一、电脑版虚拟机苹果系统(Mac OS)上实现imessage群发:
“破解补丁” 工具欺骗macOS系统,让苹果系统认为你的电脑其实是一台苹果电脑,从而可以安装运行。*/
优点: 只需要群发脚本代码即可实现群发,无需其他任何操作。
缺点: 如果发送的较多,官方会封ID或设备串码(序列号、主板序列号、UUID等设备串码),一旦设备串码被封,苹果电脑下很多应用都无法使用,得不偿失,解封很麻烦(解封需要电联官方解封)。
2.U盘安装法:刻录U盘进行安装是主流选择,这样安装调试好的黑苹果Mac os问题最少,也较为稳定: 下载黑苹果安装镜像 → 刻录到U盘 → 调整配置文件 → 格式化准备好的硬盘 → 重启修改BIOS设置 → 使用U盘引导 → 安装黑苹果到目标硬盘 → 进入系统后调试
优点: 安装在windows系统的PC硬件电脑上的黑苹果系统通过特定工具及技术洗成白苹果后,完全和Mac笔记本或苹果一体机拥有完全一样的功能。发送数量也大大提高。
3.镜像恢复法:在Windows下使用镜像恢复软件安装:下载恢复版镜像 → 重启修改BIOS设置 → 安装镜像恢复软件 → 格式化准备好的硬盘 → 拷贝EFI文件 → 执行镜像恢复 → 添加UEFI启动项 → 进入系统后调试。
优点: 安装在windows系统的PC硬件电脑上的黑苹果系统通过特定工具及技术洗成白苹果后,完全和Mac笔记本或苹果一体机拥有完全一样的功能。发送数量也大大提高。
4.Vmware虚拟机安装:通过OpenCore或Clover Configurator引导工具制作EFI来引导安装Mac OS黑苹果到VMware,通过特定技术洗白苹果后,通过脚本全自动实现批量群发。
优点: 安装部署起来简单方便,批量克隆复制多个Mac Os系统,随时更换设备串码(序列号、主板序列号、UUID等设备串码)等来解封从而达到使用Imessages
5.黑苹果正确的注入序列号,避免封号,解锁iCloud、 FaceTime、iMessage
ID 匹配。否则你将无法使用App id激活iMessage、FaceTime、App Store等应用 或 App
(2)解决一些苹果服务(iCloud/App Store/FaceTime/iMessage/随航)不能正常使用方面的坑
1)安装苹果系统的怎么无法登陆app id,使用id激活imessage就提示鉴定失败?
5)安装的Mac os系统修改设备串码(3码或5码)后,无法激活imessage或激活后发送几封就失败?
3)你安装的Mac os系统注入的设备串码(五码)不匹配
Web Driver
(3)注入三码或五码与你的机型不符 (苹果官网序列号验证结果: https://checkcoverage.apple.com/?locale=zh_CN)
结果三:有效的未激活的白苹果序列号,其指向一台未激活使用的白苹果 Mac,推测可能是质检未过,弃用,未销售,未联网,或者还没激活就意外损坏。总之这个序列号存在对应的产品,但没在苹果的数据库里激活过。这种类型的序列号也是黑苹果可以使用的.
1)“很抱歉,这个序列号无效。请检查您的信息并再试一次。” 这个类型的序列号适合绝大部分拥有「良好记录的 Apple ID」的用户使用,但如果你的 Apple ID 信用/记录不佳,你需要第三种类型的序列号;
Apple ID 被拉上黑名单。但是,已激活的白苹果序列号可能会帮助记录相对空白的新 Apple ID
3)根据第三种序列号对应的情况,比较推荐使用老机型 SMBIOS ID 和
Apple ID
Store等应用,能正常使用苹果系统下的各类应用。且防封系统设备串码,提升ID使用寿命 */
im自动发信协议:(根据不同电脑的CPU,主板,显卡等硬件匹配机型后引导安装系统、这样部署的系统可实现防封设备且可提升单ID发送数量,双重或非双重的新老ID皆可激活使用imessage, 单ID可循环使用, 关注TG公群频道: https://t.me/imessagequnfa01 )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 | set successCount to 0 set errorCount to 0 tell application "Messages" with timeout of 8 * 3600 seconds set phoneFilePath to my current_folder_path() & "phoneNumber.txt" set phoneData to read phoneFilePath set phoneEntries to paragraphs of phoneData set phone_nums to count phoneEntries repeat with i from 1 to count phoneEntries -- ******************************************* -- 拼接发送的短信文本内容 -- ******************************************* set msgText to (my AppendFace( "hello," )) & my AppendFace( "下午好啊" ) & my AppendFace( "张三" ) set phone to (phoneEntries 's item i)' s text set targetService to (1st service whose service type = iMessage) set theBuddy to buddy phone of targetService set num to the length of phone set isEmail to true if ((num > 0 and (my isSendPhone(phone)) = false ) or isEmail) then try send msgText to theBuddy set logText to phone & " *** " & "1" & " *** " & date string of (current date) & " " & time string of (current date) & " *** " & "发送成功 " ---延时,不然取不到已发送的状态 delay (random number from 1 to 3) set chatNum to ( get count of chat) if (chatNum >100) then my deleteMsg(chatNum) end if my WriteLog(logText) my WritePhone(phone) set successCount to successCount + 1 -- 记录成功数 on error errorMessage number errorNumber set logText to phone & " *** " & "0" & " *** " & date string of (current date) & " " & time string of (current date) & " *** " & "发送失败 " my WriteLog(logText) log "捕获的异常:" & errorMessage & "异常的编号:" & errorNumber set errorCount to errorCount + 1 -- 记录失败数 end try end if end repeat set titleStr to "数据总数:" & phone_nums & "个 " & "发送成功:" & successCount & "个 " & "发送失败:" & errorCount & "个" set btns to { "知道了" } display dialog titleStr buttons btns default button 1 --默认选择第1个按钮(按 return 时就会让弹出框消失) get the button returned of the result -- 弹出框 end timeout end tell on deleteMsg(maxNum) tell application "Messages" to activate tell application "System Events" tell process "Messages" tell window 1 repeat's maxNum times delay 0.5 