



Modified: Tuesday, November 06, 2012

 The document is the plain text copied from the PDF version, for detailed reading please refer to our PDF Version.


Program Manager:

Yin PengCheng

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Last Rev Date




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1       Summary. 3

2       Goals. 3

3       Design Principles. 3

4       Terminologies. 3

5       Feature List 4

6       Feature Description. 4

6.1        Default.aspx. 4

6.1.1         Answers Required List 5

6.1.2         Tag List 5

6.1.3         Best Solutions. 6

6.1.4         Most Popular Resource List 6

6.2        DocList.aspx. 7

6.2.1         Tag List 7

6.2.2         Doument List 7

6.3        QAList.aspx. 8

6.3.1         Tag List 8

6.3.2         Question List 8

6.4        QAView.aspx. 8

6.4.1         Detailed Question and Related Solutions View.. 9

6.5        DocView.aspx. 9

6.5.1         Detailed Document Info View.. 9

6.5.2         Document Online Reading Part 9

6.5.3         Related Document List 10

7       Environments. 10

7.1         User Agent 10

7.2         Web Server 10

8       Change History. 11




1      Summary

XueBa is the developing code of a website featuring at providing document resources and solutions for various fields in Computer Science. It is a synergic work of seven teams from BUAA SCSE10 and ASE10. Our team – magiccode – undertakes the responsibility of partial UI development, belows is the task list.

  1. UI design and coding of Default page
  2. UI design and coding of the representation of the content crawled.

2      Goals

Our team’s goals are:

  1. Delivering succinct UI for users; the UI is not focused on decoration but is conducive to content presentation.
  2. Using technologies of Web 2.0 - Ajax, Div+CSS,etc - to better user experience.
  3. Manageable development periods in order for on-time product delivery.

3      Design Principles

Using Visual Studio 2012 professional for coding and practicing MVC design principles, we implements ASP.Net 4 as the web site engine, with Flex technology partially involved.

Since we do not literally follow MVC rules, in the alpha version of the project, the project is divided by three major layers: Business Logic and View.

We use the default routing mechanism of Asp.net, omitting coding the Controller part.

The Business Logic is coupled with Data Access Layer, since the majority of the business logic in XueBa is database-oriented.

In the design of the domain object, we use the Amnesia Model, for more information please refer to http://www.cnblogs.com/magiccode1023/archive/2012/11/06/2756234.html.

4      Terminologies

Form the view of a user, he/she me encounter at the following terminologies in XueBa




Document refers specifically to a document in the field of computer science. It could be various types: pdf, doc(x), ppt etc.


Question refers to the specific question crawled or posted by user. It may be answered by others or not, once the question is answered, it has a solution.


Solution refers to the way in which could help to solve the question. It may be crawled or generated by users. One kind of solution is ‘the best solution’, it may be voted by users or mined by computer programs.

The solution is equivalent to answer in the web site.


The solution is equivalent to answer in the web site.

5      Feature List

Our team covers the features below:





Answers Required List



Tag list



Best Solutions List



Most Popular Resource List



Tag list



Document List



Tag list



Question List



Document Online Reading



Detailed Document Info View



Related Documents List



Detailed Question and Related Solutions View



Related Question List



6      Feature Description

6.1     Default.aspx


6.1.1      Answers Required List

The diagram above illustrates the outline of Default.aspx, Answers Required List lists five to ten questions posted by users which does not have any solution yet.


Of each item, the list give some basic information about the question posted:

  1. Question title: by clicking the title user could be navigated to the detailed page.
  2. Question abstract
  3. Category(Tag): by clicking the tag the user could be navigated to the page where all questions under the tag are listed
  4. Post date

The ‘more’ link at the top-right could navigate user to a detailed list of unanswered questions.

6.1.2      Tag List

Tag list is at the most-left in default page.


Tag list lists out first-class tag under the field Computer Science, they are scoped by crawlers and refined by pipeline.

Of each item contains information below:




Tag name

The name of the tag

By clicking the tag name the user could be navigated to the page where detailed lists of related questions are listed.

Latest questions

Number of latest questions

Only for info presentation

Latest answers

Number of latest answers

Only for info presentation

6.1.3      Best Solutions


Best solutions list lists out five to ten solutions voted by users as the best solutions.




Solution Title

The solution title is the same as the question title

By clicking the solution title the user could be navigated to the page where detailed question and related solutions are listed

Solution abstract

The abstract of the solution, currently defined as the first n chars of the text.

