if(!IsPostBack) { BindList(); }
public void BindList() { lst.DataSource = DataHelper.GetList(); lst.DataBind(); }
public virtual object DataSource { [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")] get { return this.dataSource; } set { if (((value != null) && !(value is IListSource)) && !(value is IEnumerable)) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("Invalid_DataSource_Type", new object[] { this.ID })); } this.dataSource = value; this.OnDataPropertyChanged(); } }
protected virtual void OnDataPropertyChanged() { if (this._throwOnDataPropertyChange) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString("DataBoundControl_InvalidDataPropertyChange", new object[] { this.ID })); } if (this._inited) { this.RequiresDataBinding = true; } this._currentViewValid = false; }
public override void DataBind() { if ((!this.IsBoundUsingDataSourceID || !base.DesignMode) || (base.Site != null)) { this.RequiresDataBinding = false; this.OnDataBinding(EventArgs.Empty); } }
就是说是否使用DataSourceID来绑定? 显然我们不是,我们直接给定的数据源。 如果指定了DataSourceID,在Render Repeater时会搜寻名字为DataSourceID的DataSource控件。这是一种前台指定数据源的方式。不过最终都是要执行DataBind。我们来看Repeater的OnDataBinding:
protected override void OnDataBinding(EventArgs e) { base.OnDataBinding(e);//执行了父类Control的OnDataBinding事件 this.Controls.Clear();//清空子控件 base.ClearChildViewState();//清空子控件的ViewState信息 this.CreateControlHierarchy(true);//创建子控件 base.ChildControlsCreated = true;//标记已创建 }
protected virtual void OnDataBinding(EventArgs e) { if (this.HasEvents()) { EventHandler handler = this._events[EventDataBinding] as EventHandler; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } }
/// <summary> /// 创建子控件 /// </summary> /// <param name="useDataSource">是否使用数据源</param> protected virtual void CreateControlHierarchy(bool useDataSource) { IEnumerable data = null;//声明数据 int dataItemCount = -1;//数据的个数 if (this.itemsArray != null) { this.itemsArray.Clear();//看看还有模版没,有就清掉 } else { this.itemsArray = new ArrayList();//没有就初始化一个 } if (!useDataSource)//如果不使用的数据源,就直接从ViewState里初始化容量,并弄了伪数据 { dataItemCount = (int) this.ViewState["_!ItemCount"]; if (dataItemCount != -1) { data = new DummyDataSource(dataItemCount); this.itemsArray.Capacity = dataItemCount; } } else { data = this.GetData();//如果指定了数据源,则获取数据 ICollection is2 = data as ICollection; if (is2 != null) { this.itemsArray.Capacity = is2.Count; } } if (data != null)//如果数据正常 { int itemIndex = 0; bool flag = this.separatorTemplate != null;//是否有分隔符模版 dataItemCount = 0; if (this.headerTemplate != null)//如果有头部,则创建头部 { this.CreateItem(-1, ListItemType.Header, useDataSource, null);//显然 -1 不算行数,类型是头部,使用数据源,且头部行使用的数据居然是null... } foreach (object obj2 in data)//遍历数据 { if (flag && (dataItemCount > 0)) { this.CreateItem(itemIndex - 1, ListItemType.Separator, useDataSource, null);//分隔符 } ListItemType itemType = ((itemIndex % 2) == 0) ? ListItemType.Item : ListItemType.AlternatingItem; RepeaterItem item = this.CreateItem(itemIndex, itemType, useDataSource, obj2);//Item和Alter交替创建 this.itemsArray.Add(item); dataItemCount++; itemIndex++; } if (this.footerTemplate != null) { this.CreateItem(-1, ListItemType.Footer, useDataSource, null);//创建底部 } } if (useDataSource) { this.ViewState["_!ItemCount"] = (data != null) ? dataItemCount : -1;//给ViewState的ItemCount赋值 } }
从上面的注释中我们能看出就是循环创建Item。这些Item就是我们常用的HeadItemTemplate ItemTemplate等子控件啦。把数据传给他们,让他们自己实现数据绑定。话说我的模版引擎也这么做的哦:),但是我真的没抄袭他,哈哈。
protected virtual IEnumerable GetData() { DataSourceView view = this.ConnectToDataSourceView(); if (view != null) { return view.ExecuteSelect(this.SelectArguments); } return null; }
private DataSourceView ConnectToDataSourceView() { if (!this._currentViewValid || base.DesignMode)//数据源没有验证过,指定DataSource的值就会_currentViewValid = false { if ((this._currentView != null) && this._currentViewIsFromDataSourceID) { this._currentView.DataSourceViewChanged -= new EventHandler(this.OnDataSourceViewChanged); } IDataSource source = null; string dataSourceID = this.DataSourceID; if (dataSourceID.Length != 0)//如果是指定了DataSourceID的数据源,就FindControl 找到对应的DataSource控件 { Control control = DataBoundControlHelper.FindControl(this, dataSourceID); if (control == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString("DataControl_DataSourceDoesntExist", new object[] { this.ID, dataSourceID })); } source = control as IDataSource; if (source == null) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString("DataControl_DataSourceIDMustBeDataControl", new object[] { this.ID, dataSourceID })); } } if (source == null)//如果没有从控件找到数据,就用我们指定的数据源 { source = new ReadOnlyDataSource(this.DataSource, this.DataMember); } else if (this.DataSource != null)//如果两个数据源都存在就抛出异常 { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString("DataControl_MultipleDataSources", new object[] { this.ID })); } DataSourceView view = source.GetView(this.DataMember); if (view == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString("DataControl_ViewNotFound", new object[] { this.ID })); } this._currentViewIsFromDataSourceID = this.IsBoundUsingDataSourceID; this._currentView = view; if ((this._currentView != null) && this._currentViewIsFromDataSourceID) { this._currentView.DataSourceViewChanged += new EventHandler(this.OnDataSourceViewChanged); } this._currentViewValid = true; } return this._currentView; }
/// <summary> /// 创建Repeater的Item /// </summary> /// <param name="itemIndex">第几行</param> /// <param name="itemType">Item的类型</param> /// <param name="dataBind">是否绑定数据</param> /// <param name="dataItem">本行数据</param> private RepeaterItem CreateItem(int itemIndex, ListItemType itemType, bool dataBind, object dataItem) { RepeaterItem item = this.CreateItem(itemIndex, itemType);//先声明个Item RepeaterItemEventArgs e = new RepeaterItemEventArgs(item);//声明个事件参数 this.InitializeItem(item);//给repeater的各种template赋值 if (dataBind) { item.DataItem = dataItem;//如果要绑定数据则把数据指定给DataItem属性 } this.OnItemCreated(e);//执行创建Item的事件(其实我们貌似都没用过吧) this.Controls.Add(item);//添加Item if (dataBind) { item.DataBind();//正点,开始绑定数据啦~ this.OnItemDataBound(e);//执行绑定后的事件方法 item.DataItem = null;//卸掉数据,等他垃圾回收 } return item; }
public static object Eval(object container, string expression) { if (expression == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("expression"); } expression = expression.Trim(); if (expression.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException("expression"); } if (container == null) { return null; } string[] expressionParts = expression.Split(expressionPartSeparator); return Eval(container, expressionParts); } private static object Eval(object container, string[] expressionParts) { object propertyValue = container; for (int i = 0; (i < expressionParts.Length) && (propertyValue != null); i++) { string propName = expressionParts[i]; if (propName.IndexOfAny(indexExprStartChars) < 0) { propertyValue = GetPropertyValue(propertyValue, propName); } else { propertyValue = GetIndexedPropertyValue(propertyValue, propName); } } return propertyValue; } public static string Eval(object container, string expression, string format) { object obj2 = Eval(container, expression); if ((obj2 == null) || (obj2 == DBNull.Value)) { return string.Empty; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(format)) { return obj2.ToString(); } return string.Format(format, obj2); } public static object GetDataItem(object container) { bool flag; return GetDataItem(container, out flag); }
public virtual void DataBind() { this.DataBind(true); } protected virtual void DataBind(bool raiseOnDataBinding) { bool flag = false; if (this.IsBindingContainer)//是绑定的容器吗 { bool flag2; object dataItem = DataBinder.GetDataItem(this, out flag2);//获取该容器的DataItem,在之前赋值过的,内部的执行也是先获取成员,获取不到再反射。 if (flag2 && (this.Page != null))//如果获取到了数据,并且当前Page不为null { this.Page.PushDataBindingContext(dataItem);//这句我也没弄明白用处,就是把当前绑定的数据给当前Page绑定上下文的一个栈里,这个数据会被Page.GetDataItem()用到,所以也就是Page的Eval才能用到,可是控件绑定完毕后就被卸载了啊?我没弄清楚用处:) flag = true; } } try { if (raiseOnDataBinding) { this.OnDataBinding(EventArgs.Empty); } this.DataBindChildren();//绑定子控件 } finally { if (flag) { this.Page.PopDataBindingContext();//整个绑定完后,卸载这条数据 } } }
protected virtual void DataBindChildren() { if (this.HasControls()) { string errorMsg = this._controls.SetCollectionReadOnly("Parent_collections_readonly"); try { try { int count = this._controls.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { this._controls[i].DataBind(); } } finally { this._controls.SetCollectionReadOnly(errorMsg); } } catch { throw; } } }
感觉编程很有意思是,有时候你思来想去的东西,发现别人早已实现,而且做的异常强大,但这也是自己成长的一个过程吧。之所以分析WebForm的一些源码,也是在写了CMS模版后,发现很像WebForm的一些东西,只是没有他那么庞大,但有些思路居然出奇的相似。 重复造轮子或许能让我们更容易把一些东西理解透彻。仅仅做一个代码组装工没意思,你说呢?