
Dropped 83 nodes (cum <= 56.80ms)
Showing top 5 nodes out of 106
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
    1230ms 10.83% 10.83%     3650ms 32.13%  runtime.scanobject
     950ms  8.36% 19.19%     5430ms 47.80%  main.FindLoops
     840ms  7.39% 26.58%      840ms  7.39%  runtime.memmove
     730ms  6.43% 33.01%     2680ms 23.59%  runtime.mallocgc
     660ms  5.81% 38.82%      810ms  7.13%  runtime.findObject



var memprofile = flag.String("memprofile", "", "write memory profile to this file")

    FindHavlakLoops(cfgraph, lsgraph)
    if *memprofile != "" {
        f, err := os.Create(*memprofile)
        if err != nil {


$ go tool pprof havlak3 havlak3.prof 
File: havlak3
Type: inuse_space
Time: Jun 18, 2019 at 5:05pm (CST)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
(pprof) top5
Showing nodes accounting for 34.51MB, 100% of 34.51MB total
Showing top 5 nodes out of 13
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
      18MB 52.17% 52.17%       18MB 52.17%  main.NewBasicBlock
    9.72MB 28.16% 80.32%     9.72MB 28.16%  main.FindLoops
       3MB  8.69% 89.02%        3MB  8.69%  main.(*BasicBlock).AddOutEdge
    2.29MB  6.64% 95.65%    20.29MB 58.80%  main.(*CFG).CreateNode
    1.50MB  4.35%   100%     1.50MB  4.35%  main.(*BasicBlock).AddInEdge


(pprof) list CreateNode
Total: 34.51MB
ROUTINE ======================== main.(*CFG).CreateNode in /Users/haiweilu/saas/src/awesomeProject/test/havlak3.go
    2.29MB    20.29MB (flat, cum) 58.80% of Total
         .          .     94:    }
         .          .     95:    if node != len(cfg.Blocks) {
         .          .     96:        println("oops", node, len(cfg.Blocks))
         .          .     97:        panic("wtf")
         .          .     98:    }
         .       18MB     99:    bblock := NewBasicBlock(node)
    2.29MB     2.29MB    100:    cfg.Blocks = append(cfg.Blocks, bblock)
         .          .    101:
         .          .    102:    if len(cfg.Blocks) == 1 {
         .          .    103:        cfg.Start = bblock
         .          .    104:    }
         .          .    105:
(pprof) list FindLoops
Total: 34.51MB
ROUTINE ======================== main.FindLoops in /Users/haiweilu/saas/src/awesomeProject/test/havlak3.go
    9.72MB     9.72MB (flat, cum) 28.16% of Total
         .          .    263:        return
         .          .    264:    }
         .          .    265:
         .          .    266:    size := cfgraph.NumNodes()
         .          .    267:
    1.97MB     1.97MB    268:    nonBackPreds := make([]map[int]bool, size)
    5.77MB     5.77MB    269:    backPreds := make([][]int, size)
         .          .    270:
    1.97MB     1.97MB    271:    number := make([]int, size)
         .          .    272:    header := make([]int, size, size)
         .          .    273:    types := make([]int, size, size)
         .          .    274:    last := make([]int, size, size)
         .          .    275:    nodes := make([]*UnionFindNode, size, size)
         .          .    276:



package main

import (
    _ "net/http/pprof"

func main()  {
    http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6060", nil)


通过go tool debug:

go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/profile   # 30-second CPU profile
go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap      # heap profile
go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/block     # goroutine blocking profile


本文讲解了go pprof包分析golang 程序 CPU和MEM的用法,其中包含文字界面,简单的web图形界面和火焰图,其实pprof还可以分析程序的其他指标,更多的技能解锁等待大家自行发现。 




posted @ 2019-06-18 17:55  我是码客  阅读(5406)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报