先说一下为什么要写这一篇博客吧,其实个人有关 会话管理的了解也就一般,这里写出来主要是请大家帮我分析分析这个思路是否正确。我以前有些有关Session的也整理如下:
你的项目真的需要Session吗? redis保存session性能怎么样? mvc Session RedisSessionStateProvider锁的实现
大型Web 网站 Session过期你怎么办 Session认识加强-Session究竟是如何存储你知道吗?
先简单的说一下问题所在,目前项目是用RedisSessionStateProvider来管理我们的会话,同时我们的业务数据有一部分也存放在redis里面,并且在一个redis实例里面。 项目采用 api +单页面程序。就我个人而言我是很讨厌Session 过期的时候给你弹一个提示让你重新登录这种情况。京东和淘宝都不干这事。。。。,系统还需要有 单点登录和在线统计功能,以下说说我的思路:
3.单点登录还是用redis再做,把当前用户的session id存起来,和当前http请求的session id对比,不同就踢出去。
进入login页面,我会清空当前域的所有cookie,然后分配一个session id
输入用户名和密码进入到一个 协议页面,会增加一个TempMemberId的cookie
注意这里的TempMemberId是jwt的格式,接受协议后会删除该cookie,并把当前session Id作为cookie 的key把真正的值赋给它
public static void SetLogin(int memberId, MemberInfo member) { HttpCookie sessionCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[CookieName]; if (sessionCookie != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionCookie.Value)) { string token = Encode(member); HttpCookie membercookie = new HttpCookie(sessionCookie.Value, token) { HttpOnly = true }; HttpContext.Current.Response.SetCookie(membercookie); string loginKey = ConfigUtil.ApplicationName + "-" + member.MemberId.ToString(); string memberKey = $"{member.MemberLevel.ToString()}-{member.Account}"; redis.StringSet(loginKey, memberKey, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(SessionTimeOut)); } }
首先获取需要写入cookie的key(session id的值),也就是sessionCookie的value,把当前MemberInfo实例通过jwt的方式转换为字符串,把它写入到cookie,然后在写redis,一个用户在多个浏览器登录,但是他的memberId是一样的,所以redis只有一条记录,这一条记录用于统计在线人数,value值是 级别-用户名。真正调用的地方如下:
SessionStateManage.SetLogin(memberId, GetMemberFromDB(memberId)); GetMemberFromDB方法从数据库检索数据并返回为MemberInfo实例
SessionStateManage.RemoveCookie(SessionStateManage.CookieName + "_TempMemberId");
string loginGuid = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[SessionStateManage.CookieName]; 返回的就是我们sesssion id
string redisKey = RedisConsts.AccountMember + memberId;
RedisUtil.GetDatabase().HashSet(redisKey, "LoginGuid", loginGuid); 一个member只记录最后一个login的session id。
public static MemberInfo GetUser() { MemberInfo member = null; HttpCookie sessionCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[CookieName]; if (sessionCookie != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionCookie.Value)) { HttpCookie memberCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[sessionCookie.Value]; member = Decode<MemberInfo>(memberCookie.Value); if (member != null) { string loginKey = ConfigUtil.ApplicationName + ":" + member.MemberId; // redis.KeyExpire(loginKey, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(SessionTimeOut)); string memberKey = $"{member.MemberLevel.ToString()}-{member.Account}"; redis.StringSet(loginKey, memberKey, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(SessionTimeOut)); } } HttpContext.Current.Items[RedisConsts.SessionMemberInfo] = member; return member; }
首先需要获取jwt的原始数据,存放在memberCookie里面,然后解码为MemberInfo实例,并且保存到 HttpContext.Current.Items里面(主要是维持以前的code不变),同时需要刷新 redis 里面对应key的过期时间
public static string Account { get { //return ConvertUtil.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["Account"], string.Empty); var memberinfo = HttpContext.Current.Items[RedisConsts.SessionMemberInfo] as MemberInfo; return memberinfo == null ? string.Empty : memberinfo.Account; } set { //HttpContext.Current.Session["Account"] = value; ExceptionUtil.ThrowMessageException("不能给session赋值"); } }
protected override void OnAuthentication(AuthenticationContext filterContext) { object[] nonAuthorizedAttributes = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NonAuthorizedAttribute), false); if (nonAuthorizedAttributes.Length == 0) { SessionStateManage.GetUser(); //账户踢出检测 string loginGuid = RedisUtil.GetDatabase().HashGet(RedisConsts.AccountMember + memberId, "LoginGuid"); if (loginGuid != SessionUtil.LoginGuid) { //.......您的账号已在别处登录; } } }
我们在Controller里面OnAuthentication方法调用 SessionStateManage.GetUser();方法,检查redis里面存放的session id和当前请求的session id是否一致,不一致踢出去。把MemberInfo放到HttpContext.Current.Items里面来调用也算是历史遗留问题,个人更建议把MemberInfo实例作为Controller的属性来访问。