Only for info presentation


Tags of the solution

by clicking the tag the user could be navigated to the page where all questions under the tag are listed


Date the solution is posted

Only for info presentation

More link

More best solutions

navigate user to a detailed list of best solutions

6.1.4      Most Popular Resource List


The ‘Most Popular Resource List’ lists out five to ten documents voted by user as popular.




Document Title

Title of the Document

By clicking the Document title the user could be navigated to the page of the detailed information of the Document

Document Introduction

The abstract of the document, mined by the pipeline

Only for info presentation


Tags of the document

by clicking the tag the user could be navigated to the page where all documents under the tag are listed


Date the document is posted

Only for info presentation

More link

More best documents

navigate user to a detailed list of best documents

6.2     DocList.aspx

The DocList page lists out 15 to 30 documents, the source of the documents could be various:

  1. They are under the same tag(s)
  2. They are ‘most popular resources’


6.2.1      Tag List

The ‘Tag List’ defined here is the same as 6.1.2.

6.2.2      Doument List





Document Title

Title of the Document

By clicking the Document title the user could be navigated to the page of the detailed information of the Document

Document Introduction

The abstract of the document, mined by the pipeline

Only for info presentation


Tags of the document

by clicking the tag the user could be navigated to the page where all documents under the tag are listed

Page Views

Total times of viewing

Only for info presentation


Total times of download

Only for info presentation

From Label

Institution of the author of the document


By Label

Author of the document


At Label

Lab where the author works


Page Navigation

Provide page navigation function

The same as the most common page navigation mechanism

6.3     QAList.aspx

Because the QAList.aspx has not been fully designed yet, we cannot show the diagram of the page, however it is designed analogically with DocList.aspx. The major function of the QAList page is to list out several questions per page, the questions may come from the following source:

  1. They are under the same tag(s)
  2. They are unanswered questions
  3. They are questions having best solutions

6.3.1      Tag List

The ‘Tag List’ defined here is the same as 6.1.2.

6.3.2      Question List




Question Title

Title of the question

By clicking the question title the user could be navigated to the page of the detailed information of the question

Question abstract

The abstract of the question

Only for info presentation


Tags of the question

by clicking the tag the user could be navigated to the page where all questions under the tag are listed

Page Views

Total times of viewing

Only for info presentation

By Label

Author of the question

Only for info presentation

Page Navigation

Provide page navigation function

The same as the most common page navigation mechanism

6.4     QAView.aspx

QAView page is the page for a single question, it may take the form as that of the popular QA web sites such as StackOverFlow.com or zhidao.baidu.com. The major function of the AQView page is to present the question and following solutions.

6.4.1      Detailed Question and Related Solutions View Question Field




Question title

Title of the question

Only for info presentation

Question Detail

The detail of the question

Only for info presentation


Tags of the question

by clicking the tag the user could be navigated to the page where all questions under the tag are listed

Page Views

Total times of viewing

Only for info presentation

By Label

Author of the question

Only for info presentation Solutions Field




Solution Detail

The detail of the Solution

Only for info presentation

By Label

Author of the question

Only for info presentation

Votes Label

Number of the votes by users

Only for info presentation


Illustrates whether it is the best solution voted by user

Only for info presentation Related Question List

‘Related Question List’ lists out several questions which is under the same tag with the current question. It may take the form as the ‘answer required list’ in the default page.

6.5     DocView.aspx

DocView page is the page for a single document, it may take the form as that of the popular document-sharing web sites such as wenku.baidu.com. The major function of the DocView page is to present the documents and the related documents and provide online document reading service for users.

6.5.1      Detailed Document Info View




Document title

The detail of the Document

Only for info presentation

Page Views

Total times of viewing

Only for info presentation


Total times of download

Only for info presentation

From Label

Institution of the author of the document


By Label

Author of the document


At Label

Lab where the author works


6.5.2      Document Online Reading Part

Online document reading part provides online reading service for users, it has the following UI, the document presented is the exact document presented in DocView page.


6.5.3      Related Document List

‘Related Document List’ lists out several documents which is under the same tag with the current document. It may take the form as the ‘best resources list’ in the default page.

7      Environments

7.1     User Agent

The web site could be browsed by the following browsers:

  1. Internet Explorer 8+
  2. Chrome 18+ (Recommended)
  3. FireFox


7.2     Web Server

For web server hosting the web site, the following requirement must be met:

  1. IIS 7.0 or later
  2. MS SQL Server 2008 or later
  3. .Net Framework 4.0 or later
  4. SWFTools program package installed




8         Change History


Changes made




Yin PengCheng



















posted @ 2012-11-06 13:30  MagicCode1023  阅读(326)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报