了解Maclean Liu|向Maclean Liu提问 Oracle ALLSTARS 全明星(群内有多位Oracle高级售后support,N位OCM和ACE) QQ群 # QQ群号:23549328 # 已经升级到 2000人群,空位多多。欢迎有一定基础的Oracle骨友加入,现在入群需要经过Maclean的技术面试,欢迎面试,请加QQ号:47079569 为好友参加面试 2群基础群 适合刚入门的同学,会共享最佳入门实践和资料 QQ群 # QQ群号:171092051 # 已经升级到 500人的超级群,空位多多,无需面试


spool asm_diag1.txt
set pagesize 1000
set lines 500
col "Group Name"   form a25
col "Disk Name"    form a30
col "State"  form a15
col "Type"   form a7
col "Free GB"   form 9,999
alter session set nls_date_format='DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
select sysdate "Date and Time" from dual;

select * from v$asm_diskgroup order by 1;
select * from v$asm_disk order by 1, 2, 3;
select * from gv$asm_operation order by 1;
select * from v$version where banner like '%Database%' order by 1;
select * from gv$asm_client order by 1;


prompt ASM Disk Groups
prompt ===============

select group_number  "Group"
,      name          "Group Name"
,      state         "State"
,      type          "Type"
,      total_mb/1024 "Total GB"
,      free_mb/1024  "Free GB"
from   v$asm_diskgroup

prompt ASM Disks
prompt ==============

col "Group"          form 999
col "Disk"           form 999
col "Header"         form a9
col "Mode"           form a8
col "Redundancy"     form a10
col "Failure Group"  form a10
col "Path"           form a19

 select group_number  "Group"
,      disk_number   "Disk"
,      header_status "Header"
,      mode_status   "Mode"
,      state         "State"
,      redundancy    "Redundancy"
,      total_mb      "Total MB"
,      free_mb       "Free MB"
,      name          "Disk Name"
,      failgroup     "Failure Group"
,      path          "Path"
from   v$asm_disk
order by group_number
,        disk_number


prompt Instances currently accessing these diskgroups
prompt ==============================================

select c.group_number  "Group"
,      g.name          "Group Name"
,      c.instance_name "Instance"
from   v$asm_client c
,      v$asm_diskgroup g
where  g.group_number=c.group_number

prompt Report the Percentage of Imbalance in all Mounted Diskgroups
prompt ==============================================
select dfail, count(dfail) from
select disk, count(failgroup) as dfail
from x$kfdpartner, v$asm_disk where
number_kfdpartner=disk_number and grp=group_number
group by disk, failgroup
group by dfail; 

select g.name as "GROUP", d.name as "DISK", d.failgroup, fcnt, pcnt,
decode(pcnt - fcnt, 0, 'MUST', 'SHOULD') as action from
(select gnum, DISK1, failgroup, count(failgroup) as fcnt from
(select gnum, DISK1
select d.group_number as gnum, disk as disk1,
count(distinct failgroup) as dfail
from x$kfdpartner, v$asm_disk_stat d where
number_kfdpartner=disk_number and grp=d.group_number
and active_kfdpartner=1
group by d.group_number, disk
), v$asm_disk_stat
where dfail < 3
and disk1=disk_number
and gnum=group_number),
x$kfdpartner, v$asm_disk_stat d where
number_kfdpartner=disk_number and grp=d.group_number and grp=gnum
and disk1=disk
and active_kfdpartner=1
group by gnum, disk1, failgroup),
(select grp, disk, count(disk) as pcnt from x$kfdpartner where
active_kfdpartner=1 group by grp, disk),
v$asm_diskgroup_stat g, v$asm_disk_stat d
where gnum=grp and gnum=g.group_number and gnum=d.group_number and
disk=disk1 and disk=disk_number and
((fcnt = 1 and (pcnt - fcnt) > 3) or ((pcnt - fcnt) = 0))

col TYPE form a15
col FILE_NUMBER form 9999 head FILE_NUM
col GROUP_NUMBER form 9999 head GR_NUM
col GB for 9999.99

select GROUP_NUMBER   ,
 FILE_NUMBER          ,
 INCARNATION          ,
 BLOCK_SIZE           ,
 BLOCKS               ,
 BYTES/1024/1024/1024 GB ,
 TYPE                 ,
 STRIPED              ,
from v$asm_file