var accounts = new Dictionary<string, int>(); var keys = SessionStateManage.Redis.GetReadServer().Keys(SessionStateManage.Redis.Database, pattern: ConfigUtil.ApplicationName + "*").ToArray(); int count = 0; List<RedisKey> tempKeys = new List<RedisKey>(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count(); i++) { tempKeys.Add(keys[i]); count++; if (count > 1000 || i == keys.Count() - 1) { var vals = SessionStateManage.Redis.StringGet(tempKeys.ToArray()).ToList(); vals.ForEach(x => { string[] acs = x.ToString().Split('-'); if (acs != null && acs.Length == 2) { accounts.TryAdd(acs[1], ConvertUtil.ToInt(acs[0])); } }); tempKeys.Clear(); count = 0; } }

public class TempMemberInfo { public int TempMemberId { set; get; } } public class MemberInfo { public int MemberId { set; get; } public string Account { set; get; } public int ParentId { set; get; } public int CompanyId { set; get; } public int MemberLevel { set; get; } public int IsSubAccount { set; get; } public int AgentId { set; get; } public int BigAgentId { set; get; } public int ShareHolderId { set; get; } public int BigShareHolderId { set; get; } public int DirectorId { set; get; } } public class SessionStateManage { static RedisDatabase redis; static string jwtKey = "SevenStarKey"; static SessionStateManage() { CookieName = ConfigUtil.CookieName; string conStr = ConfigUtil.RedisConnectionString; ConfigurationOptions option = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(conStr); int databaseId = option.DefaultDatabase ?? 0; option.DefaultDatabase = option.DefaultDatabase + 1; redis = RedisUtil.GetDatabase(option.ToString(true)); SessionTimeOut = 20; } public static string CookieName { get; private set; } public static int SessionTimeOut { get; set; } public static RedisDatabase Redis { get { return redis; } } public static void InitCookie() { RemoveCookie(); string cookiememberId = (new SessionIDManager()).CreateSessionID(HttpContext.Current); HttpCookie cookieId = new HttpCookie(CookieName, cookiememberId) { HttpOnly = true }; HttpContext.Current.Response.SetCookie(cookieId); } public static void SetLogin(int memberId, MemberInfo member) { HttpCookie sessionCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[CookieName]; if (sessionCookie != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionCookie.Value)) { string token = Encode(member); HttpCookie membercookie = new HttpCookie(sessionCookie.Value, token) { HttpOnly = true }; HttpContext.Current.Response.SetCookie(membercookie); string loginKey = ConfigUtil.ApplicationName + "-" + member.MemberId.ToString(); string memberKey = $"{member.MemberLevel.ToString()}-{member.Account}"; redis.StringSet(loginKey, memberKey, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(SessionTimeOut)); } } public static MemberInfo GetUser() { MemberInfo member = null; HttpCookie sessionCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[CookieName]; if (sessionCookie != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionCookie.Value)) { HttpCookie memberCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[sessionCookie.Value]; member = Decode<MemberInfo>(memberCookie.Value); if (member != null) { string loginKey = ConfigUtil.ApplicationName + ":" + member.MemberId; redis.KeyExpire(loginKey, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(SessionTimeOut)); } } HttpContext.Current.Items[RedisConsts.SessionMemberInfo] = member; return member; } public static void Clear() { HttpCookie sessionCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[CookieName]; if (sessionCookie != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionCookie.Value)) { HttpCookie membercookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[sessionCookie.Value]; if (membercookie != null) { string loginKey = RedisConsts.AccountLogin + membercookie.Value; redis.KeyDelete(loginKey); } } RemoveCookie(); } public static void RemoveCookie(string key) { var cookie = new HttpCookie(key) { Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1) }; HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Set(cookie); } static void RemoveCookie() { foreach (string key in HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies.AllKeys) { RemoveCookie(key); } } public static string Encode(object obj) { return JsonWebToken.Encode(obj, jwtKey, JwtHashAlgorithm.RS256); ; } public static T Decode<T>(string obj) { string token = JsonWebToken.Decode(obj, jwtKey).ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(token); } return default(T); } } public enum JwtHashAlgorithm { RS256, HS384, HS512 } public class JsonWebToken { private static Dictionary<JwtHashAlgorithm, Func<byte[], byte[], byte[]>> HashAlgorithms; static JsonWebToken() { HashAlgorithms = new Dictionary<JwtHashAlgorithm, Func<byte[], byte[], byte[]>> { { JwtHashAlgorithm.RS256, (key, value) => { using (var sha = new HMACSHA256(key)) { return sha.ComputeHash(value); } } }, { JwtHashAlgorithm.HS384, (key, value) => { using (var sha = new HMACSHA384(key)) { return sha.ComputeHash(value); } } }, { JwtHashAlgorithm.HS512, (key, value) => { using (var sha = new HMACSHA512(key)) { return sha.ComputeHash(value); } } } }; } public static string Encode(object payload, string key, JwtHashAlgorithm algorithm) { return Encode(payload, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key), algorithm); } public static string Encode(object payload, byte[] keyBytes, JwtHashAlgorithm algorithm) { var segments = new List<string>(); var header = new { alg = algorithm.ToString(), typ = "JWT" }; byte[] headerBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(header, Formatting.None)); byte[] payloadBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload, Formatting.None)); //byte[] payloadBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(@"{"iss":"","scope":"","aud":"","exp":1328554385,"iat":1328550785}"); segments.Add(Base64UrlEncode(headerBytes)); segments.Add(Base64UrlEncode(payloadBytes)); var stringToSign = string.Join(".", segments.ToArray()); var bytesToSign = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToSign); byte[] signature = HashAlgorithms[algorithm](keyBytes, bytesToSign); segments.Add(Base64UrlEncode(signature)); return string.Join(".", segments.ToArray()); } public static object Decode(string token, string key) { return Decode(token, key, true); } public static object Decode(string token, string key, bool verify) { var parts = token.Split('.'); var header = parts[0]; var payload = parts[1]; byte[] crypto = Base64UrlDecode(parts[2]); var headerJson = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Base64UrlDecode(header)); var headerData = JObject.Parse(headerJson); var payloadJson = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Base64UrlDecode(payload)); var payloadData = JObject.Parse(payloadJson); if (verify) { var bytesToSign = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Concat(header, ".", payload)); var keyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key); var algorithm = (string)headerData["alg"]; var signature = HashAlgorithms[GetHashAlgorithm(algorithm)](keyBytes, bytesToSign); var decodedCrypto = Convert.ToBase64String(crypto); var decodedSignature = Convert.ToBase64String(signature); if (decodedCrypto != decodedSignature) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid signature. Expected {0} got {1}", decodedCrypto, decodedSignature)); } } //return payloadData.ToString(); return payloadData; } private static JwtHashAlgorithm GetHashAlgorithm(string algorithm) { switch (algorithm) { case "RS256": return JwtHashAlgorithm.RS256; case "HS384": return JwtHashAlgorithm.HS384; case "HS512": return JwtHashAlgorithm.HS512; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Algorithm not supported."); } } // from JWT spec private static string Base64UrlEncode(byte[] input) { var output = Convert.ToBase64String(input); output = output.Split('=')[0]; // Remove any trailing '='s output = output.Replace('+', '-'); // 62nd char of encoding output = output.Replace('/', '_'); // 63rd char of encoding return output; } // from JWT spec private static byte[] Base64UrlDecode(string input) { var output = input; output = output.Replace('-', '+'); // 62nd char of encoding output = output.Replace('_', '/'); // 63rd char of encoding switch (output.Length % 4) // Pad with trailing '='s { case 0: break; // No pad chars in this case case 2: output += "=="; break; // Two pad chars case 3: output += "="; break; // One pad char default: throw new System.Exception("Illegal base64url string!"); } var converted = Convert.FromBase64String(output); // Standard base64 decoder return converted; } }
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