本文翻译自:How do I dynamically assign properties to an object in TypeScript?
If I wanted to programatically assign a property to an object in Javascript, I would do it like this: 如果我想以编程方式将属性分配给Javascript中的对象,则可以这样做:
var obj = {};
obj.prop = "value";
But in TypeScript, this generates an error: 但是在TypeScript中,这会产生一个错误:
The property 'prop' does not exist on value of type '{}' 类型“ {}”的值不存在属性“ prop”
How am I supposed to assign any new property to an object in TypeScript? 我应该如何在TypeScript中为对象分配任何新属性?
Although the compiler complains it should still output it as you require. 尽管编译器抱怨它仍应按您的要求输出。 However, this will work. 但是,这将起作用。
var s = {};
s['prop'] = true;
declare var obj: any;
Or all in one go: 或一劳永逸:
var obj:any = {}
obj.prop = 5;
I tend to put any
on the other side ie var foo:IFoo = <any>{};
放在另一边,即var foo:IFoo = <any>{};
So something like this is still typesafe: 所以像这样的东西仍然是类型安全的:
interface IFoo{
// How I tend to intialize
var foo:IFoo = <any>{};
foo.bar = "asdf";
foo.baz = "boo";
foo.boo = "boo";
// the following is an error,
// so you haven't lost type safety
foo.bar = 123;
Alternatively you can mark these properties as optional: 另外,您可以将这些属性标记为可选:
interface IFoo{
// Now your simple initialization works
var foo:IFoo = {};
Store any new property on any kind of object by typecasting it to 'any': 将任何新属性存储在任何类型的对象上,方法是将其类型转换为“ any”:
var extend = <any>myObject;
extend.NewProperty = anotherObject;
Later on you can retrieve it by casting your extended object back to 'any': 稍后,您可以通过将扩展对象转换回'any'来检索它:
var extendedObject = <any>myObject;
var anotherObject = <AnotherObjectType>extendedObject.NewProperty;