BOOL C************::OnInitDialog() { CModelessDialog::OnInitDialog(); // Create status bar at the bottom of the dialog window if (m_statusBar.Create(this)) { m_statusBar.SetIndicators(m_lpaIDStatusBar, m_cIDStatusBar); OnSetMessageString(AFX_IDS_IDLEMESSAGE); // Make a sunken or recessed border around the first pane m_statusBar.SetPaneInfo(0, m_statusBar.GetItemID(0), SBPS_STRETCH, NULL ); } // Create toolbar at the top of the dialog window if (m_toolBar.Create(this)) { m_toolBar.LoadBitmap(m_nIDBitmap); m_toolBar.SetButtons(m_lpaIDToolBar, m_cIDToolBar); } m_toolBar.SetBarStyle(m_toolBar.GetBarStyle() | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC); // We need to resize the dialog to make room for control bars. // First, figure out how big the control bars are. CRect rcClientStart; CRect rcClientNow; GetClientRect(rcClientStart); //将重绘工具栏和状态栏后剩余的客户区空间放到rcClientNow中 RepositionBars(AFX_IDW_CONTROLBAR_FIRST, AFX_IDW_CONTROLBAR_LAST, 0, reposQuery, rcClientNow); // Now move all the controls so they are in the same relative // position within the remaining client area as they would be // with no control bars. CPoint ptOffset(rcClientNow.left - rcClientStart.left, rcClientNow.top - rcClientStart.top); CRect rcChild; CWnd* pwndChild = GetWindow(GW_CHILD); while (pwndChild) { pwndChild->GetWindowRect(rcChild); ScreenToClient(rcChild); rcChild.OffsetRect(ptOffset); pwndChild->MoveWindow(rcChild, FALSE); pwndChild = pwndChild->GetNextWindow(); } // Adjust the dialog window dimensions CRect rcWindow; GetWindowRect(rcWindow); rcWindow.right += rcClientStart.Width() - rcClientNow.Width(); rcWindow.bottom += rcClientStart.Height() - rcClientNow.Height(); MoveWindow(rcWindow, FALSE); // And position the control bars RepositionBars(AFX_IDW_CONTROLBAR_FIRST, AFX_IDW_CONTROLBAR_LAST, 0); // Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically // when the application's main window is not a dialog SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon // Finally, center the dialog on the screen CenterWindow(); return TRUE; }