3D Mapping

Map is a spatial model of a robot's environment


Mapping is a process for building a map


Consideration for mapping

map representation

available sensors

purpose of mapping


Types of Map

metric map: a location is represented as a coordinate

topological map: node/arcs 

Semantic Map: a map with labels



noisy measurement in local coordinate。local-globle frame

motion involved 

change over time:frequent update



Occupancy Grid Mapping

Occupancy: binary random variable



Occupancy grid map

fine-grained grid map where an occupancy variable associated wih each cell


Sensor measuremnet


Sensors for 3D Mapping

LiDar Sensor

Stereo Camera


Map Representation

Grid represnetation/List representation/Tree representation(Kd tree/Octree)

posted @ 2017-05-16 17:31  mactep  阅读(311)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报