
  1 Selenium.prototype.doStoreDateByFormat = function(format,args){
  2      // format of args: month,day,year
  3      if(args.trim().length < 3)
  4     throw new SeleniumError("arguments must contain Month,Date,Year variables!");
  6      var formats = format.split(",");
  7      var days = parseInt(formats[3]);
  9      var sysDate = getSysDate(); //get the sysdate
 10      var specDate = dateAfterDays(sysDate,parseFloat(days),1); //get specified date
 11      var arrArgs = args.split(",");
 13      var month = specDate.getMonth()+1;
 14      var date = specDate.getDate();
 15      var year = specDate.getFullYear();
 16      var hours=specDate.getHours();
 17      var minute = specDate.getMinutes(); 
 18      var second = specDate.getSeconds();
 19      // get Month string
 20      switch(formats[0].toUpperCase()){
 21          case "MM": // return 2 digits of month number, such as: 01
 22              month = (month+"").length==1?"0"+month:month;
 23              break;
 24          case "MMM": //return the first 3 chars of the month word, such as: Jan
 25              month = this.getMonthShortName(month);
 26              break;
 27          case "MMMM": //return the full word of the month word, such as: January
 28              month = this.getMonthFullName(month);
 29              break;
 30          case "M":
 31          default:
 32              // return 1 digit when month is lower than 10.
 33              // do nothing
 34      }
 36      //get Date string
 37      switch(formats[1].toUpperCase()){
 38          case "DD": //always return 2 digits of the month number, such as: 05
 39              date = (date+"").length==1?"0"+date:date;
 40              break;
 41          case "D":
 42             date
 43          default:
 44              // return 1 digit when Date is lower than 10.
 45              // do nothing
 46      }
 48      //get Year string
 49      switch(formats[2].toUpperCase()){
 50          case "YY": // return last 2 digits of the year number, such as: 08 (2008)
 51              year = (year+"").substr(2);
 52              break;
 53          case "YYYY":
 54          default:
 55              //return full year number, such: 2008.
 56      }
 58      storedVars[arrArgs[0]] = month;
 59      storedVars[arrArgs[1]] = date;
 60      storedVars[arrArgs[2]] = year;
 61      storedVars[arrArgs[3]] = hours;
 62      storedVars[arrArgs[4]] = minute;
 63      storedVars[arrArgs[5]] = second;
 64  }
 66  Selenium.prototype.getMonthFullName = function(month){
 67      var monthArr = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
 69      if(month == null){
 70          throw new SeleniumError("you didn't specify a Month");
 71      }
 73      try{
 74          month = parseInt(month);
 75      }catch (e){
 76          throw new SeleniumError("Month is not a Integer!");
 77      }
 79      return monthArr[month-1];
 80  }
 83  /* return the date N days(N*24 hours) before/after some day.
 84   * args   :   num - positive/negative integer/float number,default is "1";  
 85   *            type - 0 (second) or 1 (day), default is second.  
 86   * return :   Date 
 87   */  
 88  function dateAfterDays(date, num, type){
 89      date = (date == null?new Date():date);
 90      num = (num == null?1:num);
 92      if(typeof(num)!="number")
 93          throw new SeleniumError("dateAfterDays(date, num, type),num argument must be Number type.");
 95      if(typeof(date)!="object")
 96          throw new SeleniumError("dateAfterDays(date, num, type),date argument must be Date type.");
 98      var iType = (type == null?0:type);
 99      var arr = [1000,86400000];
100      var dd = date.valueOf();
101      dd += num * arr[iType];
102      var d=new Date(dd);
103      return d;
104  }
106  function getSysDate(){
107      return new Date();
108  }


posted @ 2015-04-24 16:43  买丶醉  阅读(554)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报