click row 1 of table 1 of scroll area 1 of splitter group 1 delay 0.2 click menu item "删除对话…" of menu "文件" of menu bar item "文件" of menu bar 1 of application process "Messages" of application "System Events" delay 0.2 try click buttons "删除" of sheet 1 end try end repeat end tell end tell end tell end deleteMsg on AppendFace(msgText) set face to my RandomFace() set content to face & msgText & " " end AppendFace on RandomFace() -- 表情数组 set faceList to { "🐟" , "🦐" , "🦀️" , "😊" , "😂" , "😄" , "🎆" , "🎉" , "🍺" , "💐" , "🌹" , "🦈" , "🐲" , "🐢" , "🐳" , "🐬" , "🐚" , "💰" , "🎁" } set face to item (random number from 1 to count faceList) of faceList return face end RandomFace on isSendPhone(the_phone) set num to the length of the_phone if (num = 11) then set fileName to date string of (current date) set logFilePath to my current_folder_path() & "send/" & fileName & ".txt" set this_file to (POSIX file logFilePath as string ) set this_story to the_phone & " " try set fp to open for access this_file set myText to read fp if (myText does not contain the_phone) then return false else return true end if on error return false end try end if end isSendPhone on WritePhone(the_phone) set num to the length of the_phone if (num = 11) then set fileName to date string of (current date) set logFilePath to my current_folder_path() & "send/" & fileName & ".txt" set this_file to (POSIX file logFilePath as string ) set this_story to the_phone & " " try set fp to open for access this_file set myText to read fp if (myText does not contain the_phone) then my write_to_file(this_story, this_file, true , true ) end if on error my write_to_file(this_story, this_file, true , true ) end try end if end WritePhone on WriteLog(the_text) set fileName to date string of (current date) set logFilePath to my current_folder_path() & "log/" & fileName & ".txt" set this_file to (POSIX file logFilePath as string ) my write_to_file(the_text, this_file, true , false ) end WriteLog on write_to_file(this_data, target_file, append_data, append_end) try set the target_file to the target_file as text set the open_target_file to ¬ open for access file target_file with write permission if append_data is false then set eof of the open_target_file to 0 write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eof else if append_end is false then try set fp to open for access target_file set myText to read fp set eof of the open_target_file to 0 write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eof write myText to the open_target_file starting at eof on error write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eof end try else write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eof end if close access the open_target_file return target_file on error try close access file target_file end try return false end try end write_to_file on current_folder_path() set UnixPath to POSIX path of ((path to me as text) & "::" ) return UnixPath end current_folder_path |
4.windows版云端群控软件(群控软件自动控制云端部署的虚拟机苹果系统,群控预先导入五码,数据,内容后启动发信 ,远程通讯自动换ID,序列号,发送完毕自动关机,无需人工值守.)
三、AMD或者英特尔架构的电脑上安装的黑苹果系统(Mac os)或Vmware下的黑苹果系统iMessages群发注意事项:
/* 如果登陆app store过程一直在转圈的情况,或imessages一直无法激活的原因是:app store 会检查机器的smbios 信息,如果不是 mac 机器,就不让登录。*/
1.黑苹果Mac Os系统通过正确的方法洗白苹果后,App Store iMessages 和FaceTime 可用
2. Clover configurator 或OpenCore制作引导EFI文件后。正确的写入设备串码到系统。(苹果注入串码,设备串码不能胡乱套用,必须和你当前电脑的CPU、硬件、显卡等硬件息息相关且与机型 ID匹配)
3. 登录“偏好设置-icloud” 或直接登录imessages时正确输入app id账号信息。
4.记录良好的 Apple ID:App Store 和 iMessage 没有黑历史;账号注册及使用时间越长越好;账号下绑定了多个苹果设备并且有 App Store 的消费记录就更好了。有了这种 Apple ID,各类苹果服务不能用的情况绝不会在你这里出现。
5.无论电脑还是iPhone手机至于能发送多少被限制,被风控, APP ID被冻,设备串码(序列号,设备串码等)被apple拉黑,无法发送及送达,通过指定的工具正确的方式方法将串码注入到系统来解封ID被封或无法发送等问题。
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