Coursera课程笔记----Write Professional Emails in English----Week 2

Let's Start Writing (Week 2)

Write Effective Subject Lines


50 characters or less = 5-7 words

for all devices: 25-30 characters = 3 - 5 words


  1. Include KEY WORDS
  2. Put important words at BEGINNING
  • Introduce,introduction
    • Introduction - Xinzhe Wang
    • Introduction from Xinzhe Wang
  • Applying for a job
    • Job Application - Xinzhe Wang
    • Job Applicant - Xinzhe Wang
  • Meeting Request
    • Meeting Request for Next Week
    • Requesting a Meeting Next Week


  • Applying for a job

    • Job Application - Xinzhe Wang, Ph.D.
    • Senior Researcher - Xinzhe Wang, Ph.D.
    • Senior Researcher, No. 1234 - Xinzhe Wang, Ph.D.
  • Making Announcements

    • Join Us for Our Grand Opening

    • Meet Our New CEO

    • Try Our Newest Product

      • which can also include date and time

      • you can also include your company name rather than using pronouns

  • Meeting Requests

    • ❌Meeting Request for Next Week
    • ✅Meeting Request: Marketing Plan for New Product
    • ✅Meeting Request: 11AM, May 10 in Room A
  • Meeting Cancelations

    • ❌Meeting Canceled
    • ✅Canceled: Meeting for 11AM, May 10
    • ✅Canceling 11AM Meeting on May 10

START with Subject Line

  1. Clear DIRECTiON
  2. Never leave blank

Write Well-organized Email Text


  • WHO & WHAT(1st sentence = 1st impression)

    • WHO AUTHOR(Subject of 1st sentence)

      • name + position/organization (First time)

        My name is James Brown, and I am the general manager at Goods and Services, LLC.

      • pronoun(I,we,he,she,...) (Not first time)

        I am delighted to inform you that we are now offering a 30% discount in our entire inventory.

    • Controlling Idea = Purpose

      • I am delighted to inform you that we are now offering a 30% discount in our entire inventory.


  • plan your email text by writing down the WH questions and answer it.


    • thank
    • appreciate
    • be glad about
    • hope
      • I hope you fine out catalogs appropriate for your business.
    • wish
    • look forward to

Assignment: Complete Monica's Email


Job Application - Monica Moore


To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Monica Moore. I'm applying for a accounting job at ABC, Inc.

I will be great fit for this position beacuse I am skilled in various word-processing software and accounting software. I also have great communication skills. My resume includes more details of my skills and education. I am looking forward to your acceptance, and I hope you stay healthy and safe.


Monica Moore

Tel: +1-123-456-7890

posted @ 2020-05-09 02:12  maimai_d  阅读(3665)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报