prompt free ASM disks and their paths
prompt ===========================
select header_status , mode_status, path from V$asm_disk
where header_status in ('FORMER','CANDIDATE')

show parameter asm
show parameter size
show parameter proc
show parameter cluster
show parameter instance_type
show parameter instance_name

show parameter pfile

show sga

spool off
  Code to be run on the ASM instance. Use file asmdebug.sql  
set newpage none
set linesize 100
spool /tmp/asmdebug.out
-- Get a timestamp
select rpad('>', 10, '>'), to_char(sysdate, 'MON DD HH24:MM:SS') from dual;
-- Diskgroup information
set head off
select 'Diskgroup Information' from dual;
set head on
column name format a15
column DG# format 99
select group_number DG#, name, state, type, total_mb, free_mb from
-- Get the # of Allocation Units  per DG
set head off
select 'Number of AUs per diskgroup' from dual;
set head on
select count(number_kfdat) AU_count, group_kfdat DG# from x$kfdat
group by group_kfdat;
-- Get the # of Allocation Units  per DiskGroup and Disk
set head off
select 'Number of AUs per Diskgroup,Disk' from dual;
col "group#,disk#" for a30
set head on
select count(*)AU_count, GROUP_KFDAT||','||number_kfdat "group#,disk#" from x$kfdat group by GROUP_KFDAT,number_kfdat;
-- Get the # of allocated (V) and free (F) Allocation Units
set head off
select 'Number of allocated (V) and free (F) Allocation Units' from dual;
col "VF" for a2
set head on
select GROUP_KFDAT "group#", number_kfdat "disk#", v_kfdat "VF", count(*)
from x$kfdat
group by GROUP_KFDAT, number_kfdat, v_kfdat;
-- Get the # of Allocation Units per ASM file
set head off
select 'Number of AUs per ASM file ordered by AU count for metadata only'
from dual;
set head on
select count(XNUM_KFFXP) AU_count,  NUMBER_KFFXP file#, GROUP_KFFXP DG# from x$kffxp where NUMBER_KFFXP < 256
order by count(XNUM_KFFXP) ;
-- Get the # of Allocation Units per ASM file by file alias.  Change the
-- system_created Y|N depending if you want the short or long ASM name
set head off
select 'Number of AUs per ASM file ordered by AU count.  This is for non
metadata' from dual;
col name format a60
set head on
select GROUP_KFFXP, NUMBER_KFFXP, name, count(*)
from x$kffxp, v$asm_alias
     group by GROUP_KFFXP, NUMBER_KFFXP, name
-- Get partner information.  This is really only useful if redundancy is other than
-- external.
set head off
select 'The following shows the disk to partner relationship.  This is really only
useful if using normal or high redundancy.' from dual;
set head on
from x$kfdpartner;
-- Another look at file utilization.
set head off
set linesize 132
select 'bytes is the sum of AUs with data in them * 1024^2
space is the sum of all AUs allocated for this file * 1024^2'
from dual;
set head on
col Name format a60
select f.group_number, f.file_number, bytes, space, space/(1024*1024) "InMB", a.name "Name"
from v$asm_file f, v$asm_alias a
where f.group_number=a.group_number and f.file_number=a.file_number
    and system_created='Y'
    order by f.group_number, f.file_number;
-- Get robust disk information
set linesize 400
col failgroup format a20
col label format a20
col name format a40
col path format a40
set head off
select 'Robust disk information' from dual;
set head on
from v$asm_disk;
spool off
    Code to be executed on the database instances using this ASM instance. Use file rdbmsdebug.sql  
set newpage none
spool /tmp/rdbmsdebug.out
-- Get a timestamp
select rpad('>', 10, '>'), to_char(sysdate, 'MON DD HH24:MM:SS') from dual;
-- Get datafile information as the database sees it
set head off
select 'V$DATAFILE information' from dual;
set head on
set linesize 132
col name format a60
select file#, name, block_size, blocks, bytes, bytes/(1024*1024) "InMB",
status from v$datafile;
-- Get controlfile information as the database sees it
set head off
select 'V$CONTROLFILE information' from dual;
set head on
select * from v$controlfile;
-- Get archivelog information as the database sees it
set head off
select 'GV$ARCHIVED_LOG information' from dual;
set head on
select name, thread#, sequence#, blocks*block_size "size", status
status from gv$archived_log
order by thread#,sequence#;
-- Get redolog information as the database sees it
set head off
select 'v$log and v$logfile information' from dual;
set head on
col member format a60
select a.group#, member, thread#, sequence#, bytes, a.status
from v$log a, v$logfile b where a.group# = b.group#
order by thread#;
-- Get tempfiles information as the database sees it
set head off
select 'GV$TEMPFILE information' from dual;
set head on
col name format a60
from gv$tempfile order by inst_id, file#;
spool off
  Other items to collect: System error logs Alert logs from all database and ASM instances All recent trace files from all databases involved and all of the ASM instances All ".trc" files from the ASM instances   check ASM disk space  
1) Determine which (if any) disks contain no free space (ie are below the threshold)
select group_kfdat "group #",
       number_kfdat "disk #",
       count(*) "# AU's"
from x$kfdat a
where v_kfdat = 'V'
and not exists (select *
                from x$kfdat b
                where a.group_kfdat = b.group_kfdat
                and a.number_kfdat = b.number_kfdat
                and b.v_kfdat = 'F')
group by GROUP_KFDAT, number_kfdat;

