C++ 异步编程笔记 (ISO C++ 17)

#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

namespace std_async_demo {
	using vec_itr_t = vector<int>::iterator;

	void promise_future() {
		std::vector nums = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

		auto f = [](auto first, auto last, auto p) { // (1) define async function
			p.set_value(std::accumulate(first, last, 0)); // (2) set return value to PROMISE 
		std::promise<int> p;
		std::future<int> r = p.get_future();
		std::thread t(f, nums.begin(), nums.end(), std::move(p)); // (3) new thread with async function 

		std::cout << "result = " << r.get() << endl; // (4) wait & get result 
		t.join(); // (5) join 

	void package_task() {
		std::vector nums = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

		auto f = [](vec_itr_t first, vec_itr_t last) { // (1) define async function
			return std::accumulate(first, last, 0);

		std::packaged_task<int(vec_itr_t, vec_itr_t)> task(f); // (2) package function call into a task

		auto r = task.get_future();
		task(nums.begin(), nums.end()); // (3) activate the task 

		std::cout << "result = " << r.get() << endl; // (4) wait & get result
	void async_get() {
		cout << "async call & wait infinitely..." << endl;

		std::vector nums = { 1, 2, 3 };
		auto f = std::accumulate<vec_itr_t, int>; // (1) define async function
		auto r = std::async(std::launch::async, f, nums.begin(), nums.end(), 0); // (2) async call 

		std::cout << "result = " << r.get() << endl; // (3) waint infinitely & get result

	void async_wait() {
		cout << "async call & wait & check periodically for a certain time --" << endl;

		std::vector nums = { 1, 2 };
		auto f = [&](vec_itr_t first, vec_itr_t last) { // (1) define async function
			return std::accumulate(first, last, 0);

		auto r = std::async(std::launch::async, f, nums.begin(), nums.end()); // (2) async call

		std::future_status status;
			status = r.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); // (3) waint & check status periodically
			if (status == std::future_status::timeout || status == std::future_status::deferred) {
				cout << "not ready, do something else ..." << endl;
		} while (status != std::future_status::ready);

		std::cout << "result = " << r.get() << endl; // (4) get result

int main() {
	using namespace std_async_demo;
	return 0;


result = 15
result = 10
async call & wait infinitely...
result = 6
async call & wait & check periodically for a certain time --
not ready, do something else ...
not ready, do something else ...
not ready, do something else ...
not ready, do something else ...
result = 3



promise_future() 展示的是C++异步基本机制:引入promise用于线程函数里存结果(set);引入跟promise关联的future用于在调用线程取结果(get);引入thread执行线程函数(run);主线程启动线程,并等待通过future获取结果(call & wait)。


package_task() 展示基本机制上的进一步封装:引入task包装了promise和thread,把普通函数或函数式交给task(package),task则执行时自动起线程执行,并自动把结果存好在promise里,在task关联的fucture里直接获取结果即可(call & wait)。


async_get() 展示task基础上的进一步封装:连task都干掉了,定义好普通函数或函数式,直接通过std::async() 异步调用,然后通过所关联的future取结果(call & wait)

便利之处:到这一步已经是直接call就好了,这已经是省心至极了吧?是,但也不是,因为其实里面还隐藏了一个wait动作,即线程的同步与等待,主线程必须等在那里取结果,而且,是永久地等,干不了其他;另外,取结果也是手动显式地get一下。能不能把wait这一步也省了?能不能不用手动get结果?这个就是ISO C++ 20 引入Coroutine要解决的问题。另开笔记说。

async_wait() 展示是对上一步的完善:让主线程干等着、死等着子线程结束和返回结果在大多生产环境下恐怕是不能接受的,在还没有Coroutine机制帮忙时,在future里加了个wait_for函数,用来每等一会就看看结果,还没好就干点别的再回来等等看看。




C++的多线程 -> 异步调用 --> 协程 的演进线路,乃至实现形式,看上去都很像C#,猜测是有所借鉴。C#更早地实现了这一切,而且非常好用。(当然C#也可能有借鉴其他语言的演进和实现)


// 以上均个人理解。水平所限,如有错漏,望指正。

posted @ 2021-05-28 19:48  麦仲肥  阅读(613)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报