If no rows are returned ... the following query can also be used

select disk_number "Disk #", free_mb
from v$asm_disk
where group_number = *** disk group number ***
order by 2;

If rows are returned from the first query ... or FREE_MB is less than 100mb in the second ... then there is probably insufficient disk space to allow a rebalance to occur ... Note the Disk #'s for later

2) Determine which files have allocation units on the disk(s) that are on exhausted disks

select name, file_number
from v$asm_alias
where group_number in (select group_kffxp
                                           from x$kffxp
                                           where group_kffxp=*** disk group number ***
                                           and disk_kffxp in (*** disk list from #1 above ***)
                                           and au_kffxp != 4294967294
                                           and number_kffxp >= 256)
and file_number in (select number_kffxp
                                  from x$kffxp
                                  where group_kffxp=*** disk group number ***
                                  and disk_kffxp in (*** disk list from #1 above ***)
                                  and au_kffxp != 4294967294
                                  and number_kffxp >= 256)
and system_created='Y';

3) Free up space so that the rebalance can occur

Using the file list from #2 above ... we will need to either drop or move tablespace(s)/datafile(s) such that all disks that are exhausted have at least 100mb free ...

NOTE ... the AU count above ... should relate to 1mb AU size ... so if a single file ... with at least 100 au's can be dropped or moved ... this
should be sufficient to free up enough space to allow the rebalance to occur

Droppable tablespaces may be things like:
    * temporary tablespaces
    * index tablespaces (assuming you know how to rebuild the indexes)

If none of the tablespaces are droppable then the tablespace(s)/datafile(s) will need to be
    * moved to another diskgroup (at least temporarily) ...
    * dropped using RMAN (with the database shutdown) and will be restored later

   Note 330103.1  How to Move Asm Database Files From one Diskgroup To Another ?

4) Check to see if there is sufficient FREE_MB on the problem disks

select disk_number "Disk #", free_mb
from v$asm_disk
where disk_group = *** disk group number ***
and disk_number in (*** disk list from #1 above ***)
order by 2;

Check Diskgroup Balance

If you want to perform an imbalance check for all mounted diskgroups, run the script in MOS Note 367445.1. If you want to determine if you already have imbalance for a file in an existing diskgroup, use the following query:
select disk_kffxp, sum(size_kffxp) from x$kffxp where group_kffxp=AAA and number_kffxp=BBB and lxn_kffxp=0 group by disk_kffxp order by 2;
Breakdown of input/output is as follows:
  • AAA is the group_number in v$asm_alias
  • BBB is file_number in v$asm_alias
  • disk_kffxp gives us the disk number.
  • size_kffxp is used such that we account for variable sized extents.
  • sum(size_kffxp) provides the number of AUs that are on that disk.
  • lxn_kffxp is used in the query such that we go after only the primary extents, not secondary extents
If you want to check balance from an IO perspective, query the statistics in v$asm_disk_iostat before and after running a large SQL statement. For example, if the running a large query that does just reads, the reads and read_bytes columns should be roughly the same for all disks in the diskgroup.

posted on 2013-03-19 00:47  Oracle和MySQL  阅读(318